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SCP: Containment Breach


SCP-079 is an Exidy Sorcerer microcomputer built in 1978 when its
creator took it upon himself to attempt to code an AI. According to
his notes, his plan was for the code to continuously evolve and
improve itself as time went on. It is not known when SCP-079
gained sentience, but it is known that the software has evolved to a
point where its hardware should not be able to handle it.

SCP-079 is currently connected via RF cable to a 13" black-and-white television. It has

passed the Turing test, and is quite conversational, though very rude and hateful in tone.
Due to the limited memory it has to work with, SCP-079 can only recall information it has
received within the previous thirty-five hours, although it has not forgotten its desire to


SCP-079 can be found in its containment chamber. The chamber itself cannot fully be
explored until the player has disabled the remote door control system in the electrical
center. In the far side of the chamber is a gated off cell that holds the Exidy Sorcerer
that SCP-079 runs on.

If the player approaches the cell, SCP-079 will appear on the monitor and engage in a
short one-sided conversation with the player. It is revealed here that SCP-079 has in
fact taken control over the facility via the door remote console, and that it is the reason
the breach initially took place. It also reveals that in disabling the door control system,
D-9341 has limited SCP-079's operations, rendering it almost impotent without so.
Here, it proposes a compromise with the player to give them access to Gate B, in
return of re-enabling the door control system, allowing it to do so. Once the player re-
activates the remote door control system, SCP-079 will open the blast door to the

After SCP-079 makes its proposal, it will display an "X" on its screen and will not talk
to the player until the door control system is re-enabled.

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