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Ju’Tyra Scott

ED 268
Response Page

In this class, I felt it has gone into more depth than any other about the life of

someone with disabilities. Some of my favorite content was the breaking down of how

disabilities,impairments and handicaps are different from one another. Another thing

was how they always shared ways to support mothers and families of the individuals.

The book pushes you to want to advocate for those with disabilities at all ages. As a

care provider for those with disabilities already, I feel more confident in supporting those

with disabilities in daily activities outside of the workplace.

The first thing I see myself doing is applying ways to be a proper advocate for

those with disabilities and their families. There are so many ways you can help like, one

is learning more about the disability and how to properly identify their need of help. In

the book they shared ways to help with disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy ,

downs syndrome, Autism, Fetal Alcohol disorder and more. I have been familiar with

those on the autism spectrum but there is so much more that goes into helping them

because everyone is different. Not all disabilities need the same amount of help or

resources, most are capable of learning how to work with their disabilities to live a

fulfilling life. We should push as a society to be more inclusive of those with disabilities

and not see their disability as a henderess. Secondly, They mentioned how some

legislators and health officials overlook and undermine the competence of someone

with a disability. As someone without a disability, we should speak for those who are not

spoken for. As well as just someone who may be in a close circle with someone who
has a disability, you should always try to overstand them and their lifestyle. I say

overstand because understanding that they have a disability is not enough. You have to

truly know and be conscious of how you treat and comprehend their outlook on life.

They may not need help or support with all things or just some things. When you are

able and aware of a proper way to advocate for them, you should at least attempt to

share some ways they can be self advocates for themselves. Take them to events and

meetings where their voices are heard, help them orchestrate a letter or a group of

people that helps them push cause forward.

Even though the medical field is advancing everyday and the life expectancy of

humans is predicted to be longer, you can’t help but to think if they are being overlooked

in that research. The book discusses how those with disabilities are vulnerable to other

mental and physical disabilities, if ignored. Those with disabilities are at risk of having

anxiety and depression , which is highly understandable because even the average Joe

could be struggling with those things at an intense degree. Imagine feeling like you are

helpless when you are constantly surrounded by family,friends and health officials who

take your outlook with a grain of salt because they feel you are not mentally competent

enough to actually be saying something valuable. They are still capable of being active

and lowering their chances of being diagnosed with things like anxiety, depression and

some even more serious things like heart disease and diabetes/obesity.

When you are in the presence of someone with a disability never assume they

are not capable of doing what you are doing. When you see someone in the medical or

care field abusing their power, report it and/or speak up immediately. If you are in a

workspace and you see workers being rude to a worker that may have disabilities speak
up for them if they are not able to themselves. There are too many risk factors that can

shorten their life expectancy if not supported. Be an ally to those with disabilities as

they struggle just like anyone else in the world but are not equipped to take a stand.

There are some evil/ mean people out there who pray on the vulnerable, who are

capable of manipulating them until feeling less than the average person. You can break

a chain of abuse in someone or someones’ life by an advocate and assisting them to be

adivicts for themselves.

If you are not feeling properly prepared to support, try to inform yourself on ways

you can help, in ways you are comfortable with. Share your resources with those in

contact or who have disabilities. You can easily become a lifeline for many people who

seem to go unspoken for. Comfort families with those who have disabilities, share

consoling methods and tips with those struggling to support themselves and others.

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