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Krillin does not have a visible nose, however, he seems to be able to smell until

someone mentions it (like Goku during the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament): he
smells the diamond Bulma took from the Pirate Cave, and he smells the enticing trap
meal in the Mirror spaceship. In the Dragon Ball: Bouken Special, when asked why
Krillin does not have a nose, Akira Toriyama responded "Krillin has a physical
idiosyncrasy that allows him to breathe through his skin." Earlier on in the
series, and throughout the entire manga, Krillin had white eyes. However, later on,
they seem to have disappeared completely, making the inside of his eyes the same
color as his skin. Krillin is not naturally bald. Due to his original monastic
training, he merely shaves his head. During his training with Goku under Master
Roshi, Krillin comments that "All who aspire to master the martial arts shave their
heads in order to unfetter their ki" and seemed surprised to find out Master Roshi
was naturally bald. It is also revealed that he waxes his head to keep himself
bald. After settling down with his new family, his hair grows out, although his
original smooth crowned look is the most familiar to fans. The six dots on his
forehead are scars from moxibustion burns,[10] similar to the pattern that appear
on the forehead of a Shaolin monk.

His first appearance of Dragon Ball and in Fortuneteller Baba saga, he wears a
yellow short sleeved Chinese garb with the sleeves are folded to make it sleeveless
adorned with purple straps in each sides, orange Chinese pants with a purple belt
on his waist, white shins and an ochre Chinese toe shoes. During the 21st and 23rd
Martial Arts Tournament, Krillin wears a red turtle gi like Goku's and became his
signature outfit in Dragon Ball Z through both Vegeta Saga and in the Namek Saga.

In the Androids Saga and throughout the Cell Saga, Krillin wears an outfit
identical to Goku's first outfit in both Vegeta Saga and throughout the Frieza Saga
as the tie of his boots are light blue.

In the Buu Saga, Krillin has his black hair grow out and wears various casual
outfits. When he was married with Android 18, he wears an orange short sleeved
loose button shirt, white shorts and red sandals. In the 25th World Martial Arts
Tournament, he first appears wearing an orange vest with a white short sleeve
undershirt, green denim shorts with a brown belt on his waist, white socks and
brown shoes. In the movie, Bio-Broly, his vest appears to be black. During the
tournament and onwards, he wears a red short sleeve shirt, khaki jogging pants with
a white tie at the center and black sneakers. In Dragon Ball Super, when Krillin
still had black hair, it is noticably shorter than how it is in the Buu Saga.

During Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods and the earlier episodes of Dragon Ball Super,
Krillin wears his black hair in a short, fairly spikey style and dons a green
changshan (Chinese men's coat) with a Turtle School crest on the left breast as a
mark of respect for Master Roshi, in addition to dark blue-gray pants and charcoal-
gray kung fu shoes. Strangely, in the manga, his head remains shaven.

Krillin in Resurrection ‘F’

By the time of Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, Krillin has taken up the job of a
police officer, he wears a uniform with a yellow polo shirt and purple formal
shorts, a badge, and a helmet. When getting prepared to battle Frieza, Krillin asks
Android 18 to shave his head for "old times sake". When he is off-duty, Krillin
wears a red short sleeved shirt with a sign "Taco" at the center, jeans and blue
sneakers. In preparation for the Tournament of Power, Krillin once again wears his
orange turtle school gi, minus the weighted clothing he previously wore during the
Android Saga through the Cell Games Saga, although his gi has become visibly faded
with time, leaving it a more pale orange compared to Goku and Gohan's versions of
the outfit.
In the end of Dragon Ball Z, Krillin wears a business attire like his wife, Android
18 and has a fedora hat on his head.

In the events of Dragon Ball GT, Krillin's hair is now gray and gains a mustache.
He retains wearing the business attire at the end of Dragon Ball Z; a teal formal
vest with a white long sleeved button shirt with the sleeves are folded into cuffs
and a light purple long neck tie on the collar, brown pants and black shoes.

