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Carys Baek

What is important to me:

- People, family, adventure (for my own growth), beauty, creativity, generosity,
honoring things I like and capable of doing

Told I am good at:

- Responsibility, creative thinking, communication, time management, art
(drawing), ability to explain my ideas and thoughts through words

EQ: how could I change the unfortunate viewpoint of food (desserts and sweets) from
diabetics? because those need to be avoided for their condition.

How can I challenge myself to make diabetic-friendly desserts (in a slight hope to give
them joy)?
-Gather recipes from the web and try coming up with my own recipes at home (altered
from other people’s recipes) and put them into a recipe book.

How can my capstone project be beneficial/helpful to the community and also develop
my passion and enjoy the process?
- I am aware of the fact that numerous diabetics give up on certain food groups so
while I am making the recipe book, I get to learn more about diebetic-friendly
baking and I can simply enjoy the process of baking.

How/why is this topic meaningful to me?

- My grandpa suffered from type 2 diabetes and sadly passed away last year.
During his elder years, I grew up watching him not being able to eat his favourite
desserts or having to be aware of the intakes. I saw him get stressed over that
and personally it broke my heart to see that. So, I am willing to take this
opportunity and let myself gratify this topic of baking. Also, use this experience
and skills once I open my bakery in the future hoping the baked goods will bring
a smile to the ones who struggle with a similar situation like my grandpa.

General ideas:
First gather some recipes from the internet and bring those to put in the recipe
Make desserts and sweets inspired by the pre existing recipes
Once all the recipes are gathered, try out a few of them to make sure they taste good
enough and enjoy that proces!
Make a recipe book using Canva (a website)
Values: accomplishment, creativity, adventure, enjoyment, experience, family, health,
hopefulness, insightfulness, making a difference, optimism,

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