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What will happen if another pandemic will hit again in this world
and infect thousands of its inhabitants? Is it the end of human race?
Those questions often linger in my mind and eventually ask
myself-“are we ready?”.
After the Spanish flu pandemic have killed millions during the
1800s, it appears to me that we never learned from it and we burry
that tragedy together with those who have been infected and moved
on without making steps to avoid another one in the future. It appears
to me that we are too stubborn that we disregard those million lives
that were taken by these viruses and the government that should lead
the people take the issue with least priority and gamble the health of
its constituents just to advance their respective personal agendas.
Pandemic is considered by the World Health Organization as
an act of God or force major but it is not like the rain that we cannot
catch all of its individual drop and gather it into a single basin.
Pandemic can be contained where it originates, however, our
response is too lousy that it resulted to thousands of cases at once
and eventually becomes impossible for us to catch every case.

If the authorities have acted swiftly to contain the Covid-19 in

municipal level in China by cancelling all modes of transportation
going to and from that place where the virus originated, Covid-19
would never became a destructive virus to mankind. If we listened to
government advisories and take all necessary measures to prevent
the said virus, we perhaps already flattened the curve. But were just
too stubborn and we deserve the price of our own omissions.

There is no hard and fast rule in dealing a pandemic, but we

can prevent it to spread by following rules imposed by the authorities
and for the government to make institutions that is sufficient to create
a vaccine and quarantine facilities to contain it.

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