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Time for some ramennnnn!!!!!!!

- Chicken thighs: 1 piece per person
- Champignon mushrooms: as much as you want (more is better in my opinion :D)
- Carrots: 1-2 per person
- Broccoli: 1 piece is enough for a big pot of broth for 4 people.
- Chicken broth (or chicken broth cube.)
- Garlic, black pepper, paprika, rosemary for seasoning
- Eggs: 0.5-1 per person
- Tagliolini

1. Cut carrot, broccoli, mushrooms, onions into small pieces
2. Marinate chicken with some garlic (cut into small pieces or use garlic powder instead), black
pepper, paprika, rosemary for half an hour or so. Fry the chicken and cut it into small pieces.
Take the chicken out of the pan.
3. With the same pan (that you use for frying the chicken, best to use the fat coming out from the
chicken as well), add the onions and mushrooms. Cook until they turn yellow.
4. Take a pot of water (as much as you need, depending on the number of people you cook for). If
you have chicken broth, use it instead of water. Add carrots. Add the chicken broth cubes (if
needed.) Boil the water until the carrots are well-cooked.
5. Put broccoli in the broth pot. Continue cooking until both carrots and broccoli are cooked.
(Because broccoli is very faster to be cooked, we add it after carrots get cooked.)
6. Boil the eggs. Peel and cut them into halves.
7. In another pot, prepare water and boil the tagliolini.

1. Put the tagliolini into bowls.
2. Pour in the broth of broccoli & carrots
3. Put on top: Broccoli, carrots, the mushrooms-onion mix, chicken and eggs.
4. I usually pour in some broth from the mushrooms-onion pan as well because it tastes so good.
But you can also skip this to make the dish less heavy/fat.

Enjoy! 😊😊

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