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Volume 21, Number X, 2020 Review Article

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/sur.2020.368

Topical Antimicrobial Agents for Burn Wound Care:

History and Current Status

Leopoldo C. Cancio
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Background: Infection is the leading cause of death after thermal injury. Optimal prevention and treatment of
burn wound infection is enabled by an in-depth understanding of burn wound treatment modalities not only
from a technical standpoint, but also from the standpoint of the clinical context in which these modalities were
originally developed.
Methods: A review of the historical literature on the topical antimicrobial care of burn wounds was performed.
Results: As our understanding of post-burn infection evolved, and as new products were developed for the
prevention of post-burn wound infection, major advances in post-burn survival occurred. Ultimately, improve-
ments in anesthetic, surgical, and critical care management have permitted early excision and grafting of the burn
wound, decreasing but not eliminating the importance of topical antimicrobial care, and shifting much of the
burden of wound infection prevention to the post-operative period.
Conclusions: The development of effective topical antimicrobial agents for wound care was, arguably, the
single most important advance in the care of the burn patient. Still, many gaps in our ability to treat complicated
burn wounds remain. Fungal infection is an unusual but daunting challenge. Patients with impaired wound
healing and those with advanced age or medical comorbidities may not benefit from early excision, and the
benefits of early excision may not be available in austere or remote locations. For these reasons, research on
optimal topical treatment continues.

Keywords: antibiotic agents; antimicrobial agents; burns; infection; mafenide; silver

A ccording to Basil A. Pruitt, Jr. (1930–2019), burns

should not be viewed as a unique phenomenon but rather
as the ‘‘universal trauma model’’ that exemplifies many of the
The modern history of topical antimicrobial wound treat-
ment begins with the English surgeon Joseph Lister (1827–
body’s responses to injury, inflammation, and infection [1].
1912), who recognized that micro-organisms, rather than
Indeed, the development of topical antimicrobial agents for
‘‘miasma,’’ were the cause of wound infection. In 1867 he
burn care is a microcosm of the larger campaign to understand
described ‘‘the antiseptic principle in the practice of surgery’’:
and treat surgical infections. The development by Pruitt and
colleagues of effective topical antimicrobial agents for the I the conclusion that the essential cause of sup-
prevention of invasive gram-negative burn wound infection puration in wounds is decomposition, brought about by the
was the single most important step in the history of burn care influence of the atmosphere upon blood or serum retained
and led to important and sustained improvements in post-burn within them, and, in the case of contused wounds, upon por-
mortality. This achievement was marked by the introduction to tions of tissue destroyed by the violence of the injury (.)
When it had been shown by the researches of Pasteur that the
the bedside of topical mafenide acetate cream (Sulfamylon,
septic property of the atmosphere depended not on the oxygen,
Mylan, Inc., Canonsburg, PA) in January 1964 [2]. This pivotal or any gaseous constituent, but on minute organisms sus-
event was grounded in years of integrated laboratory and pending in occurred to me that decomposition in the
clinical research and was followed by continued efforts to ad- injured part might be applying as a dressing
dress the ever-changing epidemiology of burn wound infection some material capable of destroying the life of the floating
[3]. These efforts are incomplete and continue to this day. particles [4].

U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, USA.


