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Name : Santi Anggiyani

Nim : 1911020021

Class : 4A/Nursing S1

Task 1

1. Telling about my self

a. Iam Santi Anggiyani , I graduated from Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

b. I majored Nursing S1 ,and take up a profession
c. Iam 20 years old, born in Brebes 16 June 2000
d. My hobbies are reading and traveling
e. I live in Sirampog, Bumiayu
f. I am the first child of two siblings


a. I have held similar position for two years and more , my experience will help me to carry out
this job smoothly
b. I have a good ability in the field of work that the company is looking for
c. My skill set is a perfect match for the job requirements. In particular, my experience make me
an ideal candidate for the position.
d. I have the ability to find my niche within a group and support everyone's efforts

a. Iam such a workholic person who is able to work under pressure

b. I have gained excellent communication skills.
c. I am very honest. When I feel that my workload is too large to accept another task, or if I don't
understand something, I always let my supervisor know.
d. My people skills are my greatest strength. I find it easy to connect with almost anyone, and I
often know how to empathize with others in an appropriate way.
e. I can good job individual work and team work
g. I find public speaking intimidating and have often struggled with presentations
h. I struggle with negative criticism and can become obsessed with perfecting my work after
receiving notes from a supervisor. While I appreciate the guidance, I think I can learn to be less
harsh on myself

a. This is an interesting place to work ,everything i have seen and heard makes me want to be a
part of the organization
b. This company is engaged in health, this is in accordance with my skills, I would be suitable if
given the opportunity to work in this company
c. This company is known by many people because of its good quality, both from workers and job
desks, so that it attracted my attention so that I could be part of this company, to work and
develop the potential in this field of work.

a. I will hope to meet my goals and take advantage of opportunities to learn

b. I will work well and try hard to achieve maximum results
c. I will develop my potential and skills in this company, so that I can provide something that the
company needs

a. My salary requipments are negoitable. Iam sure your company has fair standart salary because
it has a good reputation
b. will be very grateful if given the opportunity to join your company
c. I will do my best for this company and not disappoint
d. I would be very happy to be part of such a great company

Task 2

Bumiayu, March 20, 2021

Mr. Prasetyo

Head of Human Resource Division

PT. Star Lab

Jl. Sudirman No 564

Jakarta, 12046
Dear Mr. Prasetyo,

Based on the advertising on Glints, posted on March 09, 2021 about the job as Receptionist in your
hotel, I would like to volunteer to fill the position.

Here is my brief biography:

Name : Santi Anggiyani

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: Brebes ,16 Juni 2000

Education: S1 Telecommunication

Phone number: 085888191383


I have completed my undergraduate program in the field of telecommunication and tourism at Telkom
University Bandung, and I believe I have the perfect skills required for the job.

I am 25 years old and had worked as a receptionist for 3 years at Parahyangan Hotel.I can speak 3
foreign languages including English and Chinese.In addition, I am well adapted to operate any kinds of
gadgets in a hotel.

For your consideration, I have attached a curriculum vitae.I am looking forward to the interview so I can
explain my skills and abilities in person with you.

Best regards,

Santi Anggiyani

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