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A. Match the words/ phrases with the photos.

garlic leeks a pear an eggplant cucumbers celery cauliflower lettuce corn

limes grapes an apricot an avocado asparagus figs a watermelon raspberries
a pineapple

………….. ……………… ……….. …………. ……….. …………

……………. ………… ……… ……………. ………. ………..

……………. …………… ……………. …………. …………. …………

B. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

1) Robin ……………………………… very well.

2) Marshal ……………………………………. well.
3) Lily loves ……………………………..………….. .
4) Tracy enjoys …………………………..…………. .
5) Victoria loves ……………………………..……… .

Designed by Y. SamsamiRad

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