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Everyday is always gonna be different- (six word speech)

There are two kinds of people in this world- those who turn away from the challenge and those

who face the challenge. Everyday you are given challenges, some small, some big, and you have

the choice to turn away or take it on. Challenges surround us on a daily basis, from school, to

sports, to traveling, and even waking up each day, we are being challenged. People turn away

from challenges because of the fear of failure, but turning away eliminates the chance of defeat. I

have learned that turning away from a challenge is more disappointing than taking it on and

failing. Failing is how we learn and grow as humans. Without failure we dont have a drive to do

better in our future. You really never know what challenge is going to be thrown at you each and

every day.

Over the past four years we all have struggled with numerous challenges and we all chose

to not give up and push ourselves and that's why we are here today. I can confidently say we all

have doubted ourselves at one point or another, especially during our senior year. It wasn’t the

ideal year we all thought we would have, but we all have made the most out of it with the

resources and positions that were given. We went from a normal school day in March our junior

year, to everything being online and our senior year being virtual, but we still did it. Looking

back and reflecting on this past year has made me very proud, it has really challenged me and my

thinking process. I used to focus on minor details and get distracted by the big picture. I would

find myself not putting my best foot forward, or would let others affect the way I was living my

own life. Once I came to realize that, I gave myself the challenge to fix these things and to stay

consistent with pushing myself.

After all, the challenges we have completed have shaped us into the people we are today.

Take time to reflect on all of your accomplishments over the past four years and keep pushing
yourself and making yourself proud. Don’t be afraid of a challenge or failure because in the end

it can only benefit us in the future. Accept the fact you cannot always win but can always take

something away from each challenge. We have so much ahead of us and so many new things to

explore and this is just the beginning. Everyday is gonna be different.

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