"I heard Master Roshi's training was difficult, but I haven't even broken a sweat
— Krillin when Roshi's training starts in "Milk Delivery"

Goku and Krillin's display of friendship

Originally a jealous and selfish person, Krillin did not respect rules when
confronted with Roshi's training. After a short arch-rivalry between the two (years
later, Krillin even admits that he hated Goku at first), he becomes Goku's best
friend and his selfish and jealous personality becomes more kind-hearted and
generous (although he still has slight selfish and jealous traits after his
reform). Krillin is often used as comic relief or cannon fodder by the author. As
the most prominent full-blooded human character in the Dragon Ball series, Krillin
also represents a sense of normalcy to Goku and Gohan, as well as often being the
most identifiable. Often when things in the Dragon World turn bizarre, it is left
to Krillin to shake his head in disbelief and crack a joke.

Despite his reputation as being a weakling compared to his Saiyan comrades, he is

considered to be one of the stronger pure-blooded humans in the Dragon Ball series,
being thousands of times stronger than the average person, in fact he is well into
the superhuman league (although this is largely due to the fact that he was
afforded much greater opportunities to increase his strength, such as gaining the
ability to use ki, training under the Guardian of the Earth, and having his
potential unlocked by Grand Elder Guru, things that no other human, such as Mr.
Satan, ever had). Although he is not as strong as Goku or Gohan, his determination
in helping his friends is a key asset. Furthermore, Krillin's ingenuity and talent
for ki-manipulation is far superior than that of most warriors, even those stronger
than himself, and he has an ability to sense hidden powers. Krillin had his dormant
ki awakened by the Namek Elder, Guru, during the events of the Namek Saga (although
it is possible that not all of his power was freed, due to the fact that Gohan
still had more hidden power and that they both grew to be much stronger), and this
helped keep him among the same level as his more naturally powerful friends, at
least for a little while. Krillin has trained hard most of his life, becoming
extremely powerful and proving it in combat with many foes. Unfortunately, he is
quickly outclassed by many of the other characters in the series, such as Piccolo
and the Saiyans; though among all the full-blooded humans he faces in combat he is
one of the strongest. On one occasion, during the course of the 25th World Martial
Arts Tournament, Yamcha says to Krillin's daughter that Krillin is "the strongest
human being in the world." Some fans feel that the mangaka, Akira Toriyama, uses
Yamcha to state a fact on this scene, as he also says that Krillin is the
"strongest Earthling male" in an interview.[11] As it is spoken in the context of
Krillin being married to 18, it implies that Krillin is the strongest Earthling at
least by that point in the series (this claim gets support in the video game Dragon
Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors in which the final part of Krillin's story, which focus
on the Majin Buu Saga, is titled as "The Strongest Earthling"). Many fans
immediately will connect Krillin with his signature move, Destructo Disc, a
spinning razor-sharp disk of energy that has the power to cut through just about
anything. Despite its immense power, it is extremely unwieldy and hard to control.
Krillin's family

At any rate, Krillin is brave and resourceful, and the audience identifies him as a
good-natured underdog. Along with Yamcha, Krillin has also, arguably, adjusted to a
relatively normal life better than many of his friends by seeking women in his
life. He is among the more "normal" human of his friends, as he can be seen wearing
normal clothes on days where he's not fighting, other than his typical martial arts
dōgi, as well as engaging in other normal every-day activities such as watching TV,
going to the beach, etc. In his role as Goku's best friend, Krillin was among the
only humans to remain a main character for the majority of the series, even as
Master Roshi, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Chi-Chi and others faded
into the background. Overall, Krillin is a highly valued character in the Dragon
Ball series: powerful, loyal, and brave. He is second only to Goku in the most
appearances in the manga. In some more recent movies however, Krillin has been
since demoted to a comic relief character. This is most prominent in the movie
Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!, when he was beaten up by Chi-Chi, clonked his
head twice, had hot coffee spilled on his head, had his face fried by a stray
energy bolt, had a large pile of snow dumped on him, had Vegeta sent flying into
him, slipped and skidded past the main villain when he was about to attack him, and
was humiliated in the hospital (he even remarks during the Vegeta incident that
"Why do these things always happen to me?").

