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Naskah Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Rozalik & Joe

Rozalik : Hello Joe! How are you today?

Joe : I'm fine thank you. How about you, Rozalik? You look confused
Rozalik : I'm fine, but I have a problem
Joe : What is it? Maybe I can help you
Rozalik : I forgot my schedule for the new semester. So, now I'm confused about
what classes are there today
Joe : Aren't our schedules the same? If the same, you can ask me
Rozalik : You are right! Do you know what class is today at 6:20 am?
Joe : It’s our English class. The lecturer is Mr. Ilham Chandra Putra
Rozalik : Thank you so much for telling me, that we have the same class this
morning. Do we have another class after English?
Joe : There is still one more class, namely the Marketing Management class, the
lecturer is Pak Riki Hanri Malau
Rozalik : Thank you very much! May I ask one more question?
Joe : Sure, What is it?
Rozalik : Do you know when the schedule for Human Resource Management class
Joe : Classes are on Thursdays, 10:30 am
Rozalik : Ok, thank you very much.
Joe : You're welcome.

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