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Object Oriented Programming BTCS305
Submission Date 12/06/2021
1 What is POP? What are its main Characterises?
2 What is OOP? How it is different from POP?
3 How data and functions organized in an Object-Oriented Program?
4 List few areas of application of OOP technology.
5 Difference between following teams.
A. Object and Class
B. Data abstraction and Data encapsulation
C. Inheritance and Polymorphism
6 Why do we need the pre-processor directive # include <iostream
7 How does a main () function in C++ differ from main() in C?
8 Describe main part of C++ Program.
9 Explain Tokens, Key words and Identifier in C++.
10 Describe Data tyee in C++.
11 What is a reference variable? What is its major uses?
12 What is the application of Scope resolution operator :: in C++.
13 when will you make a function inline? Why?
14 What do you meant by overloading of a function?
15 What is a class? How does it achieve data hiding?
16 What are Object? How are they create?
17 How member function of class defines?
18 What is a friend function? What are the merits and demerits of
using friend function?
19 What is constructor? How do we invoke constructor function?
20 Can we have more than one constructor in a class? If yes explain
the need for such a situation?
21 Describe the impotence of destructors.
22 What is operator overloading?
23 What is an operator function?

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