For this purpose, he selected carbolic acid (phenol), be- [14]. Carrel’s method was, however, subject to numerous
cause it was used in the town of Carlisle to reduce the stench pitfalls requiring precision in its implementation, and was
of sewage applied as a fertilizer to pasture land, with the logistically and technically demanding [15,16].
additional effect of preventing parasitic infections in the
cattle who grazed there [5]. Lister applied it topically to
Antimicrobial Agents
compound fractures and abscess cavities, he used it to cleanse
the instruments and the surgeon’s gloved hands, and he had The role of antisepsis in wound care began to be eclipsed
an assistant spray it into the air during surgery [6]. Lister during the inter-war years by the development of antibacterial
avoided the ignominious fate of his Hungarian predeces- drugs. Paul Ehrlich (1854–1915), the pioneering immunolo-
sor, Ignaz Semmelweis (1818–1865), in part because of the gist and biochemist, had discovered dyes that preferentially
contemporaneous work of Louis Pasteur (1822–1895), and in stained tissues such as axons in living organisms and other
part because of his travels to communicate his findings to dyes that identified the different categories of granulocytes
surgical audiences in Europe and America. Thus, for exam- (neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils). Perhaps the same
ple, Lister was able to convert Henry Bigelow (1818–1890), concept could be used to target micro-organisms? Methy-
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professor of surgery at Harvard University, from a skeptic lene blue was only somewhat effective against malaria, and
who referred to Lister as a practitioner of ‘‘medical hocus- trypan red against Trypanosoma equinum. Ehrlich et al.
pocus’’ [6] to a devoted proponent: [17] then turned to arsenicals, synthesizing and testing
approximately 1,000 compounds. Their compound 606,
But after two years’ experience, I have accepted the new arsphenamine (salvarsan), was found to be effective against
doctrine with most of its details. I have learned that.the duty Treponema pallidum in a rabbit model of syphilis, the first
of the surgeon is to act as if all the particles made visible by a
synthetic antibiotic.
sunbeam were noxious, falling like snow-flakes during every
operation and every dressing.His aim should be to destroy
Gerhard Domagk (1895–1964], a German pathologist
the actual intruders, and effectually to exclude their thronging and bacteriologist, built on Ehrlich’s work, exploring the
companions [7]. antibacterial properties of various dyes at IG Farbenindus-
trie. He noted that, ‘‘For coccal infections, there have been
Even so, it is worth noting that Lister in later life discarded no reasonable effective chemotherapeutants known.’’ He
the practice of spraying carbolic acid during surgery [8]. found that a red crystalline powder related to the azo dyes
The onset of World War I challenged surgeons with in- and synthesized by others in 1932, Prontosil (4¢-sulfanamid-
juries of unprecedented severity and number, caused by 2,4-diaminoazobenzene; Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany),
machine-gun fire and artillery shells during trench warfare. was curative when given subcutaneously or orally in a lethal
Massive wounds, contaminated field conditions, and delayed mouse model of intra-peritoneal streptococcal infection. (In-
evacuation led to a high rate of death from necrotizing terestingly, this drug was effective only in vivo but not
wound infections [9]. Under these circumstances, listerian in vitro; this is because it is what we now call a pro-drug and is
principles were questioned. Antiseptic solutions, applied to metabolized to sulfanilamide.) Also, Prontosil had differential
the surface of a wound, were incapable of eradicating in- efficacy against different organisms; it was effective against
fection from septic penetrating injuries. Rather, immunolo- Streptococcus, somewhat against Staphylococcus, and not at
gist Almroth Wright (1861–1947) argued that hypertonic all against Pneumococcus. He referred to this selectivity as
saline (5%) dressings should be applied to septic wounds in ‘‘elektive Wirkung’’ [18].
order to ‘‘attract water’’ from the depths of the wound, thus After performing murine studies of streptococcal perito-
producing an ‘‘outflowing current of water’’ and ‘‘drawing nitis similar to those done by Domagk [19], English physician
into the tissues from the blood stream lymph inimical to Leonard Colebrook (1883–1967), a student of Almroth
microbial growth.’’ Thus, his idea was to enhance the body’s Wright, conducted an uncontrolled clinical trial of Prontosil
own antimicrobial processes [10]. in puerperal sepsis in 1936. The use of Prontosil resulted in a
Meanwhile, French surgeon Alexis Carrel (1873–1944) and decrease in the death rate in this disease from 16.6%-31.6%
English chemist Henry Drysdale Dakin (1880–1952) devel- in previous years to 4.7% [20]. This stunning advance her-
oped a refinement of the antiseptic technique. Dakin tested a alded the beginning of the age of antibiotic agents.
number of chemicals, settling on 0.5% sodium hypochlorite Another inter-war development was growing interest in
solution, buffered with boric acid, as the agent of choice. He improving the care of thermal injuries, but application of the
described the antimicrobial properties of the solution and as- recent advances in microbiology and debridement was de-
serted that clinicians had found it non-irritating to tissues [11]. layed by competing theories on burn pathophysiology. The
Carrel tested the solution as one component of what we would toxemia theory held that the eschar released a toxin into the
nowadays call a ‘‘bundle’’ of care, which included a three- circulation. The identity and effects of this toxin were ill-
week training program for physicians and nurses, wide incision defined, which did not deter Davidson [21] from writing in
and debridement of wounds, implantation of tubes into the 1925 that the concept was ‘‘most strongly supported.’’ Al-
wound to permit the instillation of the solution, frequent though some authors described the ‘‘early and complete re-
(every two to four hours) infusion of the solution, bacterio- moval of the burned tissue,’’ Davidson [21] proposed the use
logic analysis of wound contents, and delayed wound closure of tannic acid to precipitate proteins and other ‘‘poisonous
to correspond with resolution of infection [12,13]. Devel- materials’’ in the burn wound. This became a standard first
opment, documentation, and popularization of the method aid treatment for burns through the middle of World War II.
was accelerated by Carrel’s relationship with leading Bel- On the other hand, Aldrich claimed that tannic acid merely
gian surgeon Antoine Depage, at whose hospital at Com- delayed the onset of infection [22]. He, and others, performed
piègne Carrel oversaw an 80-bed ‘‘experimental clinic’’ bacteriologic studies of burn wounds, demonstrating that

