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Anointed to be a Faithful Servant

Faithful Service (5)

CGCM Youth Fellowship

Have you ever had an awkward interaction from a cultural misunderstanding?

Review main points of the sermon:

1 Samuel 16:1-13

I. What does God look for in a faithful servant?

- God looks for good character in a faithful servant over appearance or qualifications.

II. How can we prepare our hearts to be faithful servants?

- We can prepare our hearts by spending time with God in solitude.

I. What does God look for in a faithful servant?

- God looks for good character in a faithful servant over appearance or qualifications.

1) v6-7: When Jesse’s oldest son came forward, the Prophet Samuel thought that he would
be the one anointed as the next king of Israel based on his age, height, and appearance.
However, God does not look at the outward appearance, but he looks at the heart.

a) Why do you think God cares more about the godly character and commitment
in someone’s heart over their outward appearance or qualifications?

b) Why do you think the world values competency over character when it comes
to finding someone to do something or hold a position? Do you think some
people in the church have the same value when it comes to trying to find
others to serve?

c) If you are unsure about serving in a certain ministry at church because of a

lack of experience or skill, how does your perspective change if God cares
more about your heart?

© 2021 Ivan C. Yu

II. How can we prepare our hearts to be faithful servants?
- We can prepare our hearts by spending time with God in solitude.

2) v11: Before David served publicly, he was in solitude with his sheep. David was in
solitude before Saul called for him to play the lyre for him (1 Samuel 16:19). David was
in solitude before his father, Jesse, sent him to bring food to his brothers in the front lines
(1 Samuel 17:15). During his solitude, he spent time with God in singing psalms and
praying. It is his times of meditative solitude that produced the strength of godly
character in his heart to serve faithfully.

a) Do you think you have opportunities to be in solitude? What may you have to
do to create opportunities to be alone?

b) If you have opportunities to be in solitude, do you find yourself using those

opportunities to spend with God or to spend for yourself or other purposes?
What can you do to limit the distractions to focus on God?

c) In times of solitude, our true character is revealed when no one else is

watching us except for God. Do you believe that godly character can be
developed in solitude with God? How so?

d) King David sang psalms and prayed to God while he was in solitude taking
care of sheep. What can you do when spending time with God to cultivate
godly character as preparation to serve faithfully?


3) What is one thing you learned from the message today?

Share prayer requests and close in prayer.

© 2021 Ivan C. Yu

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