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Nama : Muhammad Yudha Audryan

NIM : 2003110260
Matkul : B.Inggris(Aplikatif)
Semester : II

A. Make sentences from the given words and phrases

a. One of my / bag/ be/ pink
b. Some of the/ child/ be / here now
c. One of my favorite/ movie/ be/ (title of the movie)

: of my laptop is black

b.some of the children are already here
c.One of my favorite movie is “Counjuring”

B. Describe the things you know about communications/ Public Administration/ Welfare Studies
The description not more than 100 words.

: Communication is an activity to convey information, be it messages, ideas, ideas, from

one party to another. Usually communication activities are carried out verbally or verbally
so that it makes it easier for both parties to understand each other

According to Mulyana and Jalaluddin (2003: 14) suggesting aspects of communication that

 Source
 Encoding
 Massage
 Receiver
 Receiver response
 FeedBack
C. Each item list nouns and adjectives. Write them in the correct order
1. My bestfriend, Amita, likes to eat food
2. The director talked to official in Bandung
3. My family and I watch many movies lately
4. “On the Spot “is one of the program on Trans7

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