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PRELIMINARY TIME STUDIES 53 Practice with any scale, playing the ewo-measure examples with the firse note, then with the second note, etc. Use the upper bowing; then the lower. Note the accent mark (=). When playing with the upper bowing at 1, the accenting of the notes marked will prepare for the bow- ing below with the ties. 2, 3 and 4 are essentially the same, but in different musical notation. On Tnvava Tavavav nv nvr oy Or ym On yin _y ny @n_yin nv oY A Von yon Yay oA Octaves to IV Position a ‘ re — Qs © >» O25 @>— @ == SS i THE BATTLE OF JERICHO Negro Spiritual % 2. 3 Os. al > This tune is in a minor key. The E minor scale has “flatted” third and sixth steps as com- pared with che major scale. See later at page 117 for minor scale explanation. Ol ————_—__—_—_—_—— TT

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