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Nama : Evi Sopiah

Prodi/ Semester : Kesehatan Hewan/ 2
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

1. In your area, how many people have fish ponds? Does your family have me?
Answer: In my area very few people have fish ponds, let alone in the villages, not even
fish ponds. My family doesn't have a fish pond.
2. Do people in your area construct fish ponds by machine, or by hand?
Answer: The people around me made the pool by hand.
3. What are the comparative costs of each method?
Answer: The cost of using the machine is more expensive, but the job is tidier. while
using hands, the cost is cheaper, but the work takes longer.
4. What advantages do farmer gain by having a fish pond?
Answer: The advantage for farmers is that it can be used as additional income.
5. What are some of the problem?
Answer: The problem for aquaculture in my area is due to; not everyone likes fish, there
is no land, the capital is large enough.

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