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Mailman: Justin, Tony

Horses: Harry, Antoni, Bella

Sister : Ling

Mother: Dorothy, joey

Clocks: Raymond, Isaac, Alex, Johnny, Ethan W.

Prince: George, Ethan C.

Cinderella: Lin Lin, Dora, Chloe

Mouse: Max, Nathan, Groot, Jimmy

Fairy God mother: Zoe, mika

Narrator: (Teacher)


Narrator: Cinderella lives with her mother and sister.

Mother: Cinderella, clean up the toys, Cinderella, work, work, work!

Narrator: She has a sister.

Sister: Hello! I am Cinderella’s sister

Narrator: One day they get a letter.

Mailman: Hello! You have a letter from the King!

Sister: What does it say?

Mailman: You are invited to a party!

Cinderella: yay! I love dancing!

Mother: Make me a pretty dress.

Cinderella: Okay! But….. I don’t have a dress.

Mother: Sorry, then you cannot go!

Narrator:   Cinderella is sad. Suddenly a Fairy Godmother appeared.

Fairy Godmother: I am your fairy godmother! Here is your dress!

Cinderella: Wow it’s beautiful!

Fairy Godmother: Now you need some horses! Hello mice!

Mice: Become a horse?

Fairy Godmother: Yes! Bippity boppity boo!

Mice: Change Change Change! Bippity boppity Boo!

Horse: Wow! I am a horse! Look how big I am!

Horse: Cinderella let’s go!

Fairy godmother:  You have to go home at twelve o´clock.  Don´t forget!

Narrator: Cinderella goes to the ball and sees the prince. 

Prince:  Hello! I am the prince, let’s dance!

Narrator:  Suddenly, the clock strikes 12!

Clocks:   One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

Cinderella:   I have to go!

Prince:  Wait!  Wait! What is your name? 

Narrator:  The next day the Prince goes to find princess Cinderella. 

Prince:   Is my friend here?

Stepmother:  Yes, I am your friend!

Prince:   the shoe is too small!

 Sister: Let me try!

Prince:   the shoe is too big!

Cinderella:  That shoe is mine.

Narrator: The shoe fits!

Prince: I found my friend!!


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