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Gito : Assalamualaikum

2. Egi : Walaikumsalam

3. Gito : Good morning egi

4. Egi : Good morning to

5. Gito : How are you?

6. Egi : I fine, where haven you been?

7. Gito : I have been

8. Egi : How many age you?

9. Gito : My age fourteen years old and how age you?

10. Egi : My age fiveteen years old.

11. Gito: Where old man job

12. Egi : My old man job father the farmer, mother housewife, and where old man job you?

13. Gito : My old man job father the farmer ,mather housewife.

14. Egi : Where are you addres?

15.Gito : My addres on Jln. Jenderal Sudirman and you?

16.Egi: My addres jln. Jenderal Sudirman.

17. Gito : Where future goals you?

18. Egi: My future goals became a doktor and you?

19. Gito : My future a be futsal.

20. Egi: Thank you for every thing.

21. Gito: Ok,see you

22. Egi: see you again.

My name : Ridho Kurniawan

Date of bird : May 4, 2004

My address : Jl. Jenderal Sudirman

Hobby : Fotball

Future goals : Police

Fathers name : Karim

Mothers name : Itut

Fathers Occupation : Farmer

Mothers Occupation : Housewife

Number of siblings : 3 brothers

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