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Informational Lobbying and Legislative Voting

Keith E. Schnakenberg University of Kentucky

Abstract: I analyze a model of interest group influence on legislative voting through information transmission. The model
shows how interest groups may craft different messages to target different winning coalitions in order to influence the
outcome. If access to legislators is costly, then interest groups prefer to coordinate with allied legislators by providing them
with information that helps them to persuade less sympathetic legislators. The model reconciles informational theories of
lobbying with empirical evidence suggesting that interest groups predominantly lobby those who already agree with them.
The model also makes new predictions about the welfare effects of interest group influence: From an ex ante perspective,
informational lobbying negatively affects the welfare of legislators. The results highlight the need for more theories of
persuasion that take collective choice institutions into account.

Replication Materials: The data, code, and any additional materials required to replicate all analyses in this article are
available on the American Journal of Political Science Dataverse within the Harvard Dataverse Network, at:

nterest group influence is commonly seen as a con- that can explain the prevalence of persuasive efforts by
sequence of strategic information transmission from interest groups as well as which politicians they choose to
lobbyists to legislators. Legislators lack information lobby.
about the electoral or policy consequences of their deci- This study illustrates one way that informational ac-
sions. Lobbyists acquire relevant information and use it counts of lobbying can be reconciled with the empirical
to present biased advice to lawmakers. This informational evidence. Many of the apparent limitations of informa-
view of interest group lobbying originated from classic ac- tional lobbying theories do not stem from the idea of lob-
counts of interest group behavior1 and continued through bying as persuasion but from other auxiliary simplifying
formal models of communication under asymmetric assumptions. Most notably, most informational models
information.2 involve only one legislator. This is limiting in two ways.
The most significant challenge to informational the- First, interest groups do not lobby a single legislator in a
ories of lobbying comes from Hall and Deardorff (2006). vacuum but must instead build coalitions in favor of their
The puzzle is the following: Informational theories of preferred policy. Second, though one-legislator models
lobbying predict that interest groups will concentrate on depict the legislator as a passive recipient of information,
lobbying the legislators who need persuading. In con- legislators are active advocates and partners of interest
trast, real lobbyists focus on legislators who already agree groups.
with them. Therefore, Hall and Deardorff conclude that I consider a series of models that show how predic-
most lobbying is not about changing Legislators’ minds. tions about informational lobbying can be dramatically
Instead, lobbying is budget-based: Lobbyists subsidize the different for multimember legislatures. First, the condi-
work of like-minded legislators in order to make them tions under which persuasion can be successful are con-
more effective champions of their mutual goals. siderably different in legislatures. Though it may seem
Should we conclude that lobbying has little to do obvious that persuading one member of Congress is eas-
with persuasion? I argue that this conclusion would be ier than persuading 218, majority rule actually expands
misguided. In fact, data from case studies, surveys, and opportunities for persuasion. The mechanism exploits
in-depth interviews suggest that lobbyists commonly try the fact that some information has asymmetric effects
to persuade lawmakers. Interest group scholars therefore on legislators. Since the interest group only needs a win-
face a challenge: We must develop theories of lobbying ning coalition to support its preferred policy, its welfare is

Keith Schnakenberg is Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Martin School of Public Policy and Administration, University of Kentucky,
429 Patterson Office Tower, Lexington, KY 40506-0027 (
See, for instance, Truman (1953, 332–35), Bauer, Pool, and Dexter (1972, chap. 10–12), and Milbrath (1963, chap. 9–13).
These will be reviewed in more detail below. See Grossman and Helpman (2001) and Wright (1996) for detailed reviews of these models.
American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 00, No. 0, February 2016, Pp. 1–17

C 2016, Midwest Political Science Association DOI: 10.1111/ajps.12249


unchanged when legislators outside that winning coali- groups should lobby,5 and the effects of legislative insti-
tion receive negative information about the policy. There- tutions.6 However, vote-buying models do not explain
fore, an interest group can influence policies by designing the majority of interest group behaviors. For example,
its messaging strategy to target different winning coali- lobbying expenditures greatly exceed campaign contri-
tions at different times. butions for most interest groups,7 and lobbying expen-
Informational lobbying to multimember legislatures ditures are generally not direct transfers to politicians.
also has significantly different policy implications com- Furthermore, lobbying firms exert more effort to hire pol-
pared to single-legislator environments. Though infor- icy experts, conduct policy research, and make substan-
mation transmission to a rational decision maker is tive claims to politicians than would be expected from a
always welfare enhancing, those welfare gains can be re- pure vote-buying perspective. Thus, though vote-buying
versed in voting environments (Schnakenberg 2015). In models have proven to be analytically useful, these mod-
this model, interest group lobbying is bad for legislators’ els should be supplemented with explanations for how
welfare: Most legislators expect to be outside of the win- lobbyists substantively advocate for policy alternatives.
ning coalition often enough that they would prefer to bar Another mechanism for interest group influence is
the interest group from offering any advice. informational: Interest groups have policy information
I also show that informational lobbying may be most that legislators crave, and they gain influence by strategi-
often directed at allies. This result rests on two facts: Access cally revealing that information to sway legislators toward
to legislators is costly, and legislators can actively lobby their preferred policy. Early models of informational lob-
for their preferred position. Given this, interest groups bying formalized this intuition. Potters and Van Winden
prefer to gain access to allied legislators and provide them (1990) demonstrated the effectiveness of informational
with information that helps them persuade opponents. political pressure in a dynamic game between an inter-
The ultimate goal is persuasion of opponents through est group and a legislator. Another two-player model by
information transmission, but the mechanism is one in Potters and Van Winden (1992) showed that conflicts of
which lobbyists gain influence by supporting the efforts interest between interest groups and legislators can pre-
of like-minded legislators. vent credible informational lobbying and that the impo-
sition of lobbying costs restores credibility when conflicts
of interest are not too severe.8 Austen-Smith and Wright
(1992) analyzed a model in which two opposing interest
Existing Theories groups transmit information to a single legislator in or-
der to influence her vote and showed that informational
Theories of lobbying propose a variety of mechanisms lobbying can improve the legislator’s policy decisions.
through which interest groups might influence policy. Scholars quickly recognized a limitation of informa-
One such mechanism, typically postulated in models of tional lobbying theories: They could not explain why in-
vote buying, is that interest groups trade resources such terest groups predominantly lobby policy makers who
as campaign contributions for favorable votes (Grossman are already convinced of their positions.9 Austen-Smith
and Helpman 1994, 2001). Vote-buying models moti- and Wright (1994) offered the first potential solution to
vated work seeking to explain how contributions influ-
ence policy despite the incentives of politicians to renege 5
Denzau and Munger (1986) show that interest groups ought to
on agreements after contributions are made.3 Further- buy votes from legislators whose constituents are indifferent about
the policy.
more, scholars have embedded vote buying into settings
with many legislators to analyze whether interest groups Diermeier and Myerson (1999), for example, utilize a vote-buying
model to show that bicameral legislatures have an incentive to
buy bare majorities or supermajorities,4 whom interest create institutional hurdles within each chamber to maximize their
monetary payoffs.
3 Drutman (2015), in Figure 1.6 of his book, shows that corpo-
For instance, McCarty and Rothenberg (1996) suggest that com- rate lobbying expenditures are, on average, 12 times higher than
mitment problems stand in the way of long-term relationships campaign contributions.
between donors and legislators, whereas Kroszner and Stratmann
(2005) suggest that some of these commitment problems can be This relates to a more general point, due to Crawford and Sobel
resolved by rewarding legislators for building a reputation for con- (1982), that cheap talk is less informative the more the preferences
sistent policy support. of the sender and receiver diverge.
4 9
For instance, Groseclose and Snyder (1996) show that interest The fact that interest groups predominantly lobby allies is well
groups are incentivized to buy coalitions larger than minimal win- known. See, for example, Bauer, Pool, and Dexter (1972, 353) and
ning coalitions when lobbying is competitive and interest groups Hojnacki and Kimball (1998, 1999), though see Kollman (1997)
move sequentially. for an alternative explanation for this fact.

