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Fabian: Good morning, I think that in the message of the campaign, we must highlight the excellent quality of

the Colombian alfajores and they have no point of comparison with those of other countries. My proposal is:
"Why look for desserts, if you find the best alfajores in the world"

Fabian: Companions, in addition to what you have commented, I think it is important to mention that the
chocolate we use, is the highest quality chocolate in Colombia, this chocolate based on cocoa, helps us to
improve cognitive functions and improve attention.

Fabian: Heidy, I agree with Andres, we must give importance to social networks, but we must not forget the
conventional channels, I think we must also include ads on television, we have the budget to include ads in
these 2 channels

Fabian: Heidy and colleagues, I think that for the campaign to be a complete success, we must start with some
promotions that will attract the attention of the customers. We could contemplate promotions such as buy 3 and
take 4 or percentage discounts of the total value for the purchase, in wholesale purchases.

Fabian: Yes Heidy, we do not define the key message of the campaign, there are more proposals?

Fabian: Alexandra, I think the message is excellent, according to the current situation, I would agree with your
proposal. Andres and Heidy, what do you think?

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