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(THE LAKE -- TO ----)

In spring of youth it was my lot En la primavera de mi juventud era mi destino
To haunt of the wide earth a spot buscar un lugar del ancho mundo
The which I could not love the less -- que no pudiera amar menos,
So lovely was the loneliness tan hermosa era la soledad
Of a wild lake, with black rock bound, del apartado lago, rodeado de negras rocas,
And the tall pines that tower'd around. y altos pinos que se elevaban alrededor.

But when the Night had thrown her pall Pero cuando la noche había extendido su manto
Upon that spot, as upon all, sobre aquel lugar, como encima de todo,
And the mystic wind went by y el místico viento pasaba
Murmuring in melody -- murmurando una melodía,
Then -- ah then I would awake entonces, oh entonces, me despertaba
To the terror of the lone lake. al terror del solitario lago.

Yet that terror was not fright, Pero el terror no era espanto,
But a tremulous delight -- sino tembloroso deleite,
A feeling not the jewelled mine un sentimiento que ninguna riqueza
Could teach or bribe me to define -- me podría hacer decir ni sobornar a definir,
Nor Love -- although the Love were thine. ni el amor, aunque fuera el tuyo.

Death was in that poisonous wave, La muerte estaba en aquella ola venenosa,
And in its gulf a fitting grave y en su golfo un ajustado sepulcro
For him who thence could solace bring para el que desde allí podía traer solaz
To his lone imagining -- a su solitaria imaginación,
Whose solitary soul could make cuya solitaria alma podía hacer
An Eden of that dim lake. un Edén de aquel oscuro lago.

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