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Endangered species: is it too late?

Not a day goes by without stories of endangered creatures appearing in the news. WWF
informs there are over 2,000 animals on the endangered species list and it is predictable that
many of them may be extinct in the next decades. What can we do to stop this? Is it too late?

Recent research has revealed shocking data about the dilemma of some of the most iconic
creatures on planet Earth, as African Elephants, Bengal Tigers, or Bornean Orang-utans.
Starting with African Elephants, it is known that the number of them has fallen from over one
million individuals to only 45,000. Sadly, the same occurs with the other species that have
shown a similar deterioration.

What can be done to reduce it at the global level? Efforts should be made to stop extinction.
Hobbies are damaging the species and becoming endangered. Illegal hunting is one of them.
Hunting is becoming a sport and with the past of the time, hunters kill valuable creatures and
finally they end extinct. Moreover, we cannot forget tourism. In recent years it is growing up,
damaging nature and wild life.

In a nutshell, action must be taken now. It is not too late, but we must act now or future
generations will only see these creatures in storybooks.

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