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Speech: Heart Attack

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
 Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

Dear Principal, and respectful teacher / teacher. Not to forget my friends who are proud of me.

First of all, let us pray the puja, thanks be to God Almighty, because of His mercy and blessings, we
can gather here.

On this occasion, I will discuss the challenge of a heart attack. We know that heart attacks are a
deadly disease throughout the world. In America alone, every year + 1,500 people die from a heart
attack. Heart attacks themselves are a condition when the blood flow to the heart stops
momentarily, so the heart becomes short of supply blood and cause damage to the heart muscle.
We can get a heart attack if our lifestyle is bad or unhealthy. Then we must maintain a healthy body,
especially our heart.

Ladies and gentlemen, there are several factors that trigger a heart attack: Eating high cholesterol
food, lazy exercise, stress, lack of rest, obesity. We can avoid the trigger factors for heart attacks by
consuming low cholesterol foods, diligently exercising, getting enough rest, laughing. That's the way
we can do so that we don't have a heart attack.

Ladies and gentlemen, heart attacks have symptoms as follows: 1. Tired quickly, 2. Chest pain, 3.
Headache, 5. Irregular heartbeat, etc. Those are some of the symptoms of a heart attack. So, if we
have experienced the symptoms, we should go straight to the doctor. Better to prevent than cure.

Thus the brief description that I convey. Hopefully everything I say can benefit us all. Sorry if there is
an error.

That's all and thank you for the attention

Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb

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