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Technology is an effective tool for me to better understand and comprehend the English

language. I remember the time when YouTube was first introduced to me, I was in my 5 th Grade back
then, and from that point on, watching YouTube videos had almost been part of my “daily routine.” And
as I went through my studies, my identity as an English language learner drastically improved with the
aid of these YouTube videos. As a digitally-oriented college student now, YouTube for me is either a
direct source of information or a source of guidance, when needed.

One benefit of watching YouTube videos is it enables me to become an autonomous learner, as I

actively use YouTube for learning outside of the classroom as well. The availability of online video
materials aids me especially for extra listening and note taking. This is the aspect of YouTube videos that
I like the most, because it appeals to a variety of learning styles, allowing me to work at my own pace
and to enhance my skills. Watching YouTube videos is beneficial in improving my English vocabulary
comprehension as well. By incorporating videos, I better understand and comprehend target
vocabularies. Presenting information in video format, which appeals to both the visual and auditory
senses, is a more effective method for me to accquire knowledge efficiently. The use of YouTube for
learning the structure of English and learning new vocabularies creates an appealing and engaging
learning environment, motivating me to learn faster, increasing my interest because it is appealing and
enjoyable. Because YouTube is a technology that deals with current popular culture, it provides
motivation to both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated students like me. I can also attest that the use
of YouTube videos in the classroom increases my engagement in the teaching and learning process. It is
true that we  students in particular, respond to video formats differently, resulting for us in becoming
more engaged in the learning process. I am  highly motivated to watch, read, write, discuss, interact, and
participate in various activities throughout the learning process when I use YouTube.

However, the virus also changed the way I YouTube. Jammed at home during the coronavirus
pandemic, I have been spending more of my learning sessions online, considering also that we have
shifted into online and modular learning since last year. I have been spending more of my time in front
of my laptop and mobile phone, watching YouTube videos at approximately 3-4 hours a day. As the
educational system has undergone significant transformations, with the rise of e-learning, I, as a college
student, continue to grapple with the educational fallout of this pandemic. As a result, I am  turning to
YouTube to learn by myself. I’ve been into daily live stream English lessons on Youtube from
experienced home educators, and I have been learning a lot since I started. It’s no secret that I still feel
so stressed and anxious about how will I manage to continue learning language effectively, but as
months go by, I have been gradually adapting to our current situation, and YouTube has been one of my
greatest learning buddies.

All in all, YouTube-enabled smart learning environment,  as a source for English language

learning with its numerous useful features, effectively drives a range of desired effects for the
optimization of my writing fluency, language use, and expression in my daily written communication as
an English language learner. Because YouTube videos are basically more adjustable, shareable, and
retainable, they have made my formal and informal learning experience more effective and interactive.

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