this problem in the form of counteractive lobbying: In- Prominent case studies also lend support to the idea
terest groups may sometimes lobby allies in order to pre- that lobbyists engage in persuasion. For instance, Hansen
vent them from being influenced by opposing lobbyists.10 (1991) argued that the farm lobby gained influence by
However, as Hall and Deardorff (2006) note, this theory providing information to legislators about how con-
does not fully account for the empirical patterns. The stituents would react to policy choices. Wright’s (1996,
counteractive lobbying model predicts that “groups do 97–103) analysis of lobbying efforts surrounding Robert
lobby their allies, but they lobby only their weak allies, do Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court showed that
so no more than their weak enemies, and do so less than lobbyists used a combination of persuasion and grass-
undecided legislators” (71). roots lobbying to achieve their goals. In another example,
An alternative theory, suggested by Bauer, Pool, and Drutman and Hopkins (2013) analyzed the corpus
Dexter (1972, 353) and more fully articulated in Hall and of emails sent by Enron employees.13 The emails re-
Deardorff (2006), is that interest group lobbyists provide vealed that Enron’s lobbying efforts relied on using their
labor and expertise to subsidize the work of legislators “monopoly on policy-relevant information” to persuade
who already agree with them. In this theory, persuasion legislators (20). All of this evidence suggests that a sig-
has little to do with most lobbying, since “the proxi- nificant proportion of lobbyists’ time is spent on activ-
mate objective of this strategy is not to change legislators’ ities more clearly associated with informational lobby-
minds” (69). Lobbying as persuasion is possible, accord- ing. Current theories cannot simultaneously explain the
ing to Hall and Deardorff, but should be expected only prevalence of informational tactics and groups’ predom-
under relatively rare circumstances. inant focus on allies.
Hall and Deardorff’s (2006) explanation solves one
puzzle but creates another: If lobbyists simply subsidize
like-minded legislators, why do they waste so much time Legislators and Interest Groups as
building a case for their policies? Surveys of interest group
representatives seem to suggest that persuasion is an im-
Partners in Advocacy
portant component of influence. In Schlozman and Tier-
ney’s (1986) survey, for instance, the top three activities One mechanism for persuasion by lobbyists, which has
that consume time and resources for organizations are been noted but not explored systematically in previous
contacting government officials to present their point of theoretical models, is that lobbyists use their allies as
view (35%), testifying at hearings (27%), and present- intermediaries to persuade less sympathetic legislators.
ing research results (27%).11 More recent evidence paints For instance, Austen-Smith and Wright (1994, 36) rec-
a similar picture. In Baumgartner et al. (2009), 61% of ognize the possibility that respondents to their question-
organizations relied on disseminating in-house research naires may “consider lobbying to involve consultations
to policy makers and 46% relied on disseminating exter- with their legislative friends in order to have them in-
nal research, whereas only 39% helped draft legislative directly lobby other less sympathetic legislators.” Hall
language.12 and Deardorff (2006, 79) point to the same possibility
as a way that their theory may complement informa-
tional lobbying theories, noting that lobbyists “should
Vote-buying models have also predicted that interest groups
should lobby fence-sitters and moderate opponents. In that litera- also provide political intelligence to their legislative al-
ture, Groseclose and Snyder’s (1996) explanation for lobbying su- lies so that the latter might employ preference-centered
permajorities is similar to Austen-Smith and Wright’s (1994) model strategies with their uncommitted colleagues.” Similarly,
of counteractive lobbying. The intuition is that interest groups must
expand the set of individuals they are willing to lobby when they
Ainsworth (1997, 526) notes that “when lobbying enter-
face competition from other groups. prises exist, lobbyists are most apt to concentrate their
This information is found in Table 7.2 (Schlozman and Tierney
activities on their congressional allies, insuring that their
1986, 151). Subsidy-like activities were also common in these data: allies have sufficient means to mobilize other legislators.”
Consulting with officials to plan legislative strategy (19%) was the
seventh-ranked activity consuming time and resources, helping
draft legislation (11%) was the 11th-ranked activity, and drafting
regulations (7%) was 16th; contributing personnel to campaigns personal contact with members of Congress was the most com-
(2%) and doing favors for officials who need assistance (2%) also monly used tactic (81%), though the question wording made it
consumed time and resources for a small number of organizations. less clear whether personal contact was related to persuasion rather
12 than conducting day-to-day business.
This information comes from Table 8.1 of Baumgartner et al.
(2009). There were some notable differences from Schlozman and Emails sent by Enron employees were acquired by the Federal En-
Tierney’s (1986) data: For instance, testifying at hearings was rela- ergy Regulatory Commission during its investigation of the com-
tively less common (14.8%). As in Schlozman and Tierney’s survey, pany and were later made public by researchers.

Qualitative data also document lobbyists using allies terizing informational lobbying in an environment with
as intermediaries to persuade unsympathetic legislators. multiple legislators but where an interest group has auto-
For instance, in a sweeping study of lobbyists involving matic access to all legislators. The interest group is the only
over 300 in-depth interviews with policy advocates and player with private information and is able to communi-
structured data on over 2,000 advocates over a large num- cate directly to every legislator, so the legislator advocacy
ber of issue areas, Mahoney and Baumgartner (2015, 208– is irrelevant.
209) conclude that “outsiders and insiders together decide
who might be the most effective contact for a given target, Game Play and Payoffs. Consider a legislature N con-
what argument might be most compelling to that individ- sisting of n legislators who must decide whether or not
ual, and they all share information such as vote tallies.” to pass a proposed policy. An interest group P represents
The authors cite examples from in-depth interviews, in proponents of the new policy and may lobby the legisla-
which advocates indicated that they worked closely with tors on behalf of its members. The interest group’s method
legislative allies to discuss how to approach messaging to of lobbying is to strategically transmit information about
other legislators in order to broaden the coalition in favor the effects of the policy to the legislators.
of their side. The legislators are uncertain about some piece of in-
Though scholars of interest groups appear to share formation that affects whether or not they should vote for
a casual understanding that lobbyists use allied legisla- the proposal. For instance, the legislators may lack infor-
tors as intermediaries for persuasion, this phenomenon mation about the effects of the proposed policy or about
is mostly absent from formal theories of lobbying to date. public opinion in their districts regarding the proposal
One exception is an article by Caillaud and Tirole (2007), (Truman 1953). Following typical game-theoretic con-
which also explores strategies that can be used to persuade ventions, all of the unknown policy-relevant information
a voting body to pass a bill. In that model, the lobbyist is represented by a state of the world, labeled ␻. Specifi-
has no private information but can offer legislators a re- cally, the state of the world is a vector of n zeros and ones,
port that allows them to determine relevant information where element i is equal to one if legislator i ought to vote
for themselves. By targeting key legislators, the lobbyist in favor of the proposal and zero otherwise. For instance,
can sometimes engineer “persuasion cascades” in which if n = 3, the state ␻ = (1, 0, 1) means that Legislators 1
bringing key members on board sways the opinions of and 3 will receive higher utility if the proposal passes and
others. The mechanism in this article differs from Cail- Legislator 2 will receive higher utility if the proposal fails.
laud and Tirole, since persuasion cascades are driven not The set  = {0, 1}n represents all feasible states of the
by communication but by correlation between players’ world.
payoffs that lead some voters to support a policy once Though the legislators are ignorant of the value of ␻,
they learn that another voter benefits. they share common prior beliefs. These beliefs are repre-
sented by a function f , according to which each legislator
i ∈ N is associated with a probability pi ∈ (0, 1) of bene-
A Theory of Informational Lobbying fiting from the proposal, and these probabilities are inde-
in a Legislature pendent across legislators. Formally, if p = ( p1 , . . . , pn ),
the prior probability distribution for each ␻ =
The limitations of most informational lobbying models (␻1 , . . . , ␻n ) ∈  is equal to f (␻, p) = i ∈N pi␻i (1 −
stem from two common assumptions: that the targets of pi )1−␻i . The common prior is meant to represent all of
interest groups’ lobbying efforts can be reduced to a single the publicly available information that informs what leg-
representative policy maker and that role of the legislator islators think about the policy prior to the introduction
is limited to receiving information and voting rather than of any private information from interest groups.
actively lobbying. In this section, I argue that relaxing The sequence of play is as follows. First, P observes
both assumptions allows us to construct models of in- the state of the world. This represents the idea that the
formational lobbying that are more in line with existing interest group has obtained some private information —
empirical findings. perhaps through private research or polling, or because it
has special expertise on the policy issue — that it can use to
try to persuade the legislators of its position. Second, P
Model 1: Lobbying with Unlimited Access communicates to the legislators. Communication takes
the form of a message m P , which is an element of the
I relax the two traditional assumptions one at a time in set . For example, if n = 3, the message m P = (0, 1, 1)
order to help build intuition. Thus, I begin by charac- would be taken as a recommendation for Legislators 2

