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114 get get + sustontivo (get a letter / get a job ete) = recbir/consequir, obtener, comprarjtomor ira llamar 0 a ‘buscar, encontrar, troer, et its get it eo you don’t have something you have it ‘Did you get my postcard?’ “Yes, I got it yesterday’ “@Recibiste ... 7"‘Si a rec I like your sweater. Where did you get it? —¢... lo compraste? Is it difficult to get a job at the moment? é€s dificil encontrar trabajo ... ? (ol teléfono) ‘Hello, can I speak to Lisa, please? ‘Sure. I'll get her’... ‘La llamo! Can you get me a knife from the kitchen? —¢Puedes traerme un cuchill ... ? We get wool from sheep. La fana se obtiene También se dice get a bus / a train / a taxi (= tomar un autobis / un tren /un taxi): ‘Did you walk here?” ‘No,I got the bus? get + adjetivo (get hungry / get cold / get tired etc) = hacerse/volverse + adjetvo —ryou get hungry Ensen: ae \e are hungry Esta construccién corresponde a verbos esparioles, con frecuencia reflexivos 0 derivados de adjetivos. Por ejemplo: get angry (enfodarse) get dressed (vestrse) get cold (enfriarse) get lost (perderse) get drunk emborracharse) get married (casarse) get tired (consarse) get ready (preparar/orepararse) get wet (mojarse) get hurt (hacerse dafo) get late (hacerse tarde) get hungry (entror hambre) get better/worse (mejorar/empeoror) get dark (oscurecer / hacerse de noche) get old (envejecer) It was raining very hard. We didn't have an umbrella, so we got very wet. I got up and got dressed quickly. We didn’t have a map, so we got lost. get here/there (sin to): f How did you get here? By bus? get to If you don’t eat, you get hungry. Drink your coffee. It’s getting cold. I'm sorry your mother is ill. I hope she gets better soon. Nicole and Frank are getting married soon. get to + lugar = llegar 0: Lusually get to work before 8.30. We left London at 10 o’clock and got to Manchester at 12.45 get home (sin to) = llegar a casa: What time did you get home last night? (no get to home) get in/out/on/off subir/bajar (de los medios de transporte) his work / 8.15 wnd.left home. at 7.30 and. got. to work at 8.15. 2 London / 10.15 —> Bristol / 11.45 Teft London at 10.15 and 3 the party / 11.15 home / midnight 4 Escribe una frase verdadera acerca de ti Tleft 57.5 Completa las frases con got in / got out of / got on / got off. 1 Kate the car and drove away, 21 the bus and walked to my house fiom the bus stop. 3 Isabel the car, shut the door and went into a shop. 4 [made a stupid mistake. I the wrong train. 57.6 Traduce al ingles. 1. Puedes traerme el azficar de la cocina, por favor? 7 Lucia y Roberto se casan hoy. 2. Me voy a casa, Esti oscureciendo. 8 ‘aDénde esti Andy?” 3 ,Cémo puedo llegar a la estacién? “Se esta preparando para salir’ 4 {Dénde puedo comprar un periédic 9 Subimos al avién en Barcelona y dos horas més 5 Tu hermana se enfadé conmigo ayer. tarde bajamos en Londres. 6 Era mny tarde cuando Hlegaron a casa 10 Ayer llegué tarde al concierto porque me perdi 115

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