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THE GOA SCENE IS FOR MANY FRAGGLES Most people, at some point in time, get the point, you no longer do the dancing yourself,
WHAT THEY WERE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR, urge to contribute something to the scene, be you are the one being danced – by a force that
OTHERS JUST GREW INTO IT. WHICHEVER it as a DJ, organiser, deco artist, performer or cannot really be explained. Trance is not de-
WAY, THE GLOBAL PSYTRANCE SCENE IS VJ. Some have made the scene the focal point pendent on age. I have seen four generations
NOT HOMOGENOUS AND HERMETICALLY of their social and economic life, set up music on the same dancefloor at the same time - the
SEALED. THERE ARE NUMEROUS TRANCE labels, clothing stores or founded a company 70 year-old hippie grandfather, the 45 year-
SCENES THAT ARE EACH DIFFERENT, DE- that is in someway connected to the scene. In old Goa father and his 25 year-old son with
PENDING ON THE COUNTRY, THE DIREC- the meantime a community of thousands of his child all dancing there on the mainfloor.
TION OF THE MUSIC OR EVEN REGIONAL people has evolved, who during wintertime Children are integrated into the scene and at
AND PERSONAL PREFERENCES. in the northern hemisphere, travel to Asia to large festivals you regularly have special sepa-
buy clothes and other goods which they then rate areas for kids. There is an extremely high
And still, just as in other cultures, there is a common sell at festivals or markets on other continents: level of child-friendliness in the scene perhaps
visual appearance and certain codes that make the A life within the scene, with the because adults on the dancefloor
Goa family so different to other scenes. scene and through the scene. The become like children again doing
The music, clothes, party and festival art, toler- largest Goa scenes are, no doubt, crazy things, playing with soap
ance, openness and friendliness and, of course, based in Germany, England, Aus- bubbles and dressing up like fair-
the fun loving people is what you will find at tria, Switzerland, Brazil, Por- ies. Nowadays, you find weddings
all the parties in countries that have a Psytrance tugal amongst other European and even funeral ceremonies tak-
scene. You will find people from all walks of life countries, but there also scenes in ing place in Goa style. Almost ev-
at these parties, from the unemployed to the law- South Africa, Russia, Japan and erything is allowed at Goa parties
yer, even politicians are amongst them. For most, Israel. The scene in Holland and because they create a special kind
Psytrance is a kind of weekend culture, even if the USA has shrunk somewhat of free-space that isn’t governed
some people get together during the week and and has been displaced by House by the constraints of society. Who
their friendships end up going beyond that of the and commercial club culture. hasn’t seen that friendly smile after
dancefloor. There is, however, a hardcore group Not everyone has experienced the hours of dancing, or received that
within the fraggle community that reject a life feeling of bliss and being at one with the uni- sudden kiss, or been hugged by someone you
adapted to industrial society. Goanauts dress in verse in the Goa continuum. Many have tried hadn’t known before or taken that bottle of wa-
such a way so as to be instantly recognisable to out techniques coming from the esoteric or new ter from someone else’s hands. Who hasn’t ex-
others in the scene. Such elements of recogni- age sector. Even though most have tried out perienced the openness with which everybody
tion are, for example, dreadlocks, tattoos, pierc- drugs, it is the older Psytrancers who say that speaks to each other, that sudden telepathic
ings, spacey or Indian style clothing, plenty of they no longer need any drugs because the pos- contact with the other dancers that happens
ornamental jewellery and the general elf or pixie itive energy from the people on the dancefloor spontaneously so often in the stomping masses?
style. There is no dress code as such. If you want is catching enough. Part of the scene rejects
to, you can step onto the dancefloor even dressed drugs in their entirety and use breathing tech- To be continued…
in an absurd suit and tie. Psytrance doesn’t have niques to get into trance, whereby the ritual of
any hard and fast rules; there are no gurus, noth- ecstasy is the core element. Music, decoration, Tom Rom aka Franko is a journalist. He is
ing is forbidden, nothing prescribed but there are visuals, laser bombardment and fluorescent one of the authors and also an editor of the
some unwritten rules that have grown out of the clothing are not just an exercise in self-purpose book GOA: 20 Years of Psychedelic Trance.
community itself and that start to become clear but are tools for gaining a faster and more in- You can buy it at the Info Point and via www.
after a few parties. tensive entry into the trance universe. At some
scene ... The third part is the conductors’ part. The attendees can get the
musicians to play their instruments with no previous instruc-
Dragon Nest tions, only with movements, posture, mimics and gestures.
This way we can experience short, improvisative compositions
11.00 - 15.00 – Raku Workshop borning. It is a very enjoyable game, for the audience and for
the conductor as well.
Raku-yaki is a type of Japanese pottery
that is traditionally used in the Japanese
tea ceremony, most often in the form of 20:00 – ILHAAM PROJECT Concert
tea bowls. It is traditionally character-
ised by being hand shaped rather than ILHAAM, was born by an Improbable encounter between
thrown; fairly porous vessels, which result Omri and Nina - an Israeli multi-instrumentalist and a Franco-
from low firing temperatures; lead glazes; Lebanese singer-dancer. This meeting happened in a travelling
and the removal of pieces from the kiln circus for peace between Israel and Palestine.
while still glowing hot. In the traditional With time, the singer-songwriter folk duo grows into some-
Japanese process, the fired raku piece is thing bigger adding to their unique polyphonic singing new
removed from the hot kiln and is allowed uncommon instruments : The Synth Bass, which gives the body
to cool in the open air or in a container to the sound and the beatbox giving the rhythm, creating a
filled with combustible material. Raku thick and colourful groovebox to complete the puzzle.
techniques have been modified by con- Unpredictable on stage, Between spontanous improvisations
temporary potters worldwide. they enter into the audience - inviting the public to join the
game, clowning around or closing their eyes into a deep medi-
11.00 - 15.00 – Saw dust carpet workshop tation...ILHAAM in concert is an event to not be missed.