and 3 to vote in favor of the proposal and for Legislator 1 updating — following all messages. This ensures that in-
to vote against it. The messages are cheap talk, meaning terest group influence results from structural aspects of
that their content does not directly affect the payoffs of legislative policymaking rather than from psychological
the players. Finally, the legislators update their beliefs biases that make legislators easily manipulable.
about the probability of benefiting from the policy and The analysis characterizes perfect Bayesian equilibria
take an up-or-down vote over whether to implement the in weakly undominated strategies. An equilibrium to the
new policy. The legislature operates according to a q - game is a profile of strategies such that (a) P ’s messaging
majority rule, meaning that the proposal passes if and choices maximize its expected payoff given the legislators’
only if at least q legislators vote in favor of it, where strategies, (b) legislators vote in favor of the proposal if
< q < n. The policy outcome is represented by the and only if ␲i (m)H − (1 − ␲i (m))L ≥ 0, and (c) ␲i (m)
variable x, where x = 1 when the proposal passes and is never inconsistent with Bayesian updating given P ’s
x = 0 when the proposal fails. strategy.
Each legislator i ∈ N has preferences represented by Like all cheap talk games, this game admits mul-
the utility function tiple equilibria, some of which involve no information
⎧ transmission at all. Unless no other equilibria exist, unin-
⎨H if x = 1 and ␻i = 1
ui (x, ␻) = −L if x = 1 and ␻i = 0 (1) formative equilibria are implausible: Any interest group
⎩ should fire a lobbyist who babbles uninformatively when
0 if x = 0,
it is possible to influence outcomes instead. Therefore, I
where H and L are both positive numbers. P ’s preferences will focus on equilibria that are optimal from the perspec-
are represented by the utility function u P (x) = x. In other tive of the interest group.
words, P always prefers that the legislature vote to pass
the proposal, regardless of the state of the world. Analysis. My analysis of the model of lobbying with un-
limited access seeks answers to three questions: When is it
Strategies and Equilibrium. The players’ strategies are possible for the interest group to influence the outcome?
plans describing how they will play the game at every When influence is possible at all, what kinds of messaging
information set. P ’s strategy, denoted ␴P , prescribes a strategies help the interest group to be influential? Finally,
probability distribution over possible messages for each what are the implications of interest group influence for
possible state of the world. Thus, ␴P (m|␻) is the proba- legislators’ welfare? Proofs of all results are contained in
bility that P sends the message m after learning that the the appendix.
state of the world is equal to ␻. For each i ∈ N, legislator An influential equilibrium is one in which a proposal
i ’s strategy is a function vi describing how that legislator that would have failed passes with some positive proba-
will vote following every possible message by P .14 The bility due to P ’s lobbying efforts. Though this definition
entire profile of legislators’ voting strategies is denoted allows for different outcomes following different states or
v = (v1 , . . . , vn ). messages, the assumptions of the model imply a stronger
In addition to the players’ strategies, the equilib- notion of influence: If P influences policy at all, the pro-
rium predictions depend on the beliefs of the legisla- posal must pass with probability 1. The reason is that P
tors. Though the legislators’ prior beliefs are part of the cannot commit to messaging strategies that cause passage
definition of the game, the analysis also relies on the legis- following some messages and failure following others. P
lators’ conditional beliefs following communication with would deviate from such a strategy by only sending suc-
the interest group. Let ␲i (m) denote the legislators’ be- cessful messages.
liefs about the probability that ␻i = 1 given that P has
sent the message m.15 Legislators’ conditional beliefs are Lemma 1. In any influential equilibrium, the proposal
assumed to be correct — that is, consistent with Bayesian passes with probability 1.

It follows from Lemma 1 that if the legislature were
I allow the interest group to play a mixed strategy but limit the
legislators to pure strategies. When it is relevant, I assume that
replaced with a single policy maker, then it would be im-
legislators vote in favor of the proposal when they are indifferent, possible for P to influence the outcome: Suppose that
though relaxing this assumption would affect the results only in P could influence this single policy maker (N = {1})
knife-edge cases. whose prior expected utility from passing the proposal
The notation␲i (m) is not a full description of a legislator’s pos-
terior beliefs, but only the decision-relevant component of those 
beliefs. Let () denote the set of all probability distributions ␲i (m) = ␻:␻i =1 g (␻|m). This formulation is used in the ap-
over . The full posterior belief is a function g :  → () giv- pendix, but I focus on ␲i (m) in the main text to simplify the
ing the probability of each ␻ ∈  following any message. Then presentation.

is negative. Lemma 1 tells us that the policy maker are even less likely to benefit from the proposal and are
must always approve the proposal, which means that even more strongly opposed than prior to P ’s lobbying
␲1 (m) > p1 following every speechm by P . However, the efforts, but this does not affect the payoff of P , who is
law of total probability tells us that m∈ ␲1 (m) Pr[m p = only interested in whether or not the proposal passes.
m] = p1 , so it can never be true that every posterior belief The next results establish general conditions under
is more optimistic than the prior. which P may influence the legislature. Lemma 2 pro-
Why should influence work differently when the tar- vides a necessary and sufficient condition for existence
get is a legislature rather than a single policy maker? To see of an influential equilibrium. Proposition 1 provides a
the difference, consider an example involving a majority- comparative statics result and a more easily interpretable
rule committee of three legislators. sufficient (but not necessary) condition for interest group
Example 1. Let n = 3. The committee uses a simple The set of posterior distributions for which the pro-
majority rule (q = 2). Suppose that a proposed project posal passes is the set of all distributions over {0, 1}n such
costs $200 per district and each legislator believes that that at least q voters have a probability of at least H+L of
the project would yield her district a benefit worth $600 benefiting from the policy. That is, the approval set is
with probability 14 (in terms of the model setup, we have   
L = 200, H = 600 − 200 = 400, and p1 = p2 = p3 = 
Wq = g ∈ ({0, 1} ) :  i ∈ N : Eg [␻i ] ≥
1 H+L 
). Without any lobbying, the proposal would fail in a
unanimous vote, since every legislator’s expected benefit ≥ q} , (2)
is −$50. A legislator should support the proposal only if where (S) denotes the set of all probability distribu-
the posterior belief that her district will benefit is at least tions over any set S. Note that elements of Wq need not
. be distributions that can be expressed as n independent
Consider the following strategy for P . After observ- probabilities, so each g ∈ Wk is a vector of probabili-
ing which legislators benefit from the project, P will ties over all 2n different combinations of winners. Let
choose a minimal winning coalition of two legislators and co(Wq ) denote the convex hull of Wq , that is, the set of all
recommend that they vote in favor. P chooses among the probability distributions that can be expressed as convex
three minimal winning coalitions in the following way: If combinations of distributions in Wq .
no legislators benefit from the project, P chooses a ran-
dom coalition. If one legislator benefits from the project, Lemma 2. There is an influential equilibrium in Model 1
P randomly chooses between the two coalitions that in- if and only if f (␻, p) ∈ Wq and f (␻, p) ∈ co(Wq ).
clude the true beneficiary (e.g., if ␻ = (1, 0, 0), then P The argument for Lemma 2 characterizes the possi-
will choose randomly between (1, 1, 0) and (1, 0, 1)). If ble messaging strategies in terms of the posterior beliefs
exactly two legislators benefit from the project, P chooses generated by each message in its support. By Lemma 1,
the coalition consisting of both true beneficiaries with proving existence of an influential equilibrium requires
probability 1. If all legislators benefit from the project, P verifying that some messaging strategy leads to passage
chooses a random coalition. with probability 1. In other words, we must verify the exis-
Table 1 depicts the signaling strategy and the prior tence of some messaging strategy such that every message
and posterior probability calculations for this example. sent by P leads to a posterior belief in Wq . Fortunately,
For the two legislators in the chosen coalition, the poste- previous work shows that a set of posterior beliefs can
rior probability of benefiting is now 128 , which is greater be generated by realizations of a signal if and only if the
than 3 , so two legislators will always vote “yes.” The poste- prior distribution is in their convex hull (Kamenica and
rior probability of benefiting for the remaining legislator Gentzkow 2011). Thus, an influential equilibrium can be
is 64 (i.e., the probability of three beneficiaries), so one supported if and only if the prior distribution is in the
legislator will always vote “no.”  convex hull of the approval set.17
Example 1 shows that a lobbyist may persuade a ma-
jority of legislators to support her position even when 16
The equilibrium conditions state that vi = Yes if and only if
none of the legislators would have been persuadable on ␲i (m)H − (1 − ␲i (m))L ≥ 0. It follows from simple algebraic ma-
their own. The lobbyist persuades the legislators by tar- nipulations that vi = Yes if and only if ␲i (m) ≥ L +H
geting different winning coalitions in different states of 17
Kamenica and Gentzkow (2011) analyze a model of information
the world. Following each message, members of the tar- control in which the sender does not have private information but
geted coalition learn that they have a higher probability of can design the content of a public signal. Alonzo and Câmara (2015)
apply the same information control framework to a voting setting.
benefiting from the proposal and vote in favor of passage. A cheap talk model can be seen as a constraint on the information
The remaining members of the legislature learn that they control model that limits attention only to signals that can be

