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Nama : Nurzaihan

NIM : 1915301037

Prodi : D4 kebidanan

Tanggal : 02 juni 2021

Tugas 4 : membuat contoh derivation

 I listening to MUSIC
 a MUSICAL instrument
 she is a MUSICIAN
 I have a NEW book
 They are celebrating jehan`s birthday on the next NEW MOON
 The NEWITY of it was clearly visible due to the shiney surface
 Congratulations on your NEW BORN baby
 Mana Ashida memenangkan penghargaan" best NEWCOMER " dari Blue
Ribbon Awards ke-54.
 The NEWNESS faded, and he changed suddenly
 OPEN the door,please!
 We're going out into the OPEN AIR
 I talked to you with an OPEN HEART, but I guess we're back to ground zero
 Many a person thinks he or she has an OPEN MIND, when it is merely
 You need attend the new caffe grand OPENING
 Android brings the OPENEESS that shaped the Internet to the mobile world.
 Doni CLIMB into the back of the truck.
 Doni is a CLIMBER
 Just because it comes from a green source doesn't mean we can TREAT it
with disregard on the plate.
 One is TREATMENT,the other one is prevention

Thank you sir 

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