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Handwashing officer, wearing right and left hand gloves

2. Clean the vagina with first aid cotton
3. Conducting internal examination to determine the position of the uterus.
4. Install the speculum Use the kogel pliers to clamp the cervix.
5. Enter the sonde in the uterus to determine the size, position and shape of the uterus.
6. Inserter that already contains the IUD inserted slowly into the uterine cavity, then the plugger is
pushed so that the IUD
get into inserter removed.
7. Cut the IUD so that the length of the yarn ± 5 cm
The speculum is removed and the IUD thread is pushed to the side of the cervix.
8. Participants are tidied up and invited to lie down ± 5 minutes
[14/3 17.21] Aishawaw: 1. Petugas cuci tangan, pakai sarung tangan kanan dan kiri
2. Bersihkan vagina dengan kapas first aid
3. Melaksanakan pemeriksaan dalam untuk menentukan keadaan posisi uterus.
4. Pasang speculum Gunakan kogel tang untuk menjepit cervix.
5. Masukkan sonde dalam rahim untuk menentukan ukuran, posisi dan bentuk rahim.
6. Inserter yang telah berisi AKDR dimasukkan perlahan-lahan ke dalam rongga rahim, kemudian
plugger di dorong sehingga AKDR
masuk ke dalam inserter dikeluarkan.
7. Gunting AKDR sehingga panjang benang ± 5 cm
Speculum dilepas dan benang AKDR di dorong ke samping mulut rahim.
8. Peserta dirapikan dan dipersilakan berbaring ± 5 menit

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