TABLE 1 Calculations for Example 1

␻ ␴P ((1, 1, 0)|␻) ␴P ((1, 0, 1)|␻) ␴P ((0, 1, 1)|␻) f (␻, p) Pr[␻|(1, 1, 0)] Pr[␻|(1, 0, 1)] Pr[␻|(0, 1, 1)]
(0,0,0) 1
/3 1
/3 1
/3 27
/64 /64
27 27
/64 27
(0,0,1) 0 1
/2 1
/2 9
/64 0 27
/128 27
(0,1,0) 1
/2 0 1
/2 9
/64 27
/128 0 27
(0,1,1) 0 0 1 3
/64 0 0 9
(1,0,0) 1
/2 1
/2 0 9
/64 27
/128 27
/128 0
(1,0,1) 0 1 0 3
/64 0 9
/64 0
(1,1,0) 1 0 0 3
/64 9
/64 0 0
(1,1,1) 1
/3 1
/3 1
/3 1
/64 1
/64 1
/64 1
m P = (1, 1, 0) m P = (1, 0, 1) m P = (0, 1, 1)
␲1 (m P ): 47
/128 47
/128 1
␲2 (m P ): 47
/128 1
/64 47
␲3 (m P ): 1
/64 47
/128 47
Note: In the top half of the table, the first column lists each possible state of the world. The second, third, and fourth columns show the
probabilities of the messages (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), and (0, 1, 1), respectively, given each state of the world. The fifth column shows the prior
probability of each state of the world. The sixth, seventh, and eighth columns show the posterior probability of each state of the world
given the messages (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), and (0, 1, 1), respectively. Since the total probability of each message is 1/3 , each posterior following
each message M is 3 · (␴p (m P |␻) f (␻, p). The bottom half of the table shows each legislator’s posterior probability of benefiting from
the policy following each message, calculated for each i by adding up the posterior probabilities of all states for which ␻i = 1. Posterior
probabilities that lead the legislator to vote in favor of passage are highlighted in boldface.

Lemma 2 is useful but does not easily lend itself to f (␻, p), then there is also an influential equi-
empirical predictions. Fortunately, Lemma 2 gives rise to librium when prior beliefs are f (␻, p̂), holding
more easily interpretable results that relate the existence everything else equal.
of influential equilibria to the legislators’ prior proba- 2. There exists p ∗ ∈ (0, H+L
) such that if pi ≥ p ∗
bilities of benefiting from the policy. Proposition 1 has for all i ∈ N, then there exists an equilibrium in
two parts. The first part shows that influential equilibria which the proposal always passes.
are monotonic with respect to the prior distribution: If
P can influence the legislature under one prior distri- The proof of Proposition 1 involves two steps. First,
bution, then P can still guarantee passage if we increase to prove Part 1, I demonstrate that if the prior distri-
some legislators’ probabilities of benefiting and leave the bution f (␻, p) is in the convex hull of Wq , then so is
rest of the game unaltered. The second part of Proposi- any distribution f (␻, p̂) with p̂ ≥ p, which implies (by
tion 1 shows that one sufficient condition for influence Lemma 2) that an influential equilibrium still exists for
can be stated in terms of a simple cutoff, labeled p ∗ . If all the increased prior distribution. Second, to prove Part 2, I
legislators’ prior probabilities of benefiting are above p ∗ , first assume that pi = p j = p for all i and j in N and de-
then there exists an equilibrium in which the proposal rive the minimum value p ∗ of p for which there exists an
always passes. Importantly, p ∗ is strictly lower than the influential equilibrium. Part 1 of the proposition implies
belief at which legislators would support passage with- that there is also an equilibrium when legislators have dif-
out lobbying, so the cutoff result shows again that P can ferent probabilities of benefiting but all probabilities are
persuade the legislature to pass a proposal that otherwise weakly greater than p ∗ .
would have failed. Corollary 1 documents three substantive points
Proposition 1. In Model 1: about legislator welfare that follow from the previous
results. First, any influential equilibrium reduces the ex
1. Let p̂ ≥ p and assume f (␻, p̂) ∈ Wq . If there is ante expected utility of at least n − q + 1 legislators. This
an influential equilibrium when prior beliefs are point follows directly from Lemma 1. Since the proposal
must pass with probability 1 in an influential equilibrium,
credibly disclosed when the sender knows the state of the world. the ex ante expected utility of each legislator is equal to her
Thus, Lemma 2 could be attained by applying Alonzo and Câmara’s expected benefit from passing the proposal. Since it is as-
(2015) results and adding the requirement that the proposal passes
with probability 1. Geometrically, the result relies on the fact that sumed that the proposal would have failed in the absence
Wq is not a convex set. of lobbying and therefore that P ’s influence was necessary

