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If you think you cannot plant anything in the apartment, you have to change your mind.

still could see the colorful flowers or seeing something green in it. However, you need to
learn the types of plants that suit to apartment. Since space and sunlight are limited, it is
better to choose the plants carefully. Here are some things to consider before you choose:

- Healthy value
If you desire to stay healthy, you can grow chamomile and Echinacea. They boost your
immune, especially if you put it in tea. Another good plant for apartments related to
giving the health benefits to you is peace lilies. It could remove the toxins from air. It is
possible to get indoor air pollution and to grow it helps you to inhale the fresh air.
- Love to contribute to conservation
Once you plant something, the butterflies and bees come over. Undirectly, you help them to
keep existing in this world. You may plant any colorful flowers like rose and lily to attract
them. Jasmine is another choice to make the apartment smells good.
- Urban food movement
Urban farming movement makes people grow their own. If your goal is it, you may find a
plant that suitable for your daily foods. The simple food plant to grow is tomato, chili,
paprika, strawberry, and cabbage. You do not have a large space to grow them.

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