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Others will be added as soon as I discover them...

Coral Reefs
1. Describe the value of coral reefs to Caribbean Society and Culture
2. Examine the factors which have caused coral reefs in the Caribbean to be threatened
with extinction. Include examples in your responses.
3. Examine THREE measures that Caribbean countries can implement to minimise the
danger posed to coral reefs in the region.

Associations related to integration in the Caribbean

1. Discuss the view that a major challenge to the integration movement in the Caribbean is the wide
disparity in levels of development among member countries of CARICOM.
2. Discuss the extent to which the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), in its present form, is capable
of responding to the economic challenges of globalization.
3. A major challenge to the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) is the differences in
levels of development among member states. Using THREE points, discuss the extent to which
you agree with this statement.

Impact of Societal institutions on Caribbean People- Religion: African, Asian, European-derived,


Contributions of sports to Caribbean Development

1. Discuss FOUR challenges faced by Caribbean governments in their efforts to use sports to
facilitate development.
2. “Sports have made a major contribution in the Caribbean”. To what extent do you agree with this
3. To what extent do sports in the Caribbean provide educational opportunities for Caribbean people
as well as a people as a route to Caribbean nationalism?
4. It is a common complaint of sportsmen and sportswomen in the Caribbean that they cannot
achieve the full professional status that they seek in their various sporting disciplines. Suggest
THREE factors that prevent such individuals from becoming fully professional.

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