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If you are a man you might get bored reading this, but if you want to try , you’re welcome.

So, to all my ladies and gentlemen , I recently bought the newest IPL device from Braun,
named IPL PRO 5 . If you don’t know what an IPL is, it’s basically a device which promises
you to remove all your body hair permanently.
I had been thinking about buying it for over a year, but it was quite pricey, so I didn’t want to
make a mistake, being a little bit sceptic. Before I bought it, I read a lot of reviews, all the
recommendations, all the warnings and so should you if you decide to buy such a device.
The first impression was that the product looked luxurious, colored with white and golden
and it came in a beautiful box. You have to use the device once a week, 12 weeks in a row
and then once every 3 months, during the maintaining sessions.
I am a very hairy person, so I am used to feeling pain while removing my hair, but I was very
pleasantly surprised that the whole session didn’t hurt at all.
Now that I finished the 12 weeks treatment, I have no hair left on my legs and it doesn’t
grow back. The product looks like new and it does have an app which reminds you about
your maintenance sessions.
In my opinion, the IPL PRO 5 from Braun is totally worth it and so far I haven’t found any bad
Let me know if you have tried it or if you’re planning to. :)


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