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Organized by Amida Yusriana & Primada Qurrota Ayun


1. Cover Page

Write the campaign’s title and name of the group member

2. Background

In this part please explain about the company profile, such as identity, vision
and mission, the product/service serves

3. PEST Analysis

Explain about the analysis of political, economic, social and technology in

Indonesia, especially about the choosen product/service

4. SWOT Analysis

Explain about the SWOT analysis of your choosen company and competitor

5. Profile of Potential Public

Determine who is the user of this product and service. How is their insight by
using the Socio-Economy Status (SES)

6. Situation Analysis

Explain about your research to determine the theme of your campaign

a. Problems Environmenral Monitoring Programs

b. Public Relations Audits

c. Communication Audits

d. Social Audits

7. Core Problem

Formulate the main problem in one paragraph, known as Communication


8. Goals and Objective

Organized by Amida Yusriana & Primada Qurrota Ayun

Determine the main aim of communication from the stated communication


9. Key Public

Determine the main target of this campaign based on potential community

profiles but can be more specific by explaining Geographical, Demographic,
Psychological, Believed Values

10. Messages

Determine the campaign sentence you want to use during the campaign, for
example: Dove Real Beauty, #LikeAGirl

11. Strategy

Determine the strategy that will be used in campaigning this message, we will
only write the SIT (Stages, Integration, Tools)

Stages: The step by step according to sequence of campaign

Intergration: Who you want to work with during the campaign

Tools: Write down the tools you want to use for your campaign

12. Tactics

Tactic is a more detailed description of strategy, message and design

13. Timeline & Budgeting

Make a detailed timeline of time and budgeting based on tactics with weeks
according to the length of the campaign

14. Evaluation

Determine how to conduct a PR campaign success evaluation system. The

measure of success is based on Goals & Objectives

15. Attachments

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