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Integrative Programming and Technology 2 Chapter I-Problem Solving Using

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INTRODUCTION Computer problem solving is a complicated process requiring
careful planning and attention to detail. The vehicle for the
computer solution to a problem is a set of explicit and
unambiguous instructions called a program and expressed in a
programming language. A program is a sequence of instructions
that determine the operations to be carried out by the machine in
order to solve a particular problem. There are five stages of
software/program development. They are Analysis, Algorithm
design & Flow chart, Coding, Implementation, and


Discussion/Situational analysis/Content Etc.:

Stages of Program Development

There are five stages of program development: namely, Analysis, Algorithm & Flow
chart design, Coding, Implementation, and Maintenance.
I. Analysis
Analysis stage requires a thorough understanding of the problem at hand and
analysis of the data and procedures needed to achieve the desired result. In analysis stage,
therefore, what we must do is workout what must be done rather than how to do it.
What input data are needed to the problem? - input
What procedures needed to achieve the result? - process
What outputs data are expected?-output
II. Algorithm design and flowchart

Prepared by: Randy G. Tabaog, LPT,MSIT

Integrative Programming and Technology 2 Chapter I-Problem Solving Using
Once the requirements of the program are defined, the next stage is to design an
algorithm to solve the problem. An algorithm is a finite set of steps which, if followed
accomplishes a particular task. An algorithm is a map or an outline of a solution which
shows the precise order in which the program will execute individual functions to arrive
at the solution. It is language independent. An algorithm can be expressed in many ways.
Here, we only consider two such methods: Narrative (pseudocode) and Flowchart.
English is often used to describe or narrate the algorithm. There is no need to follow any
rules about how to write it. Instead we use pseudo code which is free form list of
statements that shows the sequence of instructions to follow.
A flowchart consists of an ordered set of standard symbols (mostly, geometrical
shapes) which represent operations, data flow or equipment.
A flowchart is a diagram consisting of labeled symbols, together with arrows
connecting one symbol to another. It is a means of showing the sequence of steps of
an algorithm.
A program flowchart shows the operations and logical decisions of a computer
The most significant advantage of flowcharts is a clear presentation of the flow of
control in the algorithm, i.e. the sequence in which operations are performed.
Flowcharts allow the reader to follow the logic of the algorithm more easily than
would a linear description in English.
Another advantage of flowchart is it doesn’t depend on any particular programming
language, so that it can used, to translate an algorithm to more than one programming
A basic set of established flowchart symbols is:
Processing Input/outpu


Connector Flow lines

The symbols have the following meanings:
Processing: one or more computational tasks are to be performed sequentially.
Input/output: data are to be read into the computer memory from an input device
or data are to be passed from the memory to an output device.
Prepared by: Randy G. Tabaog, LPT,MSIT
Integrative Programming and Technology 2 Chapter I-Problem Solving Using
Decision: –It usually contains a question within it. There are typically two output
paths: one if the answer to the question is yes ( true) , and the other if the answer
is no ( false). The path to be followed is selected during the execution by testing
whether or not the condition specified within the outline is fulfilled.
Terminals: appears either at the beginning of a flowchart (and contains the world
"start") or at its conclusion (and contains "stop"). It represents the Start and End
of a program.
Connector: makes it possible to separate a flowchart into parts.
Flow lines: is used to indicate the direction of logical flow. (A path from one
operation to another)

Prepared by: Randy G. Tabaog, LPT,MSIT

Integrative Programming and Technology 2 Chapter I-Problem Solving Using

An algorithm is a finite set of instruction that specify a sequence of operations to be

