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Good morning , My blog is called time to learn in My personal life.

In this blog I am going

to comment on my life.
my name is Brigith Dayana Pinilla, I was born of Octuber 23th ,1998,I study economics, I
am in the ninth semester. I live with my mother and my brother. I live in the city of Bogotá
I am 23 years old.
I have a relationship for 3 years, I am a responsible woman, with many skills and
aspirations and my goals are based on the objectives according to my performance in the
study on a day-to-day basis
I wake up at 6:00 a.m,I make breakfast and drink a cup of tea, then I watch the news, I have
shower at 7:00 a.m and I get dressed and exercise until 9:00 a.m. At 9:00 a.m I start
classes ,and I finish at 6:00 pm, At the same time I have lunch at 2:00 pm, After that I wash
the dishes at 4:00 pm. I finish studying at 6:00 pm and I prepare dinner, then I take my pet
out at 8:00 pm,then I watch tv.finally I brush my teeth and go to I sleep at 11 pm

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