for passage, this must mean that fewer than q legislators other legislators about their probability of benefiting, P
prefer informational lobbying over no lobbying. can eliminate any information about the ally’s benefit
Second, there are some parameters under which an without changing the behavior of the remaining legisla-
influential equilibrium could unanimously reduce the tors.
welfare of the legislators. This point follows from the
second part of Proposition 1. Since there is an influen-
tial equilibrium if pi ≥ p ∗ for all i ∈ N and p ∗ is strictly
lower than the probability that would lead a legislator to Model 2: Lobbying with Limited Access
support passage ex ante, an influential equilibrium might
exist when no legislators would support passage. In these The preceding model clarifies how influencing a leg-
cases, influential equilibria are bad for the welfare of all islature differs from influencing an individual policy
legislators. Though the first welfare result is true of all maker and spells out the machinery of building coalitions
influential equilibria in this article, unanimously harmful through information transmission. By designing many
lobbying will be much more difficult to support when messages that target different winning coalitions, a lobby-
access to legislators is costly. ist can influence a legislature when influencing a unitary
Third, influence is more difficult for higher superma- policy maker would have been impossible. However, since
jority rules. This follows immediately from the definition the model involves only public messages sent to all leg-
of the equilibria but is substantively useful because it re- islators, it does not enable us to make predictions about
lates to institutional arguments made elsewhere. In fact, a who each interest group should lobby. In this section, I
common argument in favor of supermajority rules is that expand the model to include situations in which gaining
they help prevent capture by special interests (McGinnis access to individual legislators is costly. Since lobbying
and Rappaport 1998). with limited access may create information asymmetries
between legislators, the expanded model also allows leg-
Corollary 1. The following facts hold for Model 1: islators to actively lobby by passing information along to
their peers.
1. Any influential equilibrium reduces the ex ante ex-
pected utility of at least n − q + 1 legislators com-
pared to the outcome with no information trans-
mission. Game Play and Payoffs. The game with limited access
2. There exist parameters under which an influential to legislators involves two additional moves. First, before
equilibrium reduces the ex ante expected utility of P learns the state of the world, it must decide whether to
all legislators compared to the outcome with no invest in access to each legislator. Gaining access to legis-
information transmission. lators is costly — either in time and effort or in campaign
3. Let q  > q  . If there is an influential equilibrium contributions — so P prefers to gain access to the mini-
when q = q  , the interest group can also guarantee mum number of legislators required to influence policy.
passage when q = q  . The communication stage now differs from the previous
model in that P ’s messages are perceived only by those
Finally, Lemma 3 sets the stage for the analysis of legislators to whom it has gained access. Second, after P ’s
the game with costly access. Part 3 shows that if P has communication effort but prior to voting, legislators are
at least one ally in the legislature (i.e., a legislator who recognized to speak publicly. Since only the legislators
would have approved the proposal without any lobbying) lobbied by P possess information that is unavailable to
and there is an influential equilibrium to the game, then other legislators, we will focus only on those legislators’
there is an outcome-equivalent influential equilibrium in speeches, and they will choose between passing on P ’s
which some ally learns nothing about her probability of message or simply remaining silent.
benefiting from the proposal. The full sequence of play is as follows. First, P chooses
whether or not to invest in access to each legislator. Let
Lemma 3. Assume that pi ≥ L /(H + L ) for some i . Then
A P denote the set of legislators to whom P has access.
any influential equilibrium is outcome-equivalent to one in
Second, P observes the state of the world and chooses
which ␲i (m) = pi for all m ∈ .
a cheap talk message m P ∈ , which is revealed only to
Lemma 3 results from the assumption that the prior legislators in A P . Third, legislators in A P are recognized
probabilities of benefits are independent. Since the ally to speak, at which point they may either reveal m P to
legislator’s benefit does not give any information to the their fellow legislators (␮i = 1) or reveal no information

(␮i = 0).18 Finally, legislators update their beliefs and ␲i (Ii ))L ≥ 0, and (d) ␲i (Ii ) is never inconsistent with
vote as in Model 1. Bayesian updating using the other players’ strategies.
Legislators’ utility functions are the same as in Model
1. P has the same preferences over policies but now Analysis. The analysis of Model 2 shows how interest
pays a cost for gaining access to legislators. P ’s prefer- groups may use allies as intermediaries to persuade less
ences are represented by the utility function u P (x, A P ) = sympathetic legislators. Equilibria involving intermedi-
x − c |A P |, where |A P | is the total number of legislators in aries share characteristics in common with previous in-
A P and c ∈ [0, 1) is the per legislator cost of access. When formational and budget-based theories of lobbying. As in
c = 0, P has unlimited access to the legislature and legis- other informational theories of lobbying, the goal is to
lators’ speeches are irrelevant, so Model 1 can be recovered persuade legislators to change their vote by strategically
as a special case of this game. transmitting information. However, as in budget-based
The addition of costly access to the model aligns this theories, interest groups target allies for lobbying to help
study with other models of informational lobbying with them achieve their mutual goals. It is important to make
costly access (Austen-Smith 1995, 1998; Cotton 2009. the distinction between the targets of lobbying activity
2012, 2015). In those models, contributions may enhance and the targets of persuasion: Interest groups focus on
the credibility of information transmission, either about lobbying allies, but they do so to help persuade their
policy or about interest group preferences. In contrast, opponents.
interest groups in this model make contributions prior To illustrate how an interest group may use allies
to learning the state of the world, so contributions do as intermediaries for informational lobbying, consider
not provide additional information beyond what would another three-legislator example.
be expected in cheap talk models. Substantively, this as-
sumption is justified by conceptualizing access to legisla- Example 2. As in Example 1, there is a committee of
tors as a long-term decision rather than as a response to n = 3 legislators that makes decisions according to a sim-
a particular policy. ple majority rule (q = 2). Also as in Example 1, the pro-
posed project costs $200 per district and yields a benefit
Strategies and Equilibrium. P ’s strategy in Model 2 has for $600 to some number of districts. In this example,
two elements: a set A P of legislators to whom P will invest however, the prior probabilities of benefiting are asym-
in access, and a messaging strategy ␴P that now prescribes metric: Legislator 1 receives the benefit with probability
a probability distribution over possible messages for each p1 = 9/10 , and the other two legislators receive the bene-
possible state of the world and each possible A P ⊆ N. fit with probability 1/4 ( p2 = p3 = 1/4 ). As before, each
Thus, ␴P (m|␻, A P ) is the probability of sending the mes- legislator should support the proposal only if her proba-
sage m given that the state is revealed to be ␻ and that P bility of benefiting is at least 1/3 . Without any lobbying,
has gained access to the set A P of legislators. Legislators 2 and 3 would vote against the proposal and
Each legislator’s strategy also has two components. Legislator 1 would vote in favor of it, leading to a failure
Legislator i ’s speech strategy is a set Mi (A) such that of the proposal. In this example, lobbying is costly for P ,
␮i = 1 when m P ∈ Mi (A) and i ∈ A P = A. Finally, let- who pays a cost c ∈ (0, 1) for every legislator to whom it
ting Ii denote all information available to legislator i at buys access.
the time of voting,19 legislator i ’s voting strategy is a func- Consider the following strategy. First, P will buy ac-
tion vi (Ii ) describing how that legislator will vote at any cess only to Legislator 1. In its communication with Leg-
information set. islator 1, P will choose between the two messages {1, 2}
An equilibrium is a strategy profile such that (a) P ’s and {1, 3}, which we will interpret as the set of legislators
lobbying and messaging choices maximize its expected to which P recommends voting in favor of the proposal.
payoff given the legislators’ strategies, (b) each legislator’s P chooses between these two messages as follows: If both
communication strategy maximizes her expected payoff 2 and 3 benefit from the proposal or if neither benefits, P
given the strategies of the other legislators, (c) legislators will randomize between the two messages. If Legislator 2
vote in favor of the proposal if and only if ␲i (Ii )H − (1 − benefits but not Legislator 3, P sends the message {1, 2}
with probability 1. If 3 benefits but not 2, P sends the
18 message {1, 3} with probability 1.
Allowing partial revelation of information by legislators would
not affect the outcomes of the model, since the message simply For this strategy to be effective, it must always be
determines whether the proposal passes or fails. incentive-compatible for Legislator 1 to reveal the mes-
Specifically, Ii includes A P and m P if i ∈ A P and {␮ j } j ∈A P sage to her fellow legislators and for two legislators to vote
otherwise. in favor of the proposal following either message. Table 2

TABLE 2 Calculations for Example 2

␻ ␴P ({1, 2}|␻) ␴P ({1, 3}|␻) f (␻, p) Pr[␻|{1, 2}] Pr[␻|{1, 3}]
{0, 0, 0} 1
/2 1
/2 9
/160 /160

{0, 0, 1} 0 1 3
/160 0 /80

{0, 1, 0} 1 0 3
/160 3
/80 0
{0, 1, 1} 1
/2 1
/2 1
/160 1
/160 1
{1, 0, 0} 1
/2 1
/2 81
/160 81
/160 81
{1, 0, 1} 0 1 27
/160 0 27
{1, 1, 0} 1 0 27
/160 27
/80 0
{1, 1, 1} 1
/2 1
/2 9
/160 9
/160 9
M = {1, 2} M = {1, 3}
␲1 (M): 9
/10 9
␲2 (M): 7
/16 1
␲3 (M): 1
/16 7
Note: In the top half of the table, the first column lists each possible state of the world. The second and third columns show the probabilities
of the messages {1, 2} and {1, 3}, respectively, given each state of the world. The fourth column shows the prior probability of each state
of the world. The fifth and sixth columns show the posterior probability of each state of the world given the messages {1, 2} and {1, 3},
respectively. Since the total probability of each message is 1/2 , each posterior following each message M is 2 · (␴p (M|␻) f (␻, p). The bottom
half of the table shows each legislator’s posterior probability of benefiting from the policy following each message, calculated for each i by
adding up the posterior probabilities of all states for which ␻i = 1. Posterior probabilities that lead the legislator to vote in favor of passage
are highlighted in boldface.