wound cultures became positive for streptococci beginning at

approximately the eighteenth hour post-burn [23,24]. Aldrich
[22] used a dye-based topical antimicrobial, gentian violet, to
prevent streptococcal infection. Later, he added acriviolet
and brilliant green to address gram-negative bacteria, thus
constituting ‘‘triple dye’’ therapy. He concluded ‘‘that the
conception of a burn as an infected surgical lesion is correct,
and that it is infection rather than the absorption of a split
protein which causes death’’ [23].
When the United Kingdom began experiencing large
numbers of burned aviators during the Battle of Britain in
1940, Archibald McIndoe assumed the care of these casual-
ties at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead [25].
Among his numerous contributions to the nascent field of
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burns was condemnation of tannic acid treatment. Not only

did it fail to prevent infection, but also ‘‘the hard inelastic
crust’’ led to ‘‘totally crippled hands and severe facial de-
formities with loss of vision’’ [26].
During 1940–1941, the U.S. government stood up two
organizations to support medical preparations for war: the
Advisory Committees to the Surgeon Generals of the Na-
tional Research Council (NRC) and the Committee on
Medical Research. The NRC’s Subcommittee on Surgical
Infections funded eight U.S. civilian hospitals to establish
wound study units. The original project called for a multi-
center controlled study of sulfa drugs for the prevention of
infection in burn and non-burn wounds. These plans changed
after the attack on Pearl Harbor of December 1941 [27]. FIG. 1. Use of a Flit gun to apply a topical agent to a burn
Approximately 60% of the more than 500 casualties at the patient following the attack at Pearl Harbor, 1941. (Source:
naval hospital had burns, and their treatment varied widely. Getty Images.)
Despite McIndoe’s rejection of tannic acid, it was liberally
used there. For example, Flit guns (normally used to deliver
insecticide) were used to spray tannic acid onto wounds in vivo studies of efficacy in murine models, and clinical use
(Fig. 1). Gentian violet or triple dye, with or without silver in a handful of patients [33]. With this evidence in hand,
nitrate, was also used. In some cases, sulfanilamide powder Florey traveled to the United States in 1941 to gain support
was mixed in with these substances. Sulfa drugs were also for mass production and clinical trials. One such clinical
given orally if infection was suspected [28]. study was ready to go under the leadership of Champ Lyons
I.S. Ravdin and Perrin H. Long visited Pearl Harbor after at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) at the time
the attack to report back to the NRC on the medical response. of the Cocoanut Grove Nightclub fire in November 1942
They derived an overly optimistic impression of the ‘‘in- [30,34]. Topical treatment of these patients at the MGH
calculable value of sulfonamide therapy,’’ both oral and consisted of boric ointment strips and sterile gauze under a
topical [29]. As a result, they recommended that, ‘‘You pressure dressing. Intravenous sulfadiazine was given pro-
cannot withhold from these patients the benefit of the sul- phylactically, and penicillin as a treatment to 13 patients with
fonamide drugs,’’ and the use of the controls in the eight- clinical signs of infection, albeit at doses subsequently rec-
center civilian study became optional. The results of that ognized as subtherapeutic [34].
study ultimately were less sanguine and found no clear ad- As penicillin production ramped up, it was first studied in
vantage to sulfa drugs. Referring to staphylococci and gram- U.S. combat casualties by Lyons (now an active duty Army
negative organisms in the burn wounds, Frank Meleney officer) at Bushnell General Hospital, Brigham City, Utah,
concluded: ‘‘Something must be sought which will be ef- and then at Halloran General Hospital, Staten Island, New
fective at halting the growth of these organisms in the York [35]. It was then distributed to British and U.S. hos-
presence of the dead and damaged tissue of burns’’ [27]. pitals in the Mediterranean theater. Lyons reported from
Furthermore, the wound study units found that ‘‘tanned that theater in 1944 that the proper role of antibiotic agents
burns showed a high incidence of infection,’’ leading to a was as an adjunct to, not as a substitute for, surgical man-
recommendation in October 1942 that procurement of tannic agement. Furthermore, he rejected the listerian concept
acid be discontinued [30]. of topical antisepsis: ‘‘Experience in wound management
The limitations of tannic acid and of sulfa drugs gave justifies the abandonment of local use of any chemical agent
impetus to the development of penicillin. Alexander Fleming in a wound’’ [36]. Despite that caveat, the extraordinary
discovered penicillin in 1929, tested it in vitro, and suggested collaboration among military, commercial, academic, and
that it could serve as an ‘‘efficient antiseptic’’ when applied government entities that delivered this new drug to the
topically onto or injected into infected wounds [31]. Eleven battlefield is certainly one of the most important achieve-
years later, the Oxford team of Chain and Florey [32] and ments of the war, and prepared the way for further post-war
others succeeded in producing enough penicillin to permit antibiotic development [37].

