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● Polycythemia vera (PCV), polycythemia rubra vera (PRV),

or erythremia is a blood cancer that begins in the marrow
of your bones, the soft center where new blood cells grow. It
causes your marrow to make large amount of blood cells

● Normally 45percent blood volume is made of erythrocytes

but in(PV) there is increase in RBC production therefore
elevated hematocrit

● Too many red blood cells, your blood thickens and flows
more slowly. The red blood cells can clump together and
form clots inside your blood vessels.
● RBC that flows more slowly can reduce the amount of
oxygen that reaches your heart, brain, and other vital
organs. And blood clots can completely block blood flow
within a blood vessel, causing a stroke or even death.

● Most people with polycythemia vera have too many red

blood cells. But it can also cause you to have too many
white blood cells and platelets.
● Physiology of blood flow

● Normally(jakus kinase 2) JAK2 protein is especially
important for controlling the production of blood cells
from hematopoietic stem cells, However the mutation of
JAK2 gene leads to over production of blood cells

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