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Hope this helps


1. In crisis you will find opportunity, apparently.

2. Ur alumni network will always help you with internship and jobs
3. Being online is going to hard... Time change and all.
4. If u have enough options, them u can defer.
5. Fall career fairs are bigger.
6. Many enginnering courses in spring.... They have prerequisites offered in fall. So u have
lesser choice.
7. Fall there are courses in 400 level. And Spring courses are of 500, level which are tougher.
8. If fall is shifted online... Do u think we can manage office work with college ?? It's tough as u
need 40 hours of office work + graduate study. So yeah, its gonna be tough.
9. Wat kind of part time jobs available ? ( Dining halls, library work, RA/TA, research jobs under
proffs, housing, community centre assistant, gyms, recreation building, grader jobs and etc )
(oncampus job website:
And every department has has a similar website.
10. Can we finish a 2 year course in 1 year ?? It's definitely difficult with working part time on
Taking 8 or 9 credits is easier to work part time. Anything above 12 credits is difficult.
11. Take a month to figure out how much time u have.. only them decide if u want to take more
credits or take a part time job
12. Peer group is what makes the experience, so please reconsider online if possible. But online
will save u a lot of money.
13. GSI(TA)/GSRA(RA).. compelte tution waived off.... And we will also get a stipend... But it's
very very tough and very very rare. (Ur life is set). Proffs usually get u to work for th free for 1
sem, and then from second sem they give u a position, if available.
14. Part time work at best will cover ur living expenses at the best and nothing else.
15. Some colleges getting TA/RA is easy... But others it isnt.
16. How to apply for TA position? Department will send out GSI application.
17. Colleges that have high PhD population, it's tougher to get TA and RA.
To improve chances to get TA, u need to get amazing grades I'm his subject !
18. Job Opportunities ? Record low unemployment, so things are getting tougher. It's definitely
19. Full time opportunities are considered to be easier to get than internship in USA
20. But u can always try for virtual jobs/ virtual internship s via reaching out to networks. Things
will start to look better Ina couple of months. Once people realise that this is reality, things
should bounce back.
21. Recommended course load for first sem ?? Min is 8, average is 11/12. But some people
take 19/20 also. 8 is a bit too less. Take 10/12 and work part time.
For engineering (8, 12, 10) to complete in 3 semester. First sem must be lighter than
others.(account for seasonal depression, it's a real thing) . Also first sem u need time to figure
out on campus opportunities and RA and TA. Engineering students prefer to complete course in
3 semesters.

22. Don't feel pressured to take any decision. It's a personal decision !!

23. Is it difficult for freshers to get a job in US ? Work exp helps.. but freshers get amazing jobs
too. So it depends on the way you approach and pitch urself to the company.( And if u have
some handy skills that recruiters looks for)
( Also depends on what u do once u get to US, like RA and all)

24. 2 years is a realistic timeline to repay loan, but it might be more too depending on the salary.

25. Housing, u need to sumbit an application. Sooner the better

TIP: incase we decide to come this fall... Immediately look at all housing availability and apply
right away, and don't wait for people to join in( like roommates and all, cos u will find a room
mater for sure) . So first sign a lease first !

26. Central compus is more expensive. There are a lot of individual houses where we can apply
and find roommates but be pretty quick with this.

27. Timeline to apply for housing, May only, u need to apply.

28. Networking opportunity ?

Umich website helps u find roomates... It's like Bharath matrimony site with photo and

29. Oncampus
Excellent connectivity to all city
Blue bus( all campus) and Ann Arbor bus
650-700 per month ( single bedroom )
Sharing isnt all that bad
Single sharing >on campus best

Off campus
Works out if sharing room and stay at slightly cheaper places

30. Deferrals is a university specific or department specific ??

It is a departmental decision!
31. Facebook group

32. Enginnering students must start in fall !! Others can start in spring too.

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