summarizes the probability calculations for this strategy. 1. P lobbies exactly one legislator, and that legislator
Legislator 1 learns nothing from P about her own prob- is an ally, and
ability of benefiting from the proposal. However, the in- 2. The lobbied legislator always conveys P ’s mes-
formation she learns about the other legislators’ benefits sage to the legislature and always votes in favor of
is enough to cause the proposal to pass. Since she already passage.
supports passage, Legislator 1 has a strict incentive to re-
The fact that an interest group only lobbies allies
veal the message to her fellow legislators. Once she does,
follows from the assumption that publicizing the group’s
the posterior probability of benefiting is raised to 7/16 for
information is optional for the lobbied legislator. This
one legislator and reduced to 1/16 for another. As a result,
means that the chosen legislator must prefer passage of
the proposal passes following both messages. 
the proposal following every message. Since each player’s
Example 2 shows that an interest group may influence
expected benefit in the influential equilibrium must be
a legislature by buying access to one legislator who acts
equal to his or her prior expected benefit from passage,
as an intermediary to other legislators. In the equilibrium
such an arrangement is only feasible when the legislator
in Example 2, the intermediary is an ally to the interest
is already an ally.
group. Furthermore, the information provided is never
In the model with unlimited access, lobbying always
informative to the intermediary about whether or not she
decreased the welfare of at least n − q + 1 legislators and
should vote to pass the proposal — instead, the targets
in some cases was unanimously bad for legislator wel-
of the interest group’s messages are the legislators who
fare. In equilibria involving an intermediary, lobbying
are never directly lobbied. Proposition 2 establishes that
must still decrease the welfare of at least n − q + 1 legis-
these properties always hold for P ’s optimal equilibrium.
lators but can never decrease the welfare of all legislators.
The proof of Proposition 2 also provides a full description
Instead, P ’s influence increases the welfare of the inter-
of the equilibrium, including beliefs and actions off the
mediary along with any other allies in the legislature.
equilibrium path.
Corollary 2. In an influential equilibrium with an inter-
mediary, the ex ante expected utility increases for P ’s allies
and decreases for all other legislators relative to the outcome
Proposition 2. Assume that c > 0 and that P has at
with no information transmission.
least one ally (i.e., pi > L /(H + L ) for some i in N).
Then P ’s optimal influential equilibrium has the following It is possible to observe lobbying without intermedi-
properties: aries even when access is limited. If the cost of lobbying

is small enough that the interest group can buy access to mal when they exist. Finally, Proposition 1 relies on the
all or most legislators, lobbying with no intermediaries is binary structure of the payoffs, but this is mainly for in-
feasible. However, as long as some ally is available to serve terpretation: Lemma 2 is all that is required to establish
as an intermediary, the interest group should not pay existence.
the extra costs associated with lobbying a large number
of legislators. Lobbying without intermediaries should
therefore only be observed when lobbying is costless or
when the interest group has no allies in the legislature. Discussion and Conclusions
Since both of these circumstances are rare in practice,
the lion’s share of informational lobbying should occur The model produces several novel implications of rele-
through intermediaries. That is, most informational lob- vance to scholars of interest groups and the policy pro-
bying should occur through allies. cess. First, lobbying activity should most often be directed
Corollary 2 also suggests how the model would ex- at allies. The fact that interest groups tend to focus their
tend to more realistic assumptions about access costs. For attention on allies is generally seen as evidence in contra-
simplicity, the cost c of access is exogenous and does not diction of informational theories of lobbying (Hall and
vary across legislators. Allowing legislators to choose ac- Deardorff 2006). However, informational lobbying is con-
cess costs would strengthen the result that interest groups sistent with the data once we consider environments with
lobby allies since allies would be willing to grant access multiple legislators capable of communicating with each
for zero or even negative costs, whereas opponents would other. In this environment, interest groups should use
impose positive costs to compensate for expected policy allies as intermediaries to persuade opponents.
losses. If c were instead allowed to vary exogenously across The results share some features with the old models
legislators, the results would be similar except that costs of informational lobbying but in other ways resemble the
would induce strict preferences over allies to lobby. In the legislative subsidy theory of Hall and Deardorff (2006).
current model, the interest group is indifferent between Though lobbying activity is directed at allies, these al-
allies. lies are not the ultimate targets of the interest groups’
persuasive efforts. In fact, the information provided by
the interest groups tends to be uninformative to the ally
legislators about whether or not they should support the
Extensions and Generalizations proposal. Thus, informational lobbying supports allies’
The most restrictive assumptions of the model are the efforts to persuade opponents, occasionally against the
existence of only one lobbyist and the highly specialized best interests of the allies.
informational environment in which payoffs are binary Another novel insight of the model is that informa-
and independently distributed. In the supporting infor- tional lobbying can be bad for legislators. The infor-
mation, I extend the model to include competitive lob- mational view of lobbying is often taken to mean that
bying by two opposing interest groups and show that a lobbyists provide a service to legislators that increases
group may remain influential in spite of competition and the quality of representation (Austen-Smith and Wright
that lobbying allies remains optimal. However, the pres- 1992). My model suggests that the optimistic conclusions
ence of competition shrinks the region of the parameter in the literature about interest group influence are tied
space in which a given group can influence the legisla- to the one-legislator models on which most of the liter-
ture since an opponent can counter the group’s lobbying ature is based. When the models are adjusted to account
strategy with an opposing signaling strategy (similar to for multiple legislators interacting in a collective choice
“jamming” equilibria in Minozzi 2011). environment, the welfare gains from informational lob-
The main results also hold up easily to relaxation bying can be reversed. In fact, as I demonstrate, if interest
of the informational assumptions. The characterizations groups’ preferences are independent of the state of the
of existence in Lemma 2 and the welfare implications of world, then the effect of interest group influence on leg-
influence hold for any state space, distribution, or util- islator welfare tends to be negative.20
ity function for the legislators. Lemma 3 and Proposi- Finally, the model suggests that persuading a voting
tion 2 make use of the independence assumption, but the body is a substantively different problem than persuading
main effect of the assumption is to simplify the conditions
needed for existence of an equilibrium with intermedi- 20
This result relies on the assumption that interest group pref-
aries. The assumption of costly access is all that is needed erences are state-independent. If state-dependent preferences are
to guarantee that equilibria with intermediaries are opti- assumed, welfare effects of lobbying may be positive or negative.