carried out in order to solve a specific problem or class of problems. It is just a tool
for solving a problem. All the tasks that can be carried out by a computer can be
stated as algorithms. For one problem there may be a lot of algorithms that help to
solve the problem, but the algorithm that we select must be powerful, easy to
maintain, and efficient (it doesn’t take too much space and time)
Once an algorithm is designed, it is coded in a programming language and
computer executes the program. An algorithm consists of a set of explicit and
unambiguous finite steps which, when carried out for a given set of initial conditions,
produce the corresponding output and terminate in a fixed amount of time. By
unamabiguity it is meant that each step should be defined precisely i.e., it should have
only one meaning. This definition is further classified with some more features.
An algorithm has five important features.
Finiteness: An algorithm terminates after a fixed number of steps.
Definiteness: Each step of the algorithm is precisely defined, i.e., the actions
to be carried out should be specified unambiguously.
Effectiveness: All the operations used in the algorithm are basic (division,
multiplication, comparison, etc.) and can be performed exactly in a fixed
duration of time.
Input: An algorithm has certain precise inputs, i.e. quantities, which are
specified to it initially, before the execution of the algorithm begins.
Output: An algorithm has one or more outputs, that is, the results of
operations which have a specified relation to the inputs.
1) Algorithm to add two numbers. 2) Algorithm to find largest number
from two numbers.
Step 1: START
Step 1: START
Step 2: Read two numbers n1 and
Step 2: Read n1 and n2.
Step 3: If n1 > n2 go to step 5
Step 3: Sum ← n1 + n2
Step 4: Big←n2,go to step 6
Step 4: Print Sum
Step 5: Big ← n1
Step 5: STOP
Step 6: Print Big
Step 7: STOP

Prepared by: Randy G. Tabaog, LPT,MSIT

Integrative Programming and Technology 2 Chapter I-Problem Solving Using
3) Algorithm to find largest number from 4) Algorithm to find sum of N positive
three numbers. integer numbers.
Step 1: START Step 1: START
Step 2: Read n1, n2 and n3. Step 2: Read N
Step 3: If n1 > n2 and n1 > n3, go to step 6 Step 3: Sum ← 0,
Step 4: If n2 > n1 and n2 > n3, go to step 7 Step 4: Count ← 0
Step 5: Big ←n3, go to step 8 Step 5: Read Num
Step 6:Big ← n1 , go to step 8 Step 6: Sum←Sum + Num
Step 7:Big ← n2 Step 7: count ← count +1
Step 8: Print Big Step 8: If Count < N then goto step5
Step 9: STOP. Step 9: Print Sum
Step 10: Stop

5) Algorithm to find factorial of a given Number. (N! = 1*2*3*…*N)

Step 1 : Read N
Step 2: Fact=1
Step 3 : Count = 1
Step 4 : Fact = Fact * Count
Step 5 : Count = Count +1
Step 7 : If Count < = N then Goto step 4
Step 8 : Print Fact
Step 9 : Stop

1. Draw a flowchart to add two numbers. 2. A Flowchart to find largest of two numbers.

Prepared by: Randy G. Tabaog, LPT,MSIT

Integrative Programming and Technology 2 Chapter I-Problem Solving Using
III. Coding
The flowchart is independent of programming language. Now at this stage we
translate each steps described in the flowchart (algorithm description) to an equivalent
instruction of target programming language, that means, for example if we want to write
in FORTRAN program language, each step will be described by an equivalent
FORTRAN instruction (Statement).

IV. Implementation
Once the program is written, the next step is to implement it. Program
implementation involves three steps, namely, debugging (the process of removing
errors), testing (a check of correctness), and documenting the program (to aid the
maintenance of a program during its life time). Every program contains bugs that can
range from simple mistakes in the language usage (syntax errors) up to complex flaws in
the algorithm (logic errors).

