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Electrode with AR Markers
New markers for SMAW improving AR detection and user experience. The MIG-MAG
Augmented Reality markers are also included in the electrode, but you will have the
possibility of choosing between this new electrode and the LEDs one.

When can I use this new electrode type?

• When having electrode detection problems because it has a better performance.
• When your Electrode LEDs do not work: this does not mean that you cannot ask
your distributor for a replacement.

Electrode with AR Markers setup

Seabery | C/ Almadraba nº 4, Pol. Pesquero Norte, 21002 Huelva (Spain) |

1. Screw the white tip together with the markers piece.

2. Remove the plastic films from the stickers (x3).

3. Place the stickers in the electrode clamp in the following positions to let the system
recognize the Augmented Reality:

Seabery | C/ Almadraba nº 4, Pol. Pesquero Norte, 21002 Huelva (Spain) |



4. Place the electrode stick in the clamp.

Seabery | C/ Almadraba nº 4, Pol. Pesquero Norte, 21002 Huelva (Spain) |

5. Place the Markers piece in the electrode tip. The LEDs lights can be switched on and

Start using your Electrode with AR Markers

1. Access to the Soldamatic internal menu and select the “Electrode Calibration” option.

Seabery | C/ Almadraba nº 4, Pol. Pesquero Norte, 21002 Huelva (Spain) |

2. Using the central knob, press the option “Detection Mode” and it will immediately
change into “Detection Mode: Markers”.

* If you want to use just the Electrode with LEDs, repeat the above process and the
“Detection Mode” will change:

*Important: if you want to use the LEDs electrode, do not forget to remove the AR
markers piece.

Seabery | C/ Almadraba nº 4, Pol. Pesquero Norte, 21002 Huelva (Spain) |

3. Use the Scape knob to save changes.
4. Select your SMAW practice and start welding!
5. To take advantage of the electrode with markers and to weld in a good way, you
always have to look at the markers like you do with the MIG torch.

6. To get the best detection, try always to look at four AR Markers as showcased in the
following picture:

Enjoy your AR experience!

Seabery | C/ Almadraba nº 4, Pol. Pesquero Norte, 21002 Huelva (Spain) |

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