a single policy maker. The need for voting increases op- The model also complements vote-buying models by mir-
portunities for persuasion because information can affect roring their focus on collective choice institutions in an
which coalitions form to pass or block a proposal. This informational environment. Furthermore, in comparison
insight is also critical to other work in political economy. to vote-buying and legislative subsidy models, this study
For instance, this insight is found in Bennedsen and Feld- better accounts for the prevalence of informational tactics
mann (2002), one of the few studies other than this one reported in qualitative and survey research on lobbying
to model informational lobbying with more than one leg- activities.
islator. In their model, an interest group may search for Beyond the application to interest groups, the
information in each district about demand for a public tractable model presented here demonstrates the poten-
good, which varies from district to district. Communi- tial of incorporating collective choice processes into our
cation is more limited in their model than in this study: theories of communication and information transmis-
For each district, the interest group can either reveal that sion in political institutions. Since asymmetric informa-
district’s true payoff or reveal nothing. Thus, partial in- tion models have been central to nearly three decades of
formation revelation is not allowed, which focuses their work on legislative and electoral institutions, the potential
analysis more on information acquisition than on com- applications of the model are voluminous.
munication. They find that interest groups have a greater
incentive to search for information in legislative settings
than in those with a single policy maker. The mechanism Appendix
supporting this conclusion differs from the one in my
model since their result relies in part on the way informa- Proofs of Results
tion affects which policies are proposed. Instead, I fix the Lemma 1. In any influential equilibrium, the proposal
policy proposal and focus on how lobbying might affect passes with probability 1.
votes.21 Furthermore, this study differs from Bennedsen
Proof. Assume there is some strategy profile (␴P , v)
and Feldmann by treating legislators asymmetrically to
such that x ∗ (m) = 0 and x ∗ (m ) = 1 for some m and m
focus on the question of whom interest groups should
in support of ␴P . Since messages are cheap talk and P ’s
preferences are independent of ␻, holding v constant, P
Alonzo and Câmara (2015) also demonstrate how
strictly prefers to deviate from ␴P to a strategy in which
persuasion may work differently in collective choice in-
m is sent with probability 1 following any ␻ ∈ . This
stitutions. Their model is one in which the sender does
shows that such a (␴P , v) is never an equilibrium, which
not have any private information but is able to control
implies that all influential equilibria lead the proposal to
the content of a public signal. Despite this difference, the
pass with probability 1. 
mechanisms for persuasion in their paper are similar to
those in Model 1 of this study, and my Lemma 2 follows Lemma 2. There is an influential equilibrium in Model 1
from their results. Schnakenberg (2015) also considers a if and only if f (␻, p) ∈ Wq and f (␻, p) ∈ co(Wq ).
cheap talk setting with voters and shows, as in this ar- Proof. This result follows indirectly from various
ticle, that information transmission can negatively affect previously proven results (e.g., Lemma 2 of Alonzo and
welfare in voting environments. This article complements Câmara 2015; Proposition 1 of Kamenica and Gentzkow
both of these models by including costly access, allowing 2011), but the proof is reproduced here for the sake of
communication by voters, and considering differences completeness.
between allies and opponents. First, I will prove that f (␻, p) ∈ Wq and f (␻, p) ∈
This study complements existing formal models in co(Wq ) imply the existence of an influential equilib-
many ways. The model complements accounts of lobby- rium. By Caratheodory’s theorem, f (␻, p) ∈ co(Wq ) im-
ing as a legislative subsidy by explaining how lobbying of plies that f (␻, p) is in the convex hull of some finite
allies may occur in preference-based informational lobby- subset of Wq consisting of n + 1 or fewer points. Let
ing. Though we would observe interest groups lobbying {g 1 , . . . , g K } ⊂ Wq denote a set of posterior distribu-
allies in my model, their intent is to influence opponents. tions such that, for some (␶ 1 , . . . , ␶ K ) ∈ R+
such that
k=1 ␶ k
= 1, we have
The results from Model 2 are suggestive about how lobbying may
work in a model like mine but with endogenous proposals. In such

circumstances, the case for lobbying allies would be made even f (p, ␻) = ␶ k g k (␻) (3)
stronger, since the interest group must persuade some legislator to k=1
propose a favorable policy in addition to passing on information.
A full explication of such a model is left for future work. for all ␻ ∈ {0, 1}n .

We will define ␴P∗ with support on (m1 , . . . , m K ) as exists ␶ = (␶1 , . . . , ␶|R| ) such that ␶ ≥ 0, j =1 ␶ j = 1,
follows: |R|
and j =1 ␶ j g j (␻) = f (p, ␻) for all ␻ ∈ {0, 1}n .
g k (␻)␶ k It suffices to show that the result holds for distribu-
␴P∗ (mk |␻) = . (4)
f (␻, p) tions created by increasing only one of the probabilities
The posterior probability of a state ␻ following a signal in p while holding the rest constant, since any p̂ > p can
mk is then be generated by a series of such changes. Without loss
k k of generality, we will change only the probability associ-
f (␻, p) gf (␻,p)
ated with voter 1. Let p = ( p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) be a vector
g (␻|m ) = 

␻ ∈
f (␻ , p) gf (␻
(␻ )␶
in which Voter 1’s probability is increased to p1 > p1 and
the other probabilities remain the same.
g k (␻)␶ k Let p = (1, p2 , . . . , pn ) be a vector in which
= k  k
␻ ∈ g (␻ )␶ Voter 1’s probability is increased to 1 and the other
probabilities remain the same. Let ␺ = (1, 0, 0, . . . , 0).
g k (␻)␶ k Thus, if ␻1 = 1, then ␻ − ␺ is a state in which ␻1 = 0
= = g k (␻). (6)
␶k and all other elements are unchanged. Define R  =

Thus, the strategy ␴P∗ induces the set of posteriors {g 1 , g 2 , . . . , g |R| } such that
{g 1 , . . . , g K } ⊂ Wq . By definition of Wq , this implies that 
g j (␻) + g j (␻ − ␺ ) if ␻1 = 1
the proposal passes with probability 1, so this is an equi- g j (␻) = (8)
0 if ␻1 = 0
librium to the game.
for all j ∈ {1, . . . , |R|}. For all i = 1 and j ∈
It remains to be shown that the existence of an influ-
{1, . . . , |R|}, we have
ential equilibrium implies f (␻, p) ∈ co(Wq ). By way of

contraposition, suppose that f (␻, p) ∈ co(Wq ). By the Eg j [␻i ] = g j (␻) (9)

law of total probability, we have ␻:␻i =1

f (␻, p) = Pr[m P = m]g (␻|m). (7) = g j (␻ ) + g j (␻ − ␺ ) (10)
m∈supp␴P ␻ :␻i =1
∧␻1 =1
Here, Pr[m P = m] denotes the total probability (over
all states) of m P= m under the strategy ␴P . That is,

= g j (␻ ) + g j (␻)
ˆ (11)
Pr[m P = m] =   f (␻, p)␴(m|␻). By the properties of
␻ :␻i =1 ␻ :␻i =1
probability, we have m∈supp␴P Pr[m P = m] = 1. How- ∧␻1 =1 ∧␻1 =0

ever, since f (␻, p) ∈ co(Wq ), there is no way to express

f (␻, p) as a convex combination of distributions in Wq . = g j (␻) (12)

Thus, at least one posterior distribution is not an element ␻:␻i =1
of Wq . In other words, there is no ␴P that always guar-
= Eg j [␻i ]. (13)
antees passage of the proposal. By Lemma 1, this implies

that there is no influential equilibrium.  Thus, R ⊂ Wq implies R ⊂ Wq .
Proposition 1. In Model 1: |R|

1. Let p̂ ≥ p and assume f (␻, p̂) ∈ Wq . If there is ␶ j g j (␻) = f (␻, p) = pi i (1 − pi )1−␻i , (14)
an influential equilibrium when prior beliefs are j =1 i ∈N

f (␻, p), then there is also an influential equi- for each ␻ such that ␻1 = 1, we have
librium when prior beliefs are f (␻, p̂), holding |R|


everything else equal. ␶ j g j (␻) = ␶ j (g j (␻) + g j (␻ − ␺ )) (15)

2. There exists p ∗ ∈ (0, H+L
) such that if pi ≥ p ∗ j =1 j =1
for all i ∈ N, then there exists an equilibrium in
which the proposal always passes. = f (␻, p) + f (␻ − ␺ , p) (16)

Proof. To prove Part 1, I must show that f (␻, p) ∈

co(Wq ) and p̂ ≥ p imply f (␻, p̂) ∈ co(Wq ). Thus, let = pi␻i (1 − pi )1−␻i
f (␻, p) ∈ co(Wq ). By Caratheodory’s theorem, f (␻, p) i ∈N

is in the convex hull of some finite subset of Wq . Let R = +
␻i −␺
pi (1 − pi )1−␻i −␺ (17)
{g 1 , g 2 , . . . , g |R| } ⊂ Wq be one such finite set. Then there i ∈N

⎧  −1

⎪ b(|B(␻)|, p) q
if B(␻) ⊆ B(m)
⎨ |B(␻)|
= p1 pi␻i (1 − pi )1−␻i  −1
g (␻|m) = b(|B(␻)|, p) |B(␻)| if B(␻) ⊃ B(m)
i ∈N\{1} ⎪

⎩ q

+(1 − p1 ) 0 otherwise.
␻ (23)
× pi i (1 − pi )1−␻i (18)
i ∈N\{1} Therefore, the probability that ␻i = 1 given i ∈ B(m)
pi␻i (1 − pi )1−␻i  
q − 1  q −1
(19) q

i ∈N\{1} Pr[␻i = 1|i ∈ B(m)] = b(k, p)

k−1 k
= f (␻, p ), (20)

which shows that f (␻, p ) ∈ co(R ) ⊂ co(Wq ). Further- + b(k, p) (24)
more, since co(Wq ) is a convex set and p is a convex k=q +1

combination of p and p , we have f (␻, p ) ∈ co(Wq ).

