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Capstone Project Timeline:

May 3rd: Beginning stages of research and brainstorming ideas for a project; chose the project
May 4th: continued exploration into server ideas, narrowing down the focus, as well as resetting
of windows laptop, and installing/setting up Linux. (3 hours of work)
May 6th: Completed literature review, establishing sources to pull information from, as well as
saving additional sources.
May 7th: Continued research and learning into navigating Linux, as well as developing deeper
understanding and the communication of networks; 3 hours spent testing and conducting
experiments on various features and ideas.
May 11th: No capstone work completed over the weekend, due to working for the vast majority,
in addition to studying for math. I accomplished
May 13th: Linux is now up to date and fully implemented with the ability to access windows 10 if
desired as well, and needed to be reinstalled due to some minor errors on my part: Part of the
experience! (5 hours spent today on ensuring the reinstallation was done correctly, as well as
reinstalling applications; previous version was running into issues where applications were
blocked and data could not be shared over the server, was not responding to commands
May 15th: Installed Docker, which will allow new applications that require more in depth back-
end configuration to be installed and set up appropriately. It will also allow an application by the
name of Portainer to be installed, giving an interface to allow in depth set up. (5 hours)
May 16th: 4 hours were spent today on testing network protocols to allow a more secure
connection between laptop and other clients, with the majority of time spent learning and
troubleshooting different issues and problems that were a result of setting on windows PC
conflicting with the host laptop.
May 18th: With my goals for the week being met, I continued to research and look into possible
side projects and learning experiences to boost my skills. (3 hours)
May 19th: First capstone update completed and published, with some additional research and
looking how I plan on proceeding and increasing functionality and broadening use cases for my
May 21st: Today, I completed the installation and set-up of Mealie, and recipes have been saved
for future use, as well as a custom recipe for my personalized Pasta Aglio e Olio. (4 hours)

May 22nd: Portainer has been installed and set up properly. First installation had issues with
configuration and network parameters, but no issues have been detected thus far. (Update:
second installation has caused no issues!) in total, set up time was approximately 6 hours and 30
minutes for both installations, as well as going through multiple times and triple checking
installations, configuring network settings to accommodate for changes.
May 23rd: I installed a home media sorting application by the name of Kodi, allowing for the
storage of media files such as music, TV, movies, and pictures with cloud access. Between
installation and porting over files, a total of 3 hours was spent, with research into new ideas
while files were downloaded not being included in that time.
May 26th: Deadlines for all things have been met, with my time budgeted appropriately and all
required work completed on time. I have also set up the file share between my desktop and
laptop, and am continuing the work on further encrypting and securing my data, as I have learned
a lot about how data can be viewed over networks and have achieved a greater understanding of
how to gain this security, 2.5 hours spent today on this.
May 29th: I installed a virtual machine on my MacBook, as well as gave permissions to access
over the network. I set up a different distribution of Linux with this virtual machine, which could
prove useful as I don’t know what different companies may use and being fluent in my
navigation will be helpful. 2 hours was spent here.

Total: Approximately 42 hours of working time + additional uncounted research hours totaling
approximately 5 hours extra.
Overall, I accomplished a lot with this capstone and met my timeline successfully. It has been a
great learning experience and cemented my time management skills.

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