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Sixth grade / 6° básico

Teacher: Daniela Gutiérrez

English worksheet n° 2: Verb to be.

Name: Date:

¿Qué es el Verb to be?

El verb to be significa SER O ESTAR según el contexto. Es el verbo más utilizado en la lengua inglesa y
también el más importante, se presenta de tres maneras: AM - IS - ARE y se utiliza según el subject
pronoun (pronombre de sujeto; visto en worksheet n° 1) Para saber cómo debes usarlo mira la siguiente

Subject pronoun verb to be examples

I I am Daniela (yo soy Daniela)

AM I am in Chile (yo estoy en Chile)

HE He is a boy (el es un chico)

SHE IS She is in the house (ella está en casa)
IT It is black (eso es negro)

WE We are friend (nosotros somos amigos)

YOU ARE You are in the beach (ustedes están en la playa)
THEY They are so happy (ellas están muy felices)

Exercises: circle the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. Tom am is are a carpenter.

2. Terry and Linda am is are from Armenia.
3. Jack am is are a famous movie star.
4. BMW am is are an expensive car brand.
5. Alan's friends am is are doctors.
6. We am is are at home.
7. I am is are a diligent student.
8. They am is are my friend's cousins.
9. Mr Jackson am is are a pianist.
10. Daniel and Ryan am is are mechanical engineers.
11. His shoes am is are new.

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