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Story of 16/02/2019::

Today,i am writing this synopsis of my day because i have learnt a lot of things
from it.I was participate in chess & carrom competition.
My first match was not begin because of my opponent who was not there.So,Volunteers
promoted me in next round with a participant who clears first round.
Then i gone to first floor to paticipate at carrom tournament and i was won first
round.In second round of chess i won the game but both carrom and
chess was started at same time since voluteers who organise carrom promoted me to
third round because no one left to play with me.After promoted in
3rd round i feel good and my confidence level also increase so much.
After lunch match start's again first i was played a game of chess where i won
again and then i played carrom and there also i won it.
As i won these games one by one in a row my confidence level touches sky.And after
3rd round i played chess game tournament.And i won it again all the
teachers appreciate me and after 4th round and 5th round i was played in a row and
create a winning streak.

But in semifinal round i.e 6th round i lost the game and streak also.
There was very little difference between lose and draw the game (i.e 2sec), at last
moment of game where i had a king and a time of 2s in clock.
I put my one hand in clock and i play a move and stop it,after 4-5 moves my left
time is still 2s because i stop the clock in ms but my time is over.
After lost in chess game i achieved 3rd position in it.But when i was check in
first floor final round of carrom was completed and winners are already declared by


Some points to remember::

*Believe in yourself.

*Participate in every possible event.

*Do excercise of mind daily.

*Make a target or goal in each & every moment of life.

*Try hard to achieve your Goal.

*From each and every failure in life we learn something new things.

*Do not Depress yourself if you fail in a task.

*Life is a collection of opportunities/event/task/path which give many chance to

build your career.

*Grab one and prove yourself to whole the world

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