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Kristen (Step-Mom)

Willian (Dad)

Amanda (Daughter)

Police man


Kristen: Hi honey, I was wondering where you were?

Amanda: With my friends, you shouldn't give it much importance

Kristen: Why do you say that, if I care about you as much as Dad?, You can treat me like your

Amanda: But you aren’t my mom, Okay?

Kristen: It´s okay… I only care about your well-being

Amanda: If you say it...

Amanda leaves the room

Kristen: Amanda!! You can make me a favor, please.

Amanda: Yeah…

Kristen: I need you to do the clean on the house quickly, because my friends are coming to the

Amanda: WHAAT?! Why don't you do the cleaning yourself?

Kristen: I can't, I'm already dressed and I can't seem ugly when my friends arrive

Amanda: I will not because it is your duty, not mine, I always have to be the slave of the house

Kristen: Come back here! Amanda!


Amanda is calling her dad

Amanda: Dad I need to talk with you!

William: What happened Amanda?

Amanda: Your wife is a very rude person! I am tired of living with her... She is a witch!

William: Why do you say that? That sounds so crazy

Amanda: It is not, believe me!

William: Sorry honey, I can’t waste my time right now, bye Amanda!
Amanda in her room:

Amanda: I hate them!

Amanda: I have to leave this house, I don't want to be with them anymore...

Amanda: I'll be gone tomorrow, while they're sleeping!


Amanda: Bye dad…


William: Good morning Amanda! Amanda, are you here? Hey!, answer me!

William: Oh my god! Amanda are not here! Kristen call the police!

Police officer: What happened whit your daughter, senior?

William: My son are not in my house, she disappeared

Police officer: It’s okay… don’t worry, we will find her.

William: Okay, thank u so much!

Worker: Hello, I think I have seen the girl you were looking for in the news, a certain girl named

Police officer: Amanda! Are you?

Amanda: Eh... Yes, I am Amanda

Police officer: We were looking for you, your father is very worried about you

William: Daughter! We were very worried about you, I'm so sorry we didn't care about you enough

Amanda: Don’t worry dad, it was my problem

Kristen: Amanda, Oh so sorry honey! I didn't mean to make you feel bad all this time

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