Topical Antimicrobial Agents widely in 1943, mainly in order to prevent gas gangrene [49].
The exposure method
Mendelson and Lindsay [50] demonstrated its efficacy when
applied topically (by spray) in a goat model of undebrided blast
In January 1947, Edwin Pulaski moved from the Halloran injury complicated by a (naturally occurring) Clostridium
General Hospital (where early clinical studies of penicillin perfringens infection and related these findings to the SRU
had been conducted during World War II) to Brooke General group. At the SRU, Robert Lindberg and Arthur D. Mason, Jr.
Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, to establish a new sur- (1928–2013) applied Sulfamylon in the form of a cream in the
gical research unit (SRU; later the U.S. Army Institute of rat burn wound infection model. When applied either imme-
Surgical Research [ISR]). This unit’s mission was ‘‘evalua- diately or at 24 hours post-burn, the treatment produced a 100%
tion and interpretation of new antibiotics, chemotherapeutic survival rate. Even as late as 72 hours post-burn, there was a
agents and surgical technics’’ [38]. Patients admitted to this mortality effect [44]. This dramatic finding motivated imme-
unit included not only those with burns, but also those with a diate translation to burn patients in January 1964 (Fig. 2) [2].
variety of infected wounds. After 1949, the unit focused in- The results were similarly dramatic: a reduction in burn wound
creasingly on burns in anticipation of possible nuclear war. sepsis as the cause of death from 59% (during 1962–1963) to
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Pulaski traveled to Birmingham, United Kingdom, to learn 10% (during 1964–1966) [2].
about topical treatment with penicillin cream from Colebrook, Despite its structural similarity to sulfanilamide, mafe-
but ultimately adopted the ‘‘exposure method’’ from A.B. nide’s mechanism of action is different. Unlike sulfa drugs,
Wallace at Edinburgh, who claimed that allowing burns to dry mafenide does not act on bacteria to inhibit the folate pre-
out prevented infection and enhanced healing [39–42]. Results cursor, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). Furthermore,
of the exposure technique at the SRU were less encouraging. PABA does not inactivate mafenide, which is important be-
Careful documentation of clinical and microbiologic data in cause PABA may be present in large quantities in wounds.
burn patients at the SRU showed that during 1953–1963, there Unlike silver preparations, it readily diffuses through the
was a continued high prevalence of bacteremia as the cause of avascular eschar, or through avascular tissues such as carti-
death, and a gradual shift in the causative organism from Sta- lage [51]. The latter property makes it ideal for prevention of
phylococcus aureus to Pseudomonas. Control of Staphylo- chondritis in patients with ear burns. On the other hand, this
coccus aureus was attributed to the successful use of penicillin means that it needs to be re-applied twice daily to maintain an
derivatives. On the other hand, intravenous antibiotic agents effective concentration in the wound [51]. Once absorbed
were ineffective at controlling Pseudomonas wound infection systemically, it is metabolized rapidly to an inactive metab-
or bacteremia. Furthermore, 90% of ‘‘burn wound sepsis’’ olite, p-carboxybenzenesulphonamide, a compound with
cases in 1963 had burn wound cultures positive for large no antibacterial activity [52]. However, this metabolite is a
amounts of Pseudomonas. carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. Thus, some patients with ex-
Two divergent approaches were proposed to address this tensive burns receiving twice-daily Sulfamylon cream treat-
problem. On the one hand, SRU surgeons noted that half of ment may develop metabolic acidosis and compensatory
septicemic patients during 1950–1954 had been treated with respiratory alkalosis [53].
the exposure method, and half with occlusive dressings.
Thus, the method of topical treatment did not seem to mat- Silver compounds and dressings
ter—particularly in larger burns. This ‘‘focuses attention on
the need for wound closure at the earliest possible time.’’ But While SRU researchers were evaluating mafenide in the
the ‘‘heroic’’ decision to ‘‘excise eschars boldly in stages early 1960s, Carl Moyer and colleagues performed studies of
during the immediate post-burn period is difficult to make.’’ silver nitrate (AgNO3) aqueous solution for topical burn
On the other hand, they developed a model of invasive wound treatment. Silver nitrate had been used at concen-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa burn wound infection in rats, in trations of 5%–10% as a tanning agent and had been
which they proved the wound origin of fatal post-burn sep-
ticemia [43]. The failure of systemic antibiotics to prevent or
treat these infections was explained by the avascular nature of
the eschar [44].

