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A : Hey Syaripa! How are you?

B : I am fine, thank you.

A : Hey did you heard the bad news?
B : I don't know, what's wrong?
A : Syaripa, it is a big fire there in Riau. It cause a lot of smokes, which is harmful to
B : Really? Forest clearing? How does that cuase forest fire?
A : Yes, of cource, Companies and farmers often cut their land before they plant
new crops. The problem is that after that they burn the trees. The fire can then spread
uncontrolably to the forest.
B : In my opinion, some forest fires in Riau are caused by drought and heat waves
so that the fire spreads faster because of the hot environmental conditions as a result of
degraded forests.
A :Yes it is. Fire can burn faster in dry air and with lack of rain.
B : Hopefully the fire can be put down fast before it spread more. The smoke can
cause lungs and throats irritation. It is very dangerous for children and elderly to breathe
in such dirty atmospheres.
A : Yes it is very dangerous. The smoke hamper and disrupt transportations too. 
Flight had to be cancelled and driving cars in smoke is very risky.
B : Do you know the articles in the Constitution that regulate fires?
A : Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry, Law Number 18 of 2004
concerning Plantations and Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Guidelines and
Environmental Management
B : I hope that with this law, the perpetrators will be punished severely and will have
a deterrent effect on the perpetrators.
A : I hope so too. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me
B : You're welcome, I also enjoy talking to you
A : Nice to meet you
B : Nice to meet you too.

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