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Regarding harm-reduction program for preventing the spreading of

HIV/AIDS in Malaysia

 two key initiatives, Needle Syringe Exchange Programmes (NSEP) and Methadone
Maintenance Therapy (MMT).
 The PWIDs are educated on HIV and prevention in complex and nuanced ways.
 The PWIDs are encouraged to test for HIV as well as receive counselling should they wish
too (HTC)
 Through HTC, more PWIDs are empowered and encouraged to adopt measures which 
prevent the acquisition or transmission of HIV.
 The Ministry of Health has adopted a keen and active role in this years’ conference by way of
leading other government agencies, advising and supporting on ARV,
methadone/buprenorphine being brought into Malaysia,
 Ending AIDS is possible in Malaysia and can be achieved in 2021
 To maximize the impact of investment, the country needs to invest adequately,
timely and strategically at where, who and what to invest in to generate better
returns. The following priorities are based on what works in local context.
 the current low coverage of HIV testing and counselling among key affected
populations is a major bottleneck in the HIV cascade, slowing wider and earlier
access to treatment.
 scale up testing activities – making it accessible in the community in addition to
existing health facilities and to shorten the interval between a positive screening
result, confirmation, and enrolment in HIV care.
 In effort to control spread of HIV among PWID, Malaysia has embarked on
Harm Reduction Programme through provision of needles and syringes and
Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT).
 To end AIDS, the country need to scale-up prevention programme to cover at
least 80% of other key affected populations.
 The key is to target investment where it will have the greatest impact: test and
treat, target shifting for harm reduction

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