An answer to this problem was suggested by Janice Men-
delson, an Army surgeon doing research on blast injury in
goats. Fortuitously, a supply of mafenide hydrochloride (Sul-
famylon or marfanil; p-aminomethylbenzenesulfonamide)
seized from the Germans during World War II was discovered
in an Army warehouse in Maryland [45]. This antibiotic had
been synthesized in the United States but abandoned because of
a report of low efficacy against streptococci [46]. (The murine
model used to test efficacy was intra-peritoneal injection of
Streptococcus pyogenes, followed by oral treatment [47].)
However, it was shown to have better activity against Clos- FIG. 2. Col. John Moncrief watches Maj. Basil A. Pruitt,
tridium perfringens [48]; the Germans issued it to their troops Jr. apply Sulfamylon burn cream to a patient, 1969. (Source:
for topical and oral use on the Eastern Front in 1941, and more U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research.)

discarded. Here, however, a 0.5% solution was used. This The mechanism of action of silver is ‘‘oligodynamic,’’
was based on personal experience by one of the authors with meaning that small amounts (parts per million) of silver are
this solution in the treatment of problem wounds such as required for efficacy. Elemental silver is biologically inert;
necrotizing fasciitis. They observed that a 0.5% solution, but only the cation (Ag+) is antimicrobial. Proposed mechanisms
not a 1% solution, was safe from the standpoint of not im- of action include: (1) blocking the microbial electron transport
peding epithelialization. They presented a case series, dem- chain; (2) rupturing the cell membrane or wall; (3) binding to
onstrating a reduction in wound colonization with pathogens and damaging bacterial DNA (vulnerable because of its lo-
like Pseudomonoas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. cation in the cytoplasm); and (4) destroying the cell by silver
The primary indication of efficacy was a reduction in mor- free radicals. Antimicrobial resistance to silver is uncommon,
tality, from a predicted 41% to an observed 14% [54]. thus, the mechanism of action is likely multifactorial, such
Moyer et al. [54] emphasized the importance of using a that evolution of multiple resistance strategies would be re-
thick gauze dressing and of keeping the dressing moist con- quired. A disadvantage of silver therapy is the fact that silver
tinuously. That is, as the water evaporates from the dressing, cations can be precipitated on the wound surface by anions
the concentration of AgNO3 remaining at the wound surface such as chloride. This means that the effective concentration
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was thought to increase past the safe level. The cause of death in vivo is many times higher than that in aqueous solutions. It
while receiving AgNO3 was related to electrolyte abnor- also means that silver, unlike mafenide, does not penetrate
malities. As a hypotonic solution, silver nitrate ‘‘leeches’’ deeply into a wound. Systemic silver toxicity (argyria) is
electrolytes across the wound surface. This can cause life- extremely rare in burn care [65]. An advantage of silver over
threatening levels of hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hy- mafenide is that the former has some antifungal activity,
pocalcemia, mandating frequent laboratory determinations particularly against yeasts, whereas the latter has none.
(at least every six hours). Also, use of this solution can cause
hypothermia caused by evaporation [54]. The primary limi-
tation of AgNO3 is its inability, unlike mafenide, to penetrate
the eschar. However, this limitation does not apply in the In 1977, Monafo, who with Moyer had described the use of
treatment of superficial injuries, or of non-burn desquamating silver nitrate, treated patients with a combination of cerium
skin diseases such as toxic epidermal necrolysis syndrome; nitrate and SSD. Cerium is a rare-earth metal of low toxicity.
the latter is the primary indication for its use at the U.S. Army Monafo originally stated that cerium is an antimicrobial, al-
