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12.13 Determine the equation of the regression line for the following data, and compute the residuals.

x 15 8 19 12 5
y 47 36 56 44 21


First, we determine the equation of the regression line for the following data:

First, we determined the value of

x y x^2 xy
15 47 225 705
8 36 64 288
19 56 361 1064
12 44 144 528
5 21 25 105
59 204 819 2690

Using these values, we solved for the sample slope (b1) and the sample y-intercept (b0).

SSxy = 282.8

SSxx = 122.8

b1 = 2.3029316

b0 = 13.6254072

The least squares equation of the regression line is

ý = b0 + b1x

ý = 13.625 + 2.3029x

Now, we compute the residuals:

x y ý y-ý
15 47 48.1694 -1.1694
8 36 32.0489 3.9511
19 56 57.3811 -1.3811
12 44 41.2606 2.7394
5 21 25.1401 -4.1401
ute the residuals.


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