Chambok House Well such a carpets, which are ment as a OFFERING, either 21:00 Sand Animation show and workshop
for a very
13.00 - 16.00 – Cranio Sacral Therapy Workshop highlight event, or avery important person who has made 22.:00 Dragon Fiókák Free Jam Ensemble (musicians of the
somethng in behalf for others and it self. This carpets always Magic Garden)
In a 3 hours workshop after a short introduction to the basic regards to something or some one of trascendence, and with
theory which people get closer to them. They are a huge tradition and 00:00 – ÓPERENTZIA – FREAK CIRCUS SET
of craniosacral biodinamics we learn how to the feel and fol- part of the culture of my home town and the whole state from
low the where i come from Huamantla Tlaxcala Óperentzia was founded in 2005 in Nyiregyháza by Gábor Bán-
craniosacral rythm of the Body. házi (drums), Tibor Domokos (keyboard + electronics), Krisz-
We learn how to help the self healing mechanisms and support 14.00 - 15.00 – Simor Company - Fairy tail from the hand of tián Keszei (bass), Gergely Nagy(guitar) Natalie Dimanovski
the work human or from a seed of a melon (vocal). The name refers to a faraway imaginary place often
of the vital life forces. Bring a mattress. cited in Hungarian folklore. Inspiration came from 60’s psy-
This story is a magic fairy tale, which is addressed for people chedelic funk, music from their childhood’s TV shows and the
17.00 - 18.00 – True Visions and the Vine of the Soul - Aya- from every ages. monotony of downtempo tracks.
huasca We use dance, theater, circus and music. On their recordings they also like to feature other instruments
Lecture by Dr. Ede Frecska Our prince is lost in a forest, but he has a wonderful meeting such as sitar, vibraphone and others, as well as guest lyricists.
with a fairy. And from this point his life is begin to change. He Thus, their stage sound substantially differs from their stu-
During its history mankind has devoted astonishing atten- is going to a magic trip and the audiance can follow his way. dio sound. An Óperentzia live concert is more like a mid-
tion toward visionary states of consciousness. Even nowadays, night dance party with the hardcorest electronically fortified
in many tribal societies and Eastern cultures visionary states 17.00 - 19.00 – Ozorian Children(trip) magic garden adven- rock’n’roll feeling.
are regarded as sacred or revered conditions, visions are con- ture
sidered conveying relevant information for the person (or the 17.00 - 19.00 – GOSIA MALGORZATA Flying-Low Dance
community) experiencing them. In Western culture the impor- 16:00 – BÉLAMHŰHELY Concert Technique
tance of visionary states has become grossly disregarded. Even
more, many traditional methods for the induction of these Bélaműhely was formed in Budapest, Hungary, in 2007. To- Where did Flying-Low come from?
states of consciousness are criminalized, and the scientific re- gether with Tóbiás Terebessy and the Medence Csoport make When David Zambrano started dancing professionally at age
search of this field is marginalized. In lack of adequate research our instruments (sounding objects) out of industrial trash, 21, he threw himself into it fully. So fully, that he eventually
contemporary neuroscience, clinical and legal practice cannot discarded objects, barrels, pipes, bicycle and computer parts, damaged his middle arches and could not stand up on his own
make distinction between disorganized and integrative types of troughs, pans and paper boxes. for six months. Instead of letting this derail his very young
altered states of consciousness. That is controversial if one takes They are not trying to build perfect sounding instruments, for dance career, he used it to develop a technique that he now
into consideration that trance-like states with visions were pres- that purpose there are the real musical instruments. They try teaches worldwide.
ent at the origin of human cultural achievements like paleolith- to take advantage on the imperfect sounds, those, that are sur-
ic art, tribal healing, organized religions, Sumerian civilization, prising even for the musicians. Their’s music can be described This workshop focuses mainly on the dancer’s relationship
and even Aristotelian logic. The discovery of the double helix as eclectic. with the floor. The class utilizes simple movement patterns that
and polymerase chain reaction are contemporary examples. The band often uses electronic-like bases (big beat, dubstep, involve breathing, speed and the release of energy throughout
The author emphasizes that the mythological tradition of every drum and bass, jungle) in the concert program, but authen- the body in order to activate the relationship between the cen-
culture (tribal, Eastern, Greco-Roman included), and the men- tic Turkish, Arabian and South-american rhythms also can ter and the joints, moving in and out of the ground more ef-
tality of Pre-Columbian South-American civilizations can only be found in the structure of their’s music. Bélaműhely plays ficiently by maintaining a centered state. There is a focus on the
be poorly understood without knowing the nature of visionary hungarian, transylvanian, gipsy and jewish songs, we arrange skevletal structure that will help improve the dancers physical
states. In the presentation special attention will be paid to the the works of contemporary and classical hungarian literature perception and alertness. The class includes partnering work
role of visionary plants, like yopo and ayahuasca in the advent pieces. and movement phrases, which explore the primary laws of
and survival of South-American traditions. physics: cohesion and expansion.
17:00 – BÉLAMŰHELY - Conductor Contest
20.30 - 21.00 – Zoltán Grecsó - Balsamine - Dance Performance Tower’s Yard
Our production called „Conductor contest” considers 3 parts.
The performance is about four young villager growing up, tell- In the first part includes individual and common playing on Permaculture Workshops
ing their everyday life, desires and hopes. The scene is a spe- the instruments by the musicians, so the audience, and the fu-
cial place with unique climate, maybe glass house. A magical ture conductors can get an idea of the sounds. Wednesday 10-12 h.: Ozora garden with permaculture eyes
world, which weaves the threads of fate .... In the second part, everyone can try the instruments, ask ques- (Permaculture is not just about gardening, but everything gar-
The Balsamine is a light, comic ballet with an absurd sense of tions about how they were made, from what material, about dens in permaculture.)
humor, about how life starts with full of hope, then how gets how to play on them, etc. This is also a part for signing up for Thursday 14-16 h.: Let’s do up the compost pile! (Basics of
all banal, which is really important, as the girls appear on the the contest. composting in permaculture)