Burn Center at this time. though subsequent studies have not substantiated that claim
The technical challenges associated with the use of silver [66]. Rather, cerium nitrate results in a firm eschar that pro-
nitrate led Fox to develop silver sulfadiazine (SSD), a com- tects against bacterial ingress [67]. The eschar is tightly ad-
plex of silver nitrate and the antibiotic sulfadiazine. When herent without a tendency to spontaneously separate from the
mixed with chloride-containing fluids on the surface of a burn burn wound for at least six weeks [68,69]. Cerium also ap-
wound, this complex releases the silver cation. In scalded pears to exert a beneficial effect on host immune function. In
mice with otherwise lethal Pseudomonas aeruginosa wound animal studies, cerium nitrate treatments decrease local and
infections, SSD appeared to reduce mortality compared to systemic inflammation [70,71], limit burn wound progression
both silver nitrate and mafenide [55]. The primary mechanism [72], and restore the helper-to-suppressor T-cell ratio [73,74].
of action of SSD relates to the silver, rather than to the sul- Moreover, cerium nitrate plus silver sulfadiazine treatment—
fadiazine. In contrast to silver nitrate solution, release of silver but not mafenide, silver nitrate, or silver sulfadiazine alone—
from the silver sulfadiazine complex is slow and steady [56]. mitigates cell-mediated immunity suppression in a mouse
Sometimes, SSD is associated with leukopenia, which re- model [75].
solves within a few days despite continuation of therapy [57]. It is not clear why cerium nitrate has these immune benefits.
The first silver textiles used as dressings in the modern era Martin Allgöwer (1917–2007), a Swiss surgeon best known as
were made from nylon and were originally intended to serve the co-inventor of the AO system for internal fixation of frac-
as flexible electric shields or radar reflectors [58]. Deitch et al. tures, proposed (in a manner reminiscent of the toxemia theory),
[59] demonstrated in vitro efficacy of silver nylon against that burn wounds release lipid-protein complexes (‘‘pernicious
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stapylococcus aureus, and Can- effectors’’) that cause immunosuppression and systemic illness.
dida albicans. Chu and McManus [58] at the ISR embarked Allgöwer and colleagues stated that cerium nitrate binds to these
on a multiyear study of silver nylon dressings in rat models. complexes and mitigates these effects. Other authors demon-
Interestingly, they demonstrated greater efficacy when the strated superficial connective tissue calcification [69], which
dressing was connected, as an anode, to a weak direct current may result from cerium displacing calcium from pyrophosphate
source, causing increased release of silver cations onto the to allow calcium to deposit, analogous to the pyrophosphate-
wound. Under these conditions, silver nylon was as effective calcium interaction within cancellous or cortical bone [67].
as SSD [60]. Today, silver nylon is used extensively in burn At the ISR, Kai Leung and colleagues have shown in the
care, especially in superficial burns and in clean, deeper burns Walker-Mason full-thickness scald-burn model that cerium
of limited extent [61]. A variety of other silver dressings have nitrate solution (40 mM) treatment, as compared to a control
been developed, to include those made with nanocrystalline solution, reduces circulating levels of pro-inflammatory
silver (Acticoat, Smith+Nephew, Fort Worth, TX) [62], soft damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) such as
silicone combined with foam (Mepilex Ag, Molnlycke, high-mobility group box protein 1 (HMGB1), hyaluronan,
Gothenburg, Sweden) [63], moisture-retentive spun fibers of and xanthine oxidase (XDH) on post-burn day one. On post-
sodium carboxymethyl-cellulose (Aquacel Ag, ConvaTec, burn day seven, circulating DAMP levels were on average
Oklahoma City, OK) [64], and ceramic silver (Milliken As- halved by cerium nitrate treatment, as were levels of cytokines
sist, Milliken, Spartanburg, SC). interleukin (IL)-1b and IL-10 and chemokines GRO-KC and