This implies that f (␻, p̂) ∈ co(Wq ) for all p̂ > p, which

= b(k, p)
completes the proof for Part 1. k=0
To prove Part 2, I will first assume that pi = p j = p
for all i, j ∈ N and find a lower bound on p such that

+ b(k, p) (25)
there exists an equilibrium in which the proposal passes k=q +1
with probability 1. Part 1 of this proposition then implies
that the proposal always passes pi > p for all i ∈ N, even

when prior probabilities are not assumed to be equal. = b(k, p) min{ , 1}. (26)
For any ␻ ∈ , let B(␻) = {i ∈ N : ␻i = 1}. Con- k=0

sider the following strategy for P : Let ␸( p) = nk=0 b(k, p) min{ qk , 1}. Let p ∗ be the prob-
␴p∗ (m|␻) ability solving
⎧ −1 L

if |B(m)| = q and B(␻) ⊂ B(m) ␸( p ∗ ) = .
⎨ q −|B(␻)| H+L
= |B(␻)|
if |B(m)| = q andB(␻) ⊃ B(m) Such a p ∗ exists and is unique since ␸ is continuous and

⎩ q
monotone increasing with ␸(0) = 0 and ␸(1) = 1. Thus,
0 otherwise.
when p ≥ p ∗ , we have ␲i (M) > H+L L
for all i ∈ B(m)
(21) following every message m in support of this strategy.
In words, Equation (21) means that P always recom- Since each m targets q legislators, this implies that the
mends approval to a minimal winning coalition, and does proposal always passes. Thus, there is a persuasive equi-
so in the following way: librium when pi = p j = p ≥ p ∗ for all i, j ∈ N. Fur-
thermore, Part 1 of the proposition implies that this holds
r When the number of true beneficiaries is weakly
for any distribution such that pi ≥ p ∗ for all i ∈ N. 
smaller than q , P randomizes uniformly among
all minimal winning coalitions containing the set Lemma 3. Assume that pi ≥ L /(H + L ) for some i . Then
of true beneficiaries. any influential equilibrium is outcome-equivalent to one in
r When the number of true beneficiares is strictly which ␲i (m) = pi for all m ∈ .
larger than q , P randomizes uniformly among Proof. Assume there exists an influential equilib-
all minimal winning coalitions that are subsets rium and that p1 ≥ L /(H + L ). Then by Lemma 2,
of the set of true beneficiaries. there are a set of posteriors R = (g 1 , . . . , g |R| ) ⊂ Wq and
The prior distribution over the number of true ben- (␶1 , . . . , ␶|R| ) in the (|R| − 1)-dimensional simplex such
eficiaries is the binomial distribution: that
n |R|
Pr[|B(␻)| = k] ≡ b(k, p) = p k (1 − p)n−k (. 22)

k f (␻, p) = ␶ j g j (␻). (27)

Note that ␴P∗ provides no information about the size of j =1

the set of true beneficiaries. The posterior distribution Let ␺ = (1, 0, 0, . . . , 0). So, if ␻1 = 1, then ␻ − ␺ is a
following each m in the support of ␴P∗ is state with ␻1 = 0 and all other elements unchanged, and

if ␻1 = 0, then ␻ + ␺ is a state with ␻1 = 1 and all other Thus, since Legislator 1 is always incentivized to vote
elements unchanged. For each j ∈ {1, . . . , |R|}, we will in favor and the expected benefits to all other legislators
construct a new posterior distribution g j as follows: in each posterior are the same as under the distributions
in R, we have {g 1 , . . . , g |R| } ⊂ Wq .
 (g j (␻) + g j (␻ − ␺ )) p1 if ␻1 = 1
g j (␻) = Finally, we must verify Part (c), that the prior dis-
(g j (␻) + g j (␻ + ␺ ))(1 − p1 ) if ␻1 = 0. 
tribution is in the convex hull of {g 1 , . . . , g |R| }. For all
(28) ␻ ∈ , we have for each ␻ ∈  such that ␻1 = 1:
|R| |R|
We need to verify that

␶ j g j (␻) = ␶ j [g j (␻)
(a) Legislator 1’s probability of benefiting in each j =1 j =1
posterior is equal to p1 ,

(b) {g 1 , . . . , g |R| } ⊂ Wq , and +g j (␻ − ␺ )] p1 (33)

(c) f (␻, p) ∈ co({g 1 , . . . , g |R| }).
␻∈:␻1 =1 (g j (␻) +
Part (a) is easily verified—since

g j (␻ − ␺ )) = 1, we have ␻∈:␻1 =1 (g j (␻) + g j (␻ −

= p1 ⎣ ␶ j g j (␻)
␺ )) p1 = p1 . To prove Part (b), note that, for all i = 1, j =1

the probability of benefiting according to the posterior g j ⎤



+ ␶ j g j (␻ − ␺ )⎦ (34)
g j (␻) = p1 [g j (␻ ) + g j (␻ − ␺ )] j =1
␻∈:␻i =1 ␻ ∈:␻i =1
∧␻1 =1

= p1 [ f (␻, p)

+(1 − p1 ) [g j (␻ ) − f (␻ − ␺ , p)] (35)
␻ ∈:␻i =1
∧␻1 =0

+g j (␻ + ␺ )] (29) = p1 p1 pi␻i (1 − pi )1−␻i
i ∈N\{1}

= p1 g j (␻ ) +(1 − p1 ) p1
␻ ∈:␻i =1

∧␻1 =1
× pi i (1 − pi )1−␻i (36)

i ∈N\{1}
+ p1 g j (␻ ) + (1 − p1 )

␻ ∈:␻i =1
∧␻1 =0
= p1 pi␻i (1 − pi )1−␻i (37)

i ∈N\{1}
× g j (␻ ) + (1 − p1 )
␻ ∈:␻i =1
= f (␻, p). (38)
∧␻1 =0

|R| 35 follows from the fact that f (␻, p) =
g j (␻ ) (30) j =1 ␶ j g j (␻), for all ␻ ∈ . Similarly, for each ␻ ∈ 
␻ ∈:␻i =1 such that ␻1 = 0:
∧␻1 =1


␶ j g j (␻) = ␶ j [g j (␻)
= [ p1 + (1 − p1 )] g (␻ ) j =1 j =1
␻ ∈:␻i =1
∧␻1 =1 +g j (␻ + ␺ )](1 − p1 ) (39)
+[ p1 + (1 − p1 )]

× g (␻ ) (31)

␻ ∈:␻i =1 = (1 − p1 ) ⎣ ␶ j g j (␻)

∧␻1 =0
j =1

= g j (␻). (32)

␻∈:␻i =1
+ ␶ j g j (␻ + ␺ )⎦ (40)
j =1

r A P = {i }, ␴P = ␴P∗ (from above)

r Mi (A) = supp(␴P∗ ) for all A ⊂ N
= (1 − p1 ) [ f (␻, p)
r v j (0) = v jf and
+ f (␻ + ␺ , p)] (41) 
Yes if m j = 1
v j (1) =
No if m j = 0
= (1 − p1 )(1 − p1 ) pi␻i (1 − pi )1−␻i for all j ∈ N\{i }
i ∈N\{1}

r Yes if mi = 1
vi (m) = .
+(1 − p1 ) p1 pi␻i (1 − pi )1−␻i No if mi = 0
(42) r All off-path beliefs are equal to f (␻, p).
i ∈N\{1}

This specification of off-path beliefs and actions is

= (1 − p1 ) pi␻i (1 − pi )1−␻i (43) only one example of an equilibrium construction that
i ∈N\{1} supports ␴P∗ and Mi . Other payoff-equivalent specifica-
tions are possible. 
= f (␻, p). (44)

Thus, we have f (␻, p) ∈ co({g 1 , . . . , g |R| }). 
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Supporting Information
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