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Listening skill practice 2

Instruction : Choose the best option to complete these sentences!

Audio 1 (Number 1-10)

1. The teacher wants the students to …

a. take notes after she has finished speaking.

b. take notes while she is speaking.
c. forget about taking notes.

2. The teacher suggests eating …

a. sugary snacks.
b. only apples.
c. fruit and cereals.

3. The teacher suggests finding a study place with a lot of …

a. light.
b. space.
c. books.
4. If students feel stressed they should …
a. go to bed.
b. go out for a walk.
c. drink some water.

5. Students are advised to …

a. select the important things to learn.

b. read through everything once.
c. make notes about every topic.

6. The teacher understands that repeating things can be …

a. difficult.
b. uninteresting.
c. tiring.

7. Students can do past exam papers …

a. in the library only.

b. at home if they take photocopies.
c. in the after-school study group.

English MPK 1
8. The teacher recommends a break of five minutes every …
a. hour.
b. two hours.
c. thirty minutes.

9. It’s important to …

a. eat regularly.
b. sleep when you feel tired.
c. keep hydrated.

10. The teacher is sure that the students will …

a. pass their exams.

b. fail their exams.
c. do their best.

Audio 2 ( Number 11 – 18 )

11. Only about one tenth of the cells in your body are ...

a. alive. b. really you. c. bacteria.

12. Bacteria are mostly ...
a. really helpful. b. bad for humans. c. neither good or bad.
13. Animals need bacteria to ...
a. fight diseases. b. provide energy. c. digest food.
14. You have ... cells in your body.
a. 7 million b. 7 trillion c. 7 octillion
15. Most of the atoms are ...
a. tiny cubes. b. not used. c. empty space.
16. You probably have mites in your ...
a. hair. b. ears. c. eyelashes.
17. Mites are very small creatures that are about ...
a. 3 millimeters long. b. a third of a millimeter long. c. 0.03 millimeters long.

18. Mites eat ...

a. dead skin. b. your eyelashes. c. tiny insects.
English MPK 2
Audio 3 ( Number 19 – 25 )

19. A dirtboard is…

a. a board with wheels that c. a board that you sit on
you stand on
b. a board with no wheels that
you stand on

20. To go canyoning you need…

a. ropes and a helmet c. ropes andspecial equipment
b. a guide and special

21. Zip-wiring is…

a. scary and difficult c. scary but exciting
b. easy and exciting

22. Paris looks so beautiful…

a. at night c. in the photos
b. on television

23. The famous Rodin statue is called…

a. The Worker c. The Philosopher
b. The Thinker

24. The girl is going to Paris for…

a. the weekend c. five days
b. four days

25. She’s going with…

a. her friend c. her family
b. her boyfriend

English MPK 3

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