MIP-1a in wound tissue [70]. At present, cerium nitrate with cloacae appeared, and sepsis became more common [82]. In
SSD is available in several countries as Flammacerium (Derma 1973, SSD was introduced, and improved control of sepsis
UK Limited, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), and has received and mortality were gradually achieved. Briefly, SSD was
orphan drug status in the United States (it is not yet Food and used as the sole antimicrobial agent; later, it was alternated
Drug Administration-approved). every 12 hours with mafenide (a practice called alternating
agents). Throughout this period, typical burn treatment was
Honey as follows. Daily hydrotherapy and topical antimicrobial care
were performed until the burns either healed or the eschar
Recently, there has been growing interest in the antimicrobial separated. Then, cadaver allografts were applied, and finally
properties of honey. Honey has been used since ancient times as autografting was performed. Starting in 1978 and following
a topical antimicrobial and has been proposed as an alterna- the pioneering work on the tangential excision by Janzekovic
tive under austere or battlefield conditions [76]. Medical-grade [83], excision of extensive burns was introduced. A new burn
honey is now available throughout the world. The mechanism of unit was built, and better isolation procedures were instituted
action of honey as an antimicrobial is multifactorial. Honey is in 1983 [84], resulting in further improvements in mortality.
hyperosmolar and has a low pH. Most honeys, because of the
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The role and relative importance of topical antimicrobial

action of glucose oxidase, produce hydrogen peroxide when agents in burn care has since evolved. Today, patients
diluted with water. Some honeys contain specific antibacterial with smaller burns are readily treated with silver dressings
agents. For example, manuka honey (from the flowers of the or with synthetic bilaminar skin substitutes (Biobrane,
Leptospermum tree of New Zealand) contains methylglyoxal, an Smith+Nephew; Permeaderm, Milliken). The latter have
alpha-oxoaldehyde that reacts with DNA, RNA, and proteins. been shown to hasten healing in comparison with SSD [85].
This variety of honey has a broad range of antibacterial activity, Total-body excision of patients with large burns is com-
low mammalian toxicity [77], and (to date) low likelihood of pleted as soon as possible from a physiological standpoint,
inducing resistance [78]. Honey also shows promise as an an- often within days of injury [86]. Usually, these wounds are
tifungal agent [79]. A recent Cochrane Review found that the immediately closed with autograft, or where insufficient donor
studies of honey for burns treatment are of low or very low sites are available, a combination of widely meshed autograft
quality. The studies are also difficult to interpret because the covered with an allograft overlay. Under these conditions,
comparator treatment is often one that is not widely used [80]. topical antimicrobial treatment is a temporizing intervention.
Despite the limitations of these studies, we now commonly use The major problem becomes the care of the post-operative
medical honey and honey dressings, particularly in the care of wound while it heals, and the prevention or early detection and
problem wounds. treatment of post-operative infections. In this regard, fungal
wound infections remain a particular menace which indepen-
Clinical Experience and Conclusions dently increase post-burn mortality [87], and for which no
A review of burn patient data from 1950–1999 permitted good preventative measures exist.
analysis of the effects of topical mafenide and SSD on sur- On the other hand, some patients are not candidates for
vival at the ISR Burn Center (Fig. 3) [81]. The introduction of early excision and grafting. These include those with con-
mafenide into burn care in 1964 resulted in a decrease in age- comitant medical diseases or advanced age. Other patients
and burn-size-adjusted mortality risk. This was followed by may live in countries where modern surgical techniques are
an increase in mortality in the latter half of the 1960s, as not readily available. In a mass-casualty or military setting,
resistant strains of Providencia stuartii and Enterobacter rapid excision may be logistically impossible. In the military
setting, we continue to recommend the use of alternating
agents (mafenide and SSD) for the treatment of unexcised
wounds [88]. Furthermore, Flammacerium or other cerium-
based treatments may be applicable as well. In conclusion,
effective management of the burn wound, to include pre-
vention of infection and successful wound closure, remain
the keys to survival in burn patients [89].

The author gratefully thanks Mr. Glen E. Gueller, Records
and Knowledge Manager (retired), and Ms. Susan Reyna,
Library Assistant, both of the Information Management Di-
vision, U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research.

Funding Information
The author reports no funding for this work.

Author Disclosure Statement

FIG. 3. Age- and burn-size adjusted log-odds of mortality The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private
following thermal injury at the U.S. Army Institute of Sur- views of the author, and are not to be construed as official or
gical Research (U.S. Army Burn Center), 1950–1999 as reflecting the views of the Department of the Army or the
(Source Reference [81].) Department of Defense.

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