The cornfield maze above the main stage has always been a TODAY IS WEDNESDAY 7 AUGUST
separate adventure within the festival experience. Every year a
different tangle of paths to follow, different things to see, think, 26°C (79°F) NIGHT 16°C (61°F)
enjoy and share. The heat is off! Wednesday’s skies could

This year the visual and mental experience will unfold into a
be cloudy but there will be plenty of
breezy sunshine. You will probably only
creative and active way to share (your love, wisdom, care) and experience a shower if you take one.
also become a creator of the Labyrinth. Especially during the The north and north-western winds
Labyrinth Hours! can still send strong gushes of cool air.
And don’t be misled by the promised
temperature – it can easily warm up to
I heard the corn stalks whispering that with every sunrise and a 31°C.
when silence spreads across the main stage, extraordinary
things start happening in the Labyrinth. Thursday’s prospects 9 AUGUST

26°C (79°F) NIGHT 15°C (59°F) As the Moon enters Taurus

Be on the lookout for daily updates on the locations and the around noon, energies of joy
magic hours when the Labyrinth’s creatures bring it to life. Thursday gifts us with a sun-bright day can spread, be aware however to
with a few fair weather cumulus clouds listen to both your feelings and
A tiny spoiler for those of you who haven’t wandered off into – you might even spot some dragon- your mind, that is the voice in
the cornfield labyrinth yet – you can find two main paths to shaped ones while daydreaming. By your heart where the two meet.
follow. Experience a Field Trip on one or choose the Creaction night some of them may bring short It’s a good day to settle down
spells of rain. But keep in mind: the sun
Trail... but will the Labyrinth’s creatures have in store for you has decided to play the main role.
and find your place and enjoy the
there? surroundings.
LOONEY MOON hero, they invite you to join their team and Project” has been actively participating in the
engage them in conversations to fulfill your psychedelic scene by decorating parties with

