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Nama : Carsten Ferdinand Susanto

NIM : 205180189

1. Advantages of avivatation :
- Flexiblity ( past autonomy)
- Privacy ( confidentiality )
- Speed ( finality)
- Eficieny ( cost )
- Certainy
Overview of the arbitral process :
1. Arbitration agrement
2. Dispute
3. Reference to abritation
4. Constituting the tribunal
5. Peituminary meeting
6. Applicable with documents
7. Setting the schedule
8. Pearing with documents
9. Hearings
Background : during the docht colovild period , laws in the country were
peralistic and sperated for legal purposes among various pupulation groups
After indonesians independence from the Netherlands in igus the population
devision and tye dualistic courts system

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