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First of all, It wasn't easy to do It, even though I have a long-term memory. I'm
going to start from the most recent event until the oldest.

This year in April I saw a meteorite that was seen by many people, it was
amazing because I was studying as soon as I saw it suddenly throughout my
window and I saw something strange in the sky that disappeared quickly. My
family thought that I was crazy because I was on the computer for a long time.
Also, It brings back great memories of movies that I saw.

Last year I can't forget when I had the opportunity to played in a match in the
Lima basketball league. It was too amazing and important for me because It
was another basketball level, even thought my team lost the game I won a lot of
experience and I'll never forget that I felt too nervous, and I was too scared
because I played with players bigger and taller than me. If I hadn't played
basketball, I wouldn't have known new places and friends. I hope never burn

Another important event last year was my graduation from high school, It was
amazing and beautiful because if I had end high school this year, I wouldn't
have enjoyed my graduation party because as you know nowadays in this
quarantine we can't get together. Also talk about that takes me back when I had
to learn many things by heart as periodic table, verb lists and lines in a play
however it was wonderful.

In December 2018, I repeated basic 3 and maybe are you thinking if that was
an important event however for me it was because if I hadn't repeated basic 3, I
wouldn't have learned an important lesson that not everything are game and
jokes and thanks to It I'm more involved and responsible in studies than I was.
For other hand If the teacher had helped me, I would have been a different
person. Also, when I review basic 3 I laugh because it's too easy.

Last of all, 2016 was an important year and not just for me but all my family
because It was the graduation of my brother from technological high school. I
considered an important event because he always takes care of me and it's a
step that I'll give in the future.

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