V. Maintenance
There are many reasons why programs must be continually modified and
maintained, like changing conditions, new user needs, previously undiscovered bugs
(errors). Maintenance may involve all steps from requirements analysis to testing.
Types of Programming Languages

We have seen that a computer system consists of different layers. It is possible to

communicate with the computer by writing a program at the different layers but basically
there are three types of programming languages: - Machine, Assembly and high- level.
Machine Language: - This is the only language that the computer understands directly.
A machine language is a set of machine instructions which consists of zero’s and one’s.
A machine instruction contains two parts an operation code - (OP code) and an address.
The OP code tells the microprocessor system what operation it should perform such as
add, transfer, compare, or move data to output device, etc. The address identifies the
location (memory, register) holding the required operands that is, the data to be operated
upon. The address part may contain one, two or more addresses that is , there may be one
(single) address, two( double) address, and three ( or triple) address instructions.
Assembly Language: - In machine language we have seen that the OP code and the
address are represented as a binary sequence but it is difficult for the programmer to
write a big program using binary sequence and it is difficult to debug an error from such
Prepared by: Randy G. Tabaog, LPT,MSIT
Integrative Programming and Technology 2 Chapter I-Problem Solving Using
program so instead of representing the OP code and the adders as a binary sequence we
can represent them in mnemonics (symbols). An Assembly language is a programming
language which uses mnemonics to write a program. It is machine dependent.
High-Level Language: -We have seen that writing a program in low-level languages is
easier and simple compare to machine languages. But still Assembly language has its
own drawback, which is machine dependent. So we need another type of languages
which are not machine-dependent and more flexible. These languages are called high-
level languages.
Advantages of High-Level Languages:-
1. Easier to learn and understand ( Look like English)
2. Require less time to write and easier to debug errors.
3. Can be used on different machines with little modifications.
a. C++ :- Originated from C.
b. Fortran:- FORmula TRANslation.
c. COBOL-:-Common business Oriented Language.
d. ALGOL 80:- (Algorithmic Oriented Language).
e. BASIC:- ( Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) simplest
language developed for solving numerical problem
f. Pascal, Ada, Modula-2:- Used in teaching programming language.
4. There are also other languages which are still simplest and easier than high-
level languages which we call them fourth generation languages. These
languages are application oriented languages. Ex: - Visual basic
Translation and Execution
The only language that the computer understands is the machine language.
Therefore any program that is written in either low-level or high level language must be
translated to machine code so that the computer could process it.
A program written in High-level or Assembly is called Source code or Source
program and, the translated machine code is called the object code or object program.
Programs that translate a program written in high level language and Assembly to
machine code program are called translators. There are three types of translators;
assembler, interpreter, and compiler.
Source code: High-level language instructions.

Prepared by: Randy G. Tabaog, LPT,MSIT

Integrative Programming and Technology 2 Chapter I-Problem Solving Using
Compiler: System software which translates high-level language instructions
into machine language or object code. The compiler translates source code
once and produces a complete machine language program.
Object code: Translated instructions ready for computer.
An assembler is a software tool for translating low-level language (assembly
language) into machine language.
The translator not only translates the instructions into machine code but also it detects
whether the program fulfills the syntax of the programming language. A program passes
through different stages before it carries out its function. First the program will be
translated to object code (compilation time), then it will be loaded to the memory and
finally it will be executed (run time) or carries out its function.
Basic Programming Tools
The three basic building blocks, that is essential to develop a solution to a problem are:
1. Sequential executions where instructions are performed one after the other.
2. Branching operations where a decision is made to perform one block of
instructions or another.
3. Looping operations where a block of instructions is repeated. There are two
types of loops. The first is the conditional loop where we do not know in advance
how many times something is to be repeated. The second type is the counted loop
where we do know in advance how many times to repeat the solution.

I. Sequential Execution of Instructions

Sequential instructions are executed one after the other. The computer begins with
the first instruction and performs the indicated operation, then moves to the next
instruction and so on.
Illustration: 1 - An algorithm and a flowchart to compute the area of a rectangle whose
length is ‘l’ and breadth is ‘b’.
Algorithm Flowchart
Step 1: START
Step 2: Obtain (input) the length, call it l
Step 3: Obtain (input) the breadth, call it b d
Step 4: Compute l*b, call it Area Area ←
Step 5: Display Area
Step 6: STOP
y Area


