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Anathema: something that someone hates

Conservative: favoring free enterprise, private owner ship and socially traditional ideas

Anti-Semitism: opposition to Judaism

Theology: the study of religious belief

Pollster: someone who analyses opinion polls

Farrago: confused mixture

Distortion: to be twisted out of shape

Columnist: someone who writes regularly in a newspaper

Robust: strong and forceful


Al Khwarizmi – Ibn Sina – Ibn al Rushd


The opposition accused Muslims of anti-Semitism and he said that modern anti-Semitism in the
Middle East was imported from Judeo Christian Europe


Because they are experts at fields that have nothing to do with Islam and don’t have the right
knowledge to talk against it and that there is no one there who is an expert in Islamic history or
Islam in general or even an expert on terrorism or security


The majority of Muslims don’t act as violently as a small minority of Muslims does because
Islam is a religion of peace and it doesn’t call for violence against innocent people. The small
group of Muslims that do act in that way do it for political reasons that have nothing to do with
Islam or religion. In any religion there will always be a group who behave violently without
legitimate reason and claim that it’s not against their religion. Islam can’t be judged based on
the actions of a small group of individuals that don’t understand their religion and act on their
own accord.

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