VISION AND ART senses. his art. His work is not only stimulated by the
psychedelic experience, but by the greatest
Come visit the Looney Moon Visions art gal- artist of all times: Mother Nature! The contin-
GALLERY lery todayand get inspired!
uous research in this specific direction makes
him a dynamic artist in everlasting evolution.
Through his drawings he can bring out the
ISSUE 3: OUR VISIONARY ARTISTS link between scientific knowledge and expand-
Featured artist of the day: ing consciousness.
This year, Looney Moon
Visions presents 10 of the Luminokaya
finest visionary art heavy- Collective Land Art Produc-
weights and fresh talents tion/Workshop starts at 4pm
from international shores. Luminokaya is Keerych, a Russian-born artist
All the artworks printed currently a global citizen and one of the most in 2 days - JOIN US!
and available at the art prolific names in the global visionary art scene.
gallery are original de- His art project Luminokaya Lab appeared as a
signs and pieces of art ma- result of a huge amount of data coming from
nipulated by various digital and paint medi- the great field of energy and information in
ums. The gallery exhibition is decoratively forms of light and energy waves, visions, im-
surrounded by lycra and light installations ages, dream-state objects, transpersonal vi-
created by Looney Moon Deco. They are also sions and visions beyond personality, and also
hosting video art compilations of visionary art symbols, signs and channeling. Keerych does
projectionist Martin Stebbing from Berlin and not question the authorship of his art as he is
land art installation artist eleMental from Ro- inspired by life itself. His website and portfo-
mania at Ozora this year. Their artists and lio can be viewed at
their messages emanate from incredibly varied
fields - technology, science, fashion, metaphys-
ics, spirituality, nature, to name a few. They Featured artist of the day:
are mostly self-taught and are open to sharing
their techniques, Subliquida
skills and inspiration with the audience. This
is the time you expand your knowledge of the “Subliquida” is the moniker of a high-skilled
arts. From the aspiring young nomad with in- new visionary artist from Italy born in 1989.
credible digital skills to the awkward social Since the autumn season of 2011, “Subliquida

O.Z.O.R.A. Festival’s Magic Garden

presents a series of lectures and experiences
about the Evolution of Consciousness and Hu-
man Transformation utilizing the Wheel of Wis-
dom as a tool. The course is presented by:

Dr. Sally M. Torkos

Reseaarch an Clinical Psychology, Ph.D., part
Cherokee Native American Indian.

Professor Béla F. Torkos

Energy Research Scientist and Engineer, Hun-
Kenguru is a phenomenon, a significant pillar of vault, the waterside or one of Budapest’s trendiest places.
August 8-12, 2012 2:00-4:00 P.M. Magic Garden the Hungarian party culture since the ninetees. A Many times he has even tied his fashion shows togeth-
Pyramid self-taught fashion designer, he organizes parties er with the goa parties. He hasn’t been organizing par-
and fashion events and last, but not in the least, ties for some time now because as he says many young
Daily: he is an emblematic figure of O.Z.O.R.A. A secure promoters are doing his job instead of him.
2:00-3:00 Lecture point of orientation, a meeting point where some of For a while he drifted away from the scene because he
3:00-4:00 Guided Meditation, Ritual and Build- the biggest stars usually chill-out. felt the music selection was drab.
ing the Wheel. In the winter of 1998 when he first heard that the SO-
Day one will have an opening ritual and five a He brought fashion and the party culture from NYC LIPSE FESTIVAL was going to be held in Hungary,
and it was after his time spent in the capital city of the he admits that the news hit him as a shock because he
closing ritual.
United Sates that he decided to design his black and had to travel 5000-6000 km for this experience until
silver T-shirts. then.
Day 1 - August 8 Not long after it was at his own fashion show that he Naturally, he did not leave out the party: as the only
Opening Ritual shared his first collection. In 1996 he got a few goatrance Hungarian he set up a shop. Since then he has been
Introduction to Wheel of Wisdom tapes and since then there was no stopping: after he had with us from year to year: and those of you who desire
South Direction come back from his travels in Goa, he organized around a good conversation or an icy frappé, a visit to his place
Mythic Consciousness 60 goa parties in various extreme places, like in a cryptic is a must!



8th Wednesday 8th Wednesday
13:30 Sun Control Species 13:00 Labyrinth Fluid
14:00 Digoa 16:00 Saafi Brothers
16:00 CLOSE 18:00 Gabriel Le Mar
21:00 Doc 20:00 Nuno
23:00 Tsuyoshi Suzuki 23:00 Zeon
9th Thursday 9th Thursday
1:00 Insector 2:00 Uone
2:15 Trippy Hippies 4:00 DJ Nod
3:30 Jirziy vs. Paya 7:00 John Monkmann
5:30 Nigel 9:30 Nick Interchil
7:30 Hoodwink 12:30 Antonio Testa & Beatriz Alvar
8:45 Rinkadink 13:30 Nova
10:00 Brian Sentient 16:30 Solar Fields
12:00 Son Kite 18:00 Minilogue
13:30 Sensient 21:00 Miss Tick
14:45 Ace Ventura 23:00 Pena
16:00 Liquid Ace
17:30 Dj Chichago retro set

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