"B-Bulma... I was just thinking... A-All of us here used to be enemies... I hated

Goku in the beginning too... ...But when there was a common enemy we started to
team up because we HAD to and before we knew it, we became friends..."
— Krillin in "The Risky Decision"
Consistent with the theme of redemption in the series, he allows Vegeta to live
rather than killing him, albeit reluctantly at the insistence of Goku (as he
promised Krillin he would defeat Vegeta and Krillin put his faith in Goku's
strength), during the Vegeta Saga, a decision that later proves righteous as Vegeta
goes on to become one of the most beneficial warriors of the Z Fighters. It should
be noted that during the Trunks Saga, Krillin points out to Bulma that most of the
Z Fighters used to be enemies and admits that he himself once hated Goku but once
their was a common enemy they started working together and eventually became
friends while trying to persuade her that it was better to let the Z Fighters deal
with the Androids when they appeared as he noted that without a common enemy,
Vegeta might go return to his evil ways which was a possibility given the Saiyan
Prince's rivalry with Goku. Also he spares Android 18's life when presented with
the chance to activate her self-destruct sequence because he had a huge crush on
her (though this put the whole planet at risk because she was later absorbed by
Cell, which helped him complete his evolution). In a bit of ironic fortune, he
later marries the beautiful android and later has a daughter named Marron with her.
He also convinced Vegeta and Future Trunks to allow Android 16 be repaired and join
them in combatting Cell during the Cell Games despite the Android's mission to
destroy Goku, which proved fortunate as Android 16 was instrumental in convincing
Gohan to let go of his anger and defeat Cell.

Like his mentor Master Roshi, Krillin is known to be perverted even bribing Master
Roshi with a Dirty magazine when he was first introduced at the age of 12. He was
also already considered "impure" of heart due to his perverted tendencies and was
unable to ride the Flying Nimbus without clinging to Goku. He also came up with an
elaborate and unnecessarily perverted plan during the Fortuneteller Baba Saga to
expose Bulma's breasts to Master Roshi in order to have Master Roshi produce a
massive nosebleed to cover See-Through the Invisible Man in order to aid Yamcha in
defeating him. However he is shown to have become less perverted as an adult and is
more interested in genuine romance as he notes his desire to get married several
times in Dragon Ball Z. In the anime filler he even contemplates marrying Maron
though ultimately decides to break up with her only to reconsider when she reveals
she would have said yes, but she ran off with some guy who promised her ice cream.
In Super Android 13!, he waits in line for a beauty pageant with Roshi, Oolong, and
Future Trunks though he admonishes Oolong and Roshi as setting a bad example for a
young man like Trunks, though Master Roshi points out Krillin might be able to find
himself a wife which causes him to get excited by the idea. Before meeting Android
18, Krillin began to wonder if he would ever find love, at one point in Super
Android 13! even lamenting he would probably die alone. He is also taken with
Zangya's beauty when he mistakes her for the opponent he is supposed to fight in
Bojack Unbound. While Krillin loves his wife, he has been shown to retain some of
his perversion as while saving Nain in Bio-Broly she hugs onto him tightly causing
him to blush, though this ends up causing his wife to angrily push both of them.
Additionally in Xenoverse 2, he notes that the Launch Costume is a pretty daring
look and that while he never really looked at her clothes back in his youth, they
do show a lot of skin and wishes he had watched more closely when he had the
chance, before nervously stating he is totally committed to Android 18. In Dragon
Ball FighterZ, he agrees with Yamcha's opinion that Android 21 is cute, though this
causes Yamcha to think that Krillin has a thing for female Androids which Krillin
denies, though unfortunately their conversation is overheard by Android 18 who
glares at them both, terrifying them to the point they are unable to turn around.

However, Krillin can be just as jealous as his wife can be as he tells the Future
Warrior in Xenoverse 2 not to try anything funny with his wife, when they are
training under her, which he says regardless of their selected gender or race. He
is also fiercely protective of her and their daughter as he wanted her to stay to
take care of Marron while he confronted Frieza after his resurrection and willingly
confronts villains stronger than himself to protect her such as Cell, Super Buu,
and Bio-Broly.


Krillin being beaten up by bullies of Orin Temple

Originally a monk of the Orin Temple, after training there for eight years,[12]
Krillin trained at the Orin Temple since he was four.[12] He was the weakest
student and was frequently bullied. When he was 13, he was getting tired of the
bullying and he began to travel to Master Roshi's island when he was seeking
training to surpass the people at the temple to defeat his bullies and to attract
girls.[13] Krillin came to Master Roshi and became a student of the Turtle School
in his first appearance in the series.

Dragon Ball

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