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The Folk Art Tradition

Images have long been used by artisans through the ages to express in the universal language of sym-
bols the various elements of life. Derived from the familiar world of plants and the heavens, the shapes
were easily recognized.

The circle, the shape of the sun and moon, symbolizes the constancy and continuity of life.
The triangle has been used by both pagans and Christians to represent the three-fold character of God
or goddess. It can be found in nature: specifically the trillium, a 3 petaled flower above 3 leaves, native
to North America and Asia. The trillium is said to symbolize purity and beauty. However you look at a
triangle, it's pretty special.
The heart is the universal symbol of love.
The teardrop honors life's sorrows or can be seen as a raindrop, both of which essential to life.
The flourish represents life's journey as one flourishes, grows and prospers. It reminds me of a climb-
ing vine that binds itself to it's surroundings for support.

These simple shapes can be duplicated, reflected, scaled,

rotated and combined with one another with infinite variety.
The learning process can also be illustrated geometrically, as presented by Chris Heath:


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