Prepared by: Randy G. Tabaog, LPT,MSIT

Integrative Programming and Technology 2 Chapter I-Problem Solving Using
Illustration: 2- To allow for repeated calculation of the area of a rectangle whose length
is ‘l’ and breadth is ‘b’, rewrite the above algorithm and flowchart. Allow different
values of ‘l’ and ‘b’ before each calculation of area.
Algorithm Flowchart

Step 1: START ST
Step 2: Read length, call it l T

Step 3: Read breadth, call it b(2) R

Step 4: compute l*b, call it Area a
Step 5: Display Area (2) l,
Step 6: Go to step 2
Note: Here in effect we created a loop. The series ea
instructions to calculate ‘area’ is reused over and over again,
each time with a different set of input data. But here it is an infinite loop. There is no way
to stop the repeated calculations except to pull the plug of the computer. There fore using
this type of unconditional transfer (Go to) to construct a loop is generally not a good
idea. In almost all cases where an unconditional loop seems useful, one of the other
control structures (loops or branches) can be substituted and in fact it is preferred.
II. Branching Operations

With sequential instructions there is no possibility of skipping over one instruction. A

branch is a point in a program where the computer will make a 0 about which set of
instructions to execute next. The question that we use to make the decision about which
branch to take must be set up so that the answers can only be yes or no. Depending on
the answer to the question, control flows in one direction or the other.
Algorithm Flowchart
Step 1: START
Step 2: Read two numbers A(12) and
Step 3: If A > B then go to step 6
Step 4: Display B is largest.
Step 5: go to step 7
Step 6: Display A is largest
Step 7: STOP

Prepared by: Randy G. Tabaog, LPT,MSIT

Integrative Programming and Technology 2 Chapter I-Problem Solving Using
Note that only one block of instructions is executed, not both. After one block or other
executes, the two paths merge (at the circle) and control transfers to the next instruction.
We could have several loops inside each block since we are not limited to just one
Nesting of Branching Operations
There are many times when we need to choose between more than two alternatives. One
of the solutions to this is nesting of instructions.
Construct an algorithm and flowchart to see if a number ‘n’ is negative, positive, or zero
Algorithm Flowchart
Step 1: START
Step 2: Read in ‘n’
Step 3: Is n<0
Step 4: If yes, go to step 11
Step 5: Is n=0
Step 6: If yes, go to step 9
Step 7: Print “Positive”
Step 8: go to step 12
Step 9: Print “Zero”
Step 10: go to step 12
Step 11: Print “Negative”
Step 12: STOP

The Select Case Structure

A simpler way to handle multiple

alternative problems is the ‘Select Case
Structure’. Several alternatives are
offered, but only one can be executed-
the one selected inside the diamond.
Then the control transfers to the end of
the structure. You can have as many
alternatives as you wish. The computer
decides which set of instructions to execute by examining the case value (CV).
Illustration: An algorithm and flowchart to calculate the value of ‘a’ based on the
equations: When(x=1) a=x*y*z ; When (x=3) a=x/z ;When (x=5) a=x*y/z

Prepared by: Randy G. Tabaog, LPT,MSIT

Integrative Programming and Technology 2 Chapter I-Problem Solving Using
Algorithm Flowchart

Prepared by: Randy G. Tabaog, LPT,MSIT

Tuguegarao City

College of Information Technology

First Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

Step 1: START
Step 2: Read in values for x1, y2, z2.
Step 3: When(x=1) go to step 10
Step 4: When (x=3) go to step 8
Step 5: When (x=5)
Step 6: a=x*y/z
Step 7: go to step 11
Step 8: a=x/z
Step 9 : go to step 11
Step 10: a=x*y*z
Step 11: Print value of a
Step 12: STOP

Textbox1.text Dim Num1 as new Integer

Textbox2.text Dim Num2 as new Integer
Textbox3.text Dim Num3 as strMod
Select case strMod
Case Calculator (“Add”)
Case Calculator (“Sub”)
End select
Return Num3
End sub


Loops are the third major type of control structure that we need to examine. There are 2 different types
of loops, the counted loop and the conditional loop. The counted loop repeats a predetermined number
of times while the conditional loop repeats until a condition is satisfied. For(int x=1;x<=10;x++)
X=1 (initialization/Hexagon) x<=10 (Decision) x++ (incrementation)
In the counted loop a counter keeps track of the loop executions. Once the counter reaches a
predetermined number, the loop terminates. Number of loop executions is set before the loop
begins and cannot be changed while the loop is running.
The conditional loop has no predetermined stopping point. Rather, each time through the loop
the program performs a test to determine when to stop. Also the quantity being used for the test
can change while the loop executes.
The variable used to control the loop can be referred to as Loop Control Variable (LCV).
Flowchart symbol for loop is hexagon. Inside the loop is the start and stop values for LCV. Also
a step value is included from which the computer
decides how many times to execute the Start =… loop.
Inside the loop is the body which can Step=….. consist of
any number of instructions. When the loop
finishes, the control transfers to the first statement
outside the loop.
With counted loops, it’s a must to know in advance
how many times the loop will execute. But if this information is not available and yet the

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Tuguegarao City

College of Information Technology

First Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

problem demands a loop means, we can make use of conditional loop, where the machine will
check every time through the loop to see whether it should be repeated or not.
In conditional loop, the programmer must change the Loop control variable.

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Tuguegarao City

College of Information Technology

First Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

An algorithm and flowchart to print out the numbers 1 to 100 and their squares.
Algorithm Flowchart
Start 1: START
Start 2: Loop (LCV start=1;stop=100,step=1)
Step 3: Print LCV, LCV2 value
Step 4: End loop
Step 5: STOP

For (int x=1; x<=100; x++)

System.out.println(x, x*x);
…100, 10,000


Ability to break a single large program down into several smaller ones is an important element
in all programming languages including FORTRAN. These smaller components are referred to as
modules or procedures. This allows the programmer to focus on a smaller, more manageable part of
that attempt to perform only a single well defined task. Also, the programming modules that you
create can be reused in the same program or you may use the modules in another program. The
modularization process uses the following symbol:

Sub process
The sub process refers to another set of instructions that describes the details.
Construct an algorithm and flowchart to evaluate the first 10 terms of the infinite series.
A=1/1!+1/2!+….where n! = n(n-1)….3.2.1
Algorithm Flowchart
Step 1: START
Step 2: Set total=0
Step 3: Loop (LCV = 1 to 10, step 1)
Step 4: Term = 1/ LCV!
Step 5: Total =Total + Term
Step 6: End loop
Step 7: Print total
Step 8: STOP

Module for factorial

Step 1: Fact=1
Step 2: Loop (LCV2 = 1 to LCV, step 1)
Step 3: Fact=Fact*LCV2
Step 4: End loop

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Tuguegarao City

College of Information Technology

First Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021


We can place any comments to describe what the flowchart does using the symbol
Comments here
Comments greatly improve the readability of the flowcharts and hence the programs first. You will
find them useful during debugging by reminding what you were thinking when you first constructed
the solution.
‘ vb
/* java
- C++


Debugging is the process of removing errors from your program. Bugs fall into two general categories
– syntax (typo) and logic errors. Syntax errors are mistakes in the grammar of the computer language.
These types of errors are easy to correct since the computer will highlight them. Logic errors, on the
other hand, are mistakes in the sequence of instructions you have given the computer.
Test Your Self
Construct an algorithm and a flowchart for the following:
1. To find the smallest number from three numbers.
2. To read in x, y and z and then compute the value of xyz.
3. To determine if a whole number is odd or even.
4. To print a prompt message “good morning”.
5. To find the sum of first n even numbers.
6. To find the sum of digits of a given number.
7. To print out a list of first n even numbers and their squares.
8. To find the sum of n positive numbers.
9. To find the biggest among n numbers.
10. To find the factorial of a given number.
11. To generate Fibonacci series (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…)
12. To read in a series of numbers and keep track of the running total and the number of data
items. Stop reading in the numbers when one of them has a value zero. Then compute the
average of all the numbers and report it.

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