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@) What's the Story?’ R « Vocabulary # Adjectives to describe pictures son Gy uth ters ine order to complete to” ee Gy There are many congue” programs for work photos. Users can ces many kinds of inter (gritsentien) pictures an - a beautiful effects with the softwar You can completey ching a. lg image by replacing the normal colors with a king of brown, So you take te ] Match the words (1-5) to the definitions (a-e). eee image look... 3 fake (lod-facishnes). Or youse 4 dramatic change the clothes apes 5 old-fashioned is wearing, and make the picture *. a From another period in time, when life was very different (nunfy). Or again, you b It uninteresting. can make parts of the imag ¢ Its not real 8, (viru, d It's exciting; it makes me want to look at it so that one part becomes e {t's not clear; | can't see it very well more °.. cy Complete the conversation with these words. (cardamit). As people say only limit is your imagination Blurry boring dramatic _fake _okdashioned _ silly The only problem, howe is that it becomes difficut to tell the difference between an orginal anda __ (kefa) phat A Look at this! Look at those clothes! And the hairstyles! B Where did you find that? Ana box in the attic. The pictures are really "old-fashioned, B Yeah. | think they must be from the war or something, A They're pretty 2 _.! There aren't any colors. B Yes, but sometimes they're very... .- Here's one of & building on fire. A And what's this one? B I don't know! Its 4... + $0 | can't see the detail It looks like a photo of a person's foot. Welt, that's a photo! Why would B Who knows! What about this one? Itsaye “Love fom Me me Everest, 1945." tent That's a... til 19531 Photo! Nobody climbed Mount Everest 2 + What's the Story? Escaneado con CamScanner Readin' §) (1) Match the photos (A-C) to the paragraphs (1-3). x@ Complete the sentences. 1 Ulrike changed her clothes. 2 In the photo, Danny Hi, guys! Here's a nice (but, blurry) picture of Danny's birthday party! He was dancing really fast! There ‘was were about forty of us there. 3 Astorm.... . We used his parents’ garage into the beach last for the party. We stayed weekend. late, but nobody complained . . about the music. It was 4 Danny had his party in great! a 5 Atree ..on some cars. 6 Ulrike wasn't... ecco. to the other people in the group. Hey, everyone! Here are some colorful pictures from ‘our hiking trip last weekend. My favorite one is of Ulrike falling into the water. She was crossing the stream and listening to music on her MP3 player. She didn’t hear us warn her about the moving stones, so she fel in She didn’t hurt herself, but her backpack got wet, and everything inside it cid, too. She changed into some dry clothes that Maria gave her. & Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 There were a lot of people at Danny's party. T 2 Danny's neighbors weren't happy about ‘the music. 3 Ulrike’s group went to the beach last weekend. 4 Nothing in Ulrike's backpack was dry. 5 People at the beach were prepared for the storm. 6 No one was hurt in the accident. How about this for a dramatic picture? We were at the beach last weekend when a sudden storm ‘ame in, The winds were really strong, so we left the beach fast. Then a big palm tree fell on some cars parked in the street. Luckily, there was no one in the cars. Adrian took this picture just five minutes after it happened Brain Trainer \ Undetine all the adjectives in Comments 1, 2 and 3. Whiatdoyou notice about e) theit form? their position? > (a7 Unit 2+ What's the Story? Escaneado con CamScanner e Past continuous Grammar » Past simPle “ay put the words in the correct order V «CL, Mateh the questions (1-4) to the answers (a-d)- fomake answers. p 1 who took these photos? | b 1A Where were you last weekend? ( 2 Where did she take them? ny the / volleyball playing / Was beac, * 3 What happened in this one? on playing volleyball on the beach. 4 Did they come out all ight? aA What about Saturday night? a Most of them did, but some are a litle Blurry. # club /1/ friends / dancing / some / at b Jane did, was / the / with erties at Fran's house, on Saturday eee eee . d The flash didn’t work! 3A Very interesting! i a ame morning? rs / We / the Awere / morning / + Zy Complete the text with the correct form of B nena! al 9 the verbs. sone vs peeneeeeneten ees This is a photo of my grandmother, who had an ‘an Anion Sunday afternoon, were you interesting life. When she was fourteen, the war iki in the park? started, and the family "st (lose) their business Beare walking in the fon / weren't in the city. Her parents 2un ross (MOL Say want) to stay in Wales, so they... (ail) to Argentina. They * 5A So what were you doing on Sunday? (not speak) Spanish, but there was a Welsh B We /an/ old-fashioned / watching / were/ community in Argentina, and her father eee Ba (find) a job there. My Oran rne aa (study) in Buenos 6 A What were the people in the movie doing? Bites, where sh€ 7 errr (meet) MY " grandfather. They got married three years Iter B acting/ silly were / They and had three children, including my father os tek (iy Make sentences about Tanya's week. 44 Gy Make sentences with the Past continuous form of the verbs. Use the information in the table. 1 Some children / play / in the yard iameptiods ‘Some children were playing in the yard. 1-dean my room v 2 Adog/ run /in the park 2 wash Dad's car a ane 3 make birthday cake x 3 Aman / park / his car 4 buy new shirt v 4 Ayoung couple / do/ their shopping 5 reply to emails v 6 check exam grades x ssvnennnnsenenesnsnnanannsnst sie treplace i 5 Some friends / take / photos 1 She cleaned her room. 6 Aneighbor / wash / his car \Grammar Reference pages 88-89 | Init 2 » What's the Story? Escaneado con CamScanner Vocabulary ¢ Adjective + preposition (1-6) to the endings (a-f). 1 Stella's really good e 2 Brian's very interested 3 Old-fashioned pictures are popular 4 Ella's excited 5 We're very proud 6 Jane's bored a with some collectors. b with the music on her MP3 player. ¢ in animal photography. d of our school’s prize in the photo competition ¢ at taking dramatic photos. £ about seeing her photos in the school magazine. ] choose the correct options. 1 We don’t want to go to the mall because we're proud of fred oP going there! 2 Don't tum the light off! I'm afraid of / bad at the dark. 3 Our team won the game and we were excited about / angry with it She's a very nice person and she's popular with / proud of he other students. Jur teacher is really at / sory for teling ores. want to study music because |am really bad at / terested init. CG Match the sentence beginnings (3 Complete the sentences with these words. eked angry excited interested bad sony 1 Everyone said they were afraid of traffic accidents. 2 He was with them because he didn’t get a prize. 3 I'm usual at science, but | did very well on my last exam, 4 Everyone is. about the next Olympic Games. 5 She WAS reese in becoming a writer. 6 Everyone felt _..for the parents with the sick children. (Ay Complete the text with the correct prepositions. This is an interesting picture! You can see this boy on the left: he fooks tired ' of playing with his toys. And the girl on the right, who looks bored ?.. . her doll’s house. The other children in the middle are laughing and pointing at the screen. It looks like they're very excited °... a video game. ‘And look at the grandmother's face. She's very proud un her grandchildren! Finally, | feel sorry —— the dog next to the boy. It looks afraid 6 csnsanesunee the image of itself in the mirror! This is a nice picture because itis full of interesting details. Unit 2 # What's the Story? Escaneado con CamScanner Speaking and Listening T) put the words in order to make ** (3) Complete 7? questions Then listenand check. and check 1 Lena /us/ you / comes / Doyoumindif — Imsorry OK of course pepularwith you can the conversation with these words. Then listen mind /if /Do/ with /? Do you mind if Lena comes vith us? Guide Good morning and welcome to the Milefoot Country Park! 2 bicycle / borrow / Can This park is very ' popular with people who love the your /1/? countryside. We hope you enjoy your visit. Man Can we take photos in the park? Guide Yes, ?...... __.. But we recommend that you don't go 2 if /it dog / we / OK/ take / | too near the animals. s/the/? Woman Is it OK if we have a picnic somewhere? Guide —Yes,? “There are special areas with benches where visitors can eat and drink. con wi ‘Boy ¢ if we go fishing in the river? + (2) Complete the conversation with YO epeeenneerae, ; 20 he oetins from Exercise 1. | Guide Wo in sony The fish are protected, and you can't hen stan andl check. | Boy What about a barbecue? * we have a barbecue? Guide We don’t mind if you have picnics, but ©. you can’t have barbecues. It's too dangerous to light fires in the park. +x (4) tisten to the conversation in Exercise 3 again. ist be careful 9 Choose the correct options. 1 You@@Ay can't see animals in the park. 2 Visitors should / shouldn’t go near the animals. 3 Visitors can have picnics anywhere in the park / in special arees 4 Fishing is / isn’t possible. 5 Fires are / aren't allowed in the park. «xG, Write a conversation, Use phrases from Exercises 1-3 above and this information: ‘You are staying for the weekend at a friend’s house. Ask permission to do three different thi f ir Re include your friend's replies. nan Escaneado con CamScanner Grammar ¢ Past simple vs Past continuous + (3) Make questions for the underlined answers. 11 was listening to the radio when | heard the news, + Match the sentence beginnings What were you doing when you heard the news? (1-5) to the endings (a-e), 2 | was listening to the radio when heard the news. 1. Iwas having a wonderful What happened while you were listening to the radio? dream 3 Thieves were stealing a painting when the police arrived. 2 A ball hit a woman 3 The girl was texting on her phone 4 The boys saw a bank robbery 5 We were watching a news 4 Thieves were stealing a painting when the police arrived. 5 My parents were driving home when the storm started. ing home when the storm started. 6 My parents were dt report on TV a while they were sitting on 7 Tania was living abroad when her parents moved. the balcony. . ——— —— b while she was walking 8 Tania was living abroad when her parents moved. through the park, a eee = © when we recognized our 9 Iwas recording the concert when the battery died, friends at a concert. d when the alarm clock woke me up. € when she put her foot it Tame see (Gy Make questions for the missing information. 1125 rss when | heard the news. + (2, Choose the correct options. What were you doing when you heard the news? when the rain started. 1 The weather@hanged/ 2 Our team was was changing while we 7 came KWere comingdown the mountain. 2 We ran /were running through the woods when Angelica fell/ was falling. 3 A bird landed / was landing ‘on my shoulder while | ate / was eating a sandwich! 4 Marla watched’ was watching TV when her friend arrived / was arriving. Brain Tralner 5 ae el ore Put when or whife nto these sentences: ne [Wes dinking mycafle,...... the emai arved 6 The) The email arrived | was drinking my coffee. 4 y 2 A use either word in both sentences? aerate Look at Grammar Reference page 88 and write the rule. 3 We were _. when the battery died. 4 Anawas..... when the phone rang. 5 My parents were when the teacher entered je students were ‘the room. Unit 2+ What's the Story? Escaneado con CamScanner Reading» Read the text quickly. choose th a AfunTriptothe UK by A Dramatic Tip to the UK < ABoring Trip to the UK best ttle. In the spring of 2010, my family was preparing fora trip to the UK. We wanted to go to Scotland to visit Edinburgh, and then to stay in London, to see all the famous places there. We were planning to stay for ten days, and | was really looking forward to the tip. On April 10, we flew to Edinburgh and took a taxi tothe hotel. The weather was colder than at home, butit was clear and bright. “The next three days we went sightseeing, The dungeons on the Royal Wile were realy cool! The 14th wes our last day there, so we went shopping on the famous Princes Street. | gota photo of myself with a egpiper in hiskilt, and lemmalled it to my friends. n the evening, we Wwere having dinner when we saw pictures on TV ofa volcano erupting in eeland, The pictures were pretty dramatic, but we didn’t worry. The next day, we arived a the airport for the fight to London. But We didn't catch the plane because al the fights were canceled. Wy? Because the ash from the Volcano was a serious problem for planes ‘lying over the UK! In the end) We had to take a train to London, and We spent a whole week sihiseeing and shopping in all the famous places, But We had to Walt another two days before we could final catch a fight home, Of course, that was OK with me, since | had ay extra two days of vacation! ae @ chiasma Read the text again. Put these events in the correct order, 1 go back to Edinburgh airport bvisit London ¢ arrive in Edinburgh i see a volcanic eruption on TV e visit the dungeons go shopping on Princes Street Listening @) Listen to an interview with a git who wants to be a photographer How many photos do they talk about? a2 bs ce J}) Listen again and choose the 10 correct options. 1 The photo was of her brothers... birthday. a second b third Yourth 2 The bird caught a. a mouse b rabbit c cat 3 She took the photo in Vermont in the a spring b fall ¢ winter 4 The colors in the photo were a on the buildings b on an umbrella ¢ in the streets 5 The two women in the phot were .. a friends b sisters © mother and daughter Escaneado con CamScanner Writing eA description of 4 picture wy Read the text and correct the sentences, My mom took this photo about two years ago, when we were visiting my uncle. He lives in Spain, so we don't often see each other. He was living in a new house, and it was the first time that we saw it. The photo is of a special meal. We cooked paella, which his family had never tried before. The weather was great, so we ate outside. You can see grass and some trees in the background. That's the food on the table in the foreground. That's my uncle and my cousin on the right, and my aunt on the left serving the food. My sister and | are in the middle. We're all laughing because my uncle was telling a joke. Ilike this photo because it brings back good memories of the time we spent together 1 This was the family’s third visit to the uncle's house: This was the family's first visit to the uncle's houses 2 They ate in the kitchen, 3 The food is on the table in the background, 4 The people in the photo are crying. 5 Her uncle is on the left of the photo. 2, Read the text again. Put these phrases in the correct place in column A. a special meal ‘good memories inthe background —_in the foreground inthe middle meal outside new house on the left on the right time together visit my uncle 13 Iiypicke) twoyearage A deccrptio two years ago Tnkeetiaton choosingytties photo 3 choose your favorite photo, Write phrases about it in column B. @, Write a description of your photo. Use your ideas and information from Exercises 2 and 3. (Introduction) (Description) (Conclusion) Unit 2* What’ the